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hoofd economische studiedienst


chef for afdelingen for økonomisk analyse

Dernière mise à jour : 2017-04-06
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- (hoofd) productschappen (tuotelautakunnat)


- (hoofd) productschappen - (varuförbund)

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-12-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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(hoofd) productschappen — (commodity boards)


(hoofd) productschappen — (branceforeninger)

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-11-04
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
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- (hoofd) productschappen - (tarbekaupade ametid)


- (hoofd) productschappen - (varuförbund)

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-11-04
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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- (hoofd) productschappen - (patēriņa preču pārvaldes)


- (hoofd) productschappen - (varuförbund)

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-12-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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kees kuiper hoofd van het agentschap voor de registratie van diergeneesmiddelen bureau registratie diergeneesmiddelen postbus 289 6700 ag wageningen nederland tel.


(47-22) 89 77 00 fax (47-22) 89 77 99 e-mail: gro. wesenberg@ noma. no internet: http: //www. legemiddelverket. no http: //www. noma. nokees kuiper hoofd van het agentschap voor de registratie van diergeneesmiddelen bureau registratie diergeneesmiddelen postbus 289 6700 ag wageningen nederland tlf.

Dernière mise à jour : 2008-03-04
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kees kuiper hoofd van het agentschap voor de registratie van diergeneesmiddelen bureau registratie diergeneesmiddelen (brd) postbus 289 6700 ag wageningen nederland tel:


hoofd van het agentschap voor de registratie van diergeneesmiddelen bureau registratie diergeneesmiddelen (brd) postbus 289 6700 ag wageningen nederland tel:

