Vous avez cherché: blast a tunnel through the mountain (Anglais - Kabyle)

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but he passing through the midst of them went his way,


lameɛna nețța iɛedda gar-asen, iṛuḥ.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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for we through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.


ma d nukni, nessaram a ɣ-yerr sidi ṛebbi d iḥeqqiyen zdat-es ; ayagi nețṛaǧu-t s ṛṛuḥ iqedsen akk-d liman.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


for i through the law am dead to the law, that i might live unto god.


ɣef wayen yeɛnan ccariɛa aql-iyi mmuteɣ, yerna d nețțat i yi-wwin ɣer lmut ; ayagi yedṛa-d iwakken ad sɛuɣ tudert di sidi ṛebbi ; aql-iyi țwasemmṛeɣ ɣef wumidag akk-d lmasiḥ.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.


ur yeǧǧi ula d yiwen ad yawi yid-es lḥaǧa ɣer daxel n lǧameɛ.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward jerusalem.


deg webrid-is ɣer temdint n lquds, sidna Ɛisa ițɛedday ɣef temdinin ț-țudrin, isselmad.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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let &brandshortname; guide you through the process of setting up your chat account.


eǧǧ &brandshortname; ak-d-yesken akala n usebded n umiḍan-inek n udiwenni usrid.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-05-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Butterflyoffire
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


but we believe that through the grace of the lord jesus christ we shall be saved, even as they.


lameɛna s ṛṛeḥma n sidna Ɛisa swayes i numen, i nețțusellek am akken țțusellken ula d nutni.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


and it came to pass, as he went to jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of samaria and galilee.


deg webrid-is ɣer temdint n lquds, sidna Ɛisa iɛedda ger tmurt n samarya akk ț-țmurt n jlili.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


and again i say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of god.


a wen-iniɣ daɣen : ma yella iwɛeṛ i welɣem ad iɛeddi di tiṭ n tissegnit, iwɛeṛ akteṛ i umeṛkanti ad ikcem ɣer tgelda n igenwan !

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Butterflyoffire


for all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of god.


ayen akk ideṛṛun yid-nneɣ, ideṛṛu ɣef ddemma-nwen, iwakken ṛṛeḥma n sidi ṛebbi aț-țaweḍ ɣer waṭas n yemdanen ; s wakka aṭas ara iketṛen di leḥmada n sidi ṛebbi, a t-cekkṛen ɣef tmanegt-is.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


a large-allocation header was ignored due to the presence of windows which have a reference to this browsing context through the frame hierarchy or window.opener.


aqeṛṛu n uḥeṛṛi ahrawan ittwasuref acku illa usfaylu icudden γer umnaḍ n tunigin.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-05-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


and again, departing from the coasts of tyre and sidon, he came unto the sea of galilee, through the midst of the coasts of decapolis.


sidna Ɛisa iṛuḥ si lǧiha n temdint n ?ur, iɛedda-d ɣef temdint n sidun, yezger tamurt n ɛecṛa-nni n temdinin i deg llant ɛecṛa temdinin-nni, yewweḍ ɣer lebḥeṛ n jlili.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


(for they could not endure that which was commanded, and if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart:


axaṭer ur qbilen ara imeslayen-agi : ?as d yiwen si lmal ara d-iqeṛṛben ɣer wedrar-agi, ad immet s weṛjam.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


and as they came down from the mountain, jesus charged them, saying, tell the vision to no man, until the son of man be risen again from the dead.


akken i d-țadren seg wedrar, sidna Ɛisa yumeṛ-iten yenna-yasen : ur qqaṛet i yiwen wayen akka twalam alamma yeḥya-d mmi-s n bunadem si ger lmegtin.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


and it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn.


yiwen wass n ssebt yellan d ass n westeɛfu , sidna Ɛisa yezger igran n yirden. inelmaden-is teddun țekksen tigedrin.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


contributing directly to the open source ecosystem through our products, build systems, and back end systems, and fostering community through the mozilla developer network.


ad nttekki srid di twennaṭ n unagraw ilelli s iseγzanen-nneγ, anagraw-nneγ n tegrummiwin akked tadumