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eichengreen, barry.
eichengreen, barry.
Dernière mise à jour : 2013-02-19
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
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as quoted in eichengreen (2001).
as quoted in eichengreen (2001).
Dernière mise à jour : 2013-02-19
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
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rumkowski sexually abused luciiie eichengreen for several months.
تحرش "رمكوفسكى" جنسيّاً بـ "لوسيل آيشنجرين" لعدة شهور
Dernière mise à jour : 2016-10-27
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
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Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent
see chapter 10 of eichengreen b and hausmann r (2005).
انظرchapter 10 of eichengreen b and hausmann r (2005).
Dernière mise à jour : 2013-02-19
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :
"*barry eichengreen (2002), "financial crises: and what to do about them".
"* barry eichengreen (2002), "financial crises: and what to do about them".
24 see barry eichengreen and richard portes, “managing the next mexico”, in peter b. kenen et al., op. cit.
)٢٤( انظر "managing the new mexico " بقلم barry eichengreen و richard portes، منشورات b. keren er al، المرجع المذكور.
as barry eichengreen and jeffrey sachs demonstrated in 1984, while abandoning the gold standard had an immediate negative impact, it quickly spurred recovery, with the first countries to devalue their currencies escaping depression earlier than others.
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but then, remember eichengreen's question above of how to prioritize between meeting the urgent needs of poverty reduction now and investing in the longer-term development of the global financial system.
ولكن لنتذكر سؤال آيكينغرين أعلاه عن كيفية ترتيب الأولويات بين الوفاء الآن بالمتطلبات العاجلة فيما يتعلق بالحد من الفقر، والاستثمار في تنمية النظام المالي العالمي على المدى الطويل.
eichengreen traces our tepid response to the crisis to the triumph of monetarist economists, the disciples of milton friedman, over their keynesian and minskyite peers – at least when it comes to interpretations of the causes and consequences of the great depression.
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for example, while all parties agree on the importance of financial regulation and supervision, some question whether the codes and standards proposed "are suited to the circumstances of the countries to which they apply " (eichengreen 2001, pp. 8-9) and "what incentives are there for countries to take ownership " (eichengreen 2001, p. 12).
فمثلا بينما تتفق جميع الأطراف على أهمية التنظيم والرقابة الماليين، يتساءل البعض عما إذا كانت المدونات والمعايير المقترحة "تلائم ظروف البلدان التي تطبق عليها " (eichengreen 2001, pp 8-9) وعن "الحوافز التي تشجع البلدان على تبنيها " (eichengreen 2001, p12).