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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belgique/belgÏe andré pauwels conseiller général/generaal adviseur ministère des affaires sociales, de la santé publique et de l'environnement inspection générale de la pharmacie ministerie van sociale zaken, volksgezondheid en leefmilieu algemeine farmaceutische inspektie boulevard bisschoffsheim/bisschoffsheimlaan, 33 b ­ 1000 bruxelles/brussel tel.(32-2) 227 55 67 fax (32-2) 227 55 55/56 39 e-mail: andre. pauwels@afigp. fgov. be internet: http://www. afigp. fogv. bedanmark jytte lyngvig direktør lægemiddelstyrelsen frederikssundsvej 378 dk ­ 2700 brønshøj tel.(45) 44 88 93 34 fax (45) 44 88 91 09 e-mail: jyl@dkma. dk internet: http://www. dkma. dkdeutschland reinhard kroker harald schweim leiter des fachbereiches direktor ` tierarzneimittelzulassung bfarm und -rückstandskontrolle, futterzusatzstoffe'friedrich-ebert-allee 38 bgvv d ­ 53113 bonn diedersdorfer weg, 1 tel.(49-22) 82 07 32 03 d ­ 12277 berlin fax (49-30) 87 07 55 14 tel.(49-30) 84 12 23 64 e-mail: schweim@bfarm. de fax (49-30) 84 12 29 65 internet: http://www. bfarm. de e-mail: r. kroker@bgvv. de internet: http://www. bgvv. de johannes lÖwer kommissarische leiter paul-ehrlich institut paul-ehrlich straße 51-59 d ­ 63225 langen tel.(49-6103) 77 20 01 fax (49-6103) 77 12 52 e-mail: loejo@pei. de internet: http://www. pei. de69 emea general report 2000e/greece marios marselos president national organization for medicines mesogion 284 gr ­ 155 62 holargos athens tel.(30-1) 650 72 10 fax (30-1) 654 95 86 e-mail: hmoutsop@eof. grespaÑa maría victoria de la cuesta garcia directora agencia española del medicamento ministerio de sanidad y consumo c/huertas 75 e ­ 28014 madrid tel.(34-91) 596 16 27 fax (34-91) 596 16 15 e-mail: sdaem@agamed. es internet: http://www. agamed. esfrance70luxembourgphilippe duneton directeur-général agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé 143-147, blvd anatole france f -93200 saint-denis cedex tel.(33-1) 55 87 30 14 fax (33-1) 55 87 30 12 e-mail: philippe. duneton@afssaps. sante. fr internet: http://agmed. sante. gouv. frireland frank hallinan chief executive officer irish medicines board the earlsfort centre earlsfort terrace dublin 2 tel.(353-1) 676 49 71 fax (353-1) 676 78 36 e-mail: frank. hallinan@imb. ie internet: http://www. imb. ieitalia nello martini direttore generale del dipartimento per valutazione dei medicinale e la farmacovigilanza ministero della sanità viale civilità romana 7 i -00144 roma tel.(39-6) 59 94 36 66 fax (39-6) 59 94 34 56 e-mail: farmaci. sanita@interbusiness. it internet: http://www. sanita. it/farmacimartin hirsch directeur-général agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments 23, avenue du général de gaulle b. p.19 f ­ 94701 maisons alfort cedex tel.(33-1) 49 77 13 99/26 54 fax (33-1) 49 77 26 26 e-mail: m. hirsch@dg. afssa. fr internet: http://www. afssa. frseamus healy assistant secretary department of agriculture, food and forestry agriculture house kildare street dublin 2 tel.(353-1) 607 24 34 fax (353-1) 676 29 89 e-mail: seamus. healy@daff. irlgov. ieromano marabelli direttore generale del dipartimento degli alimenti e nutrizione e della sanità pubblica veterinaria ministero della sanità piazzale marconi 25 i -00144 roma tel.(39-6) 59 94 39 45 fax (39-6) 59 94 31 90 e-mail: danspv@izs. itemea general report 2000mariette backes-lies pharmacien-inspecteur chef de division directeur de la santé division de la pharmacie et des médicaments villa louvigny ­ 1er étage l ­ 2120 luxembourg tel.(352) 478 55 90 fax (352) 26 20 01 47 e-mail: dpmlux@pt. lunederland kees kuiper andré broekmans hoofd van het agentschap voor directeur de registratie van diergeneesmiddelen college ter beoordeling van geneesmiddelen bureau registratie ministerie van v. w. s.diergeneesmiddelen kalvermarkt 53 postbus 289 postbus 16229 6700 ag wageningen 2500 be den haag nederland nederland tel.(31-31) 747 54 91 tel.(31-70) 356 74 50 fax (31-31) 742 31 93 fax (31-70) 356 75 15 e-mail: brd@brd. agro. nl e-mail: aw. broekmans@cbg. meb. nl internet: http://www. cbg-meb. nlÖsterreich alexander jentzsch gunter liebeswar ministerialrat sektionschef gesundheitswesen leiter der gruppe für bundesministerium für soziale, pharmazeutische angelegenheiten sicherheit und generationen bundesministerium für soziales, radetzkystraße 2 sicherheit und generationen a -1030 wien radetzkystraße 2 tel.(43-1) 711 00 47 17 a -1030 wien fax (43-1) 713 86 14 tel.(43-1) 711 00 46 73 e-mail: gunter. liebeswar@bmsg. gv. at fax (43-1) 714 92 22 e-mail: alexander. jentzsch@bmsg. gv. atportugal rui marques leitÃo miguel andrade director geral presidente direcçao geral de veterinária conselho de administraçao lg academia nacional de belas infarmed artes 2 parque saúde de lisboa, p -1294 lisboa av. do brasil, 53 tel.(351) 213 23 95 66 p -1749-004 lisboa fax (351) 213 46 35 18 tel.(351) 217 98 71 16 e-mail: rleitao@dgv. min-agricultura. pt fax (351) 217 98 71 20/24 e-mail: miguel. andrade@infarmed. pt internet: http://www. infarmed. pt71 emea general report 2000suomi/finland hannes wahlroos ylijohtaja lääkelaitos läkemedelsverket mannerheimintie 166 p. o.box 55 fin -00301 helsinki tel.(358-9) 47 33 42 00 fax (358-9) 47 33 43 45 e-mail: hannes. wahlroos@nam. fi internet: http://www. nam. fisverige gunnar alvÁn generaldirektör läkemedelsverket husargatan 8, box 26 s -751 03 uppsala tel.(46-18) 17 46 00 fax (46-18) 54 85 66 e-mail: gunnar. alvan@mpa. se internet: http://www. mpa. seunited kingdom michael rutter keith jones director and chief executive director and chief executive officer veterinary medicines directorate medicines control agency woodham lane market towers, room 1629 new haw, addlestone 1, nine elms lane surrey, kt15 3nb london, sw8 5nq united kingdom united kingdom tel.(44-1932) 33 69 11 tel.(44-20) 72 73 01 00 fax (44-1932) 33 66 18 fax (44-20) 72 73 05 48 e-mail: m. rutter@vmd. maff. gov. uk e-mail: keith. jones@mca. gov. uk internet: http://www. open. gov. uk/vmd internet: http://www. open. gov. uk/mcaobservers:norge/noreg Ísland gro ramsten wesenberg rannveig gunnarsdÓttir director-general chief executive director statens legemiddelkontroll icelandic medicines control agency sven oftedals vei 6 eidistorg 13 -15 n -0950 oslo is -170 seltjarnarnes tel.(47-22) 89 77 00 tel.(354) 520 21 00 fax (47-22) 89 77 99 fax (354) 561 21 70 e-mail: gro. wesenberg@slk. no e-mail: rannveig. gunnarsdottir@ lyfjanefnd. is internet: http://www. slk. no internet: http://www. lyfjanefnd. isliechtenstein brigitte batliner amt für lebensmittelkontrolle und veterinärwesen kontrollstelle für arzneimittel postplatz 2 fl ­ 9494 schaan tel.(423) 236 73 25 fax (423) 236 73 10 e-mail: brigitte. batliner@alk. llv. li72 emea general report 2000annex 8:cpmp opinions in 2000 on medicinal products for human useproduct -brandname -inn -part a/bcompany -name -origintherapeutic area -atc -indicationpresentation -form -dosage -number of presentationsemea/cpmp -validation -opinion -active time -clock stopcommission -opinion received -date of decision -notification -official journal-orgalutran-n. v.organon -h01cc01-orgalutran -n. v.organon -h01cc01 -solution for injection --orgalutran -n. v.organon -h01cc01 -solution for injection -29.01.1999 -


immunisation-hep b-ipv smithkli -immunisation suspension for injection --hep b-ipv smithkli -immunisation suspension for injection -29. 06. 2000 -23. 10. 2000-hib vacci anene beechamagainst haemophilus-diphtheria toxoid, adsorbed -30iu -201 days -132 days -26. 10. 2000oj c 337, tetanus toxoid, adsorbedbiologica ls s. a.influenza, diphtheria,40iu28. 11. 2000. p.2-------infanrix penta hep b-ipv vaccine ahexavac comb vaccine aluveris-b--smithkli -ne beecham biologica ls s. a. -b-pasteur -merieux -msd -f-ares -pertussis, tetanus, hepb and poliomyelitisjo7ca primary and booster immunisation of infants against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis b and poliomyelitisjo7ca immunisation diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus,hepb, poliomyelitis, haemophilus influenzag03g--------pertussis toxoid, adsorbed 25 µg filamentous haemagglutinin, adsorbed 25 µg pertactin, adsorbed 8 µg recombinant hepatitis b surface antigen (s protein) , adsorbed 10 µg inactivated type 1 poliovirus 40 du inactivated type 2 poliovirus 8 du inactivated type 3 poliovirus 32 du conjugate of haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide (prp) 10 µg and tetanus toxoid (t) , adsorbed (prp-t) 20-40 µg 16 presentations suspension for injection diphtheria toxoid, adsorbed 30iu tetanus toxoid, adsorbed40iu pertussis toxoid, adsorbed 25 µg filamentous haemagglutinin, adsorbed 25 µg, pertactin, adsorbed 8 µg recombinant hepatitis b surface antigen (s protein) , adsorbed 10 µg inactivated type 1 poliovirus 40 du inactivated type 2 poliovirus 8 du inactivated type 3 poliovirus 32 du 8 presentations suspension for injection purified diphtheria toxoid, adsorbed 20 iu,purified tetanus toxoid, adsorbed 40 iu purified pertussis toxoid, adsorbed 25 µg purified pertussis filamentous haemagglutinin adsorbed 25 µg recombinant hepatitis b surface antigen 5. 0 µg inactivated poliomyelitis virus: type 1 40 d units type 2 8 d units type 3 32 d units haemophilus influenzae polysaccharide type b 12 µg conjugated to tetanus toxoid (24 µg) 8 presentationspowder and solvent for

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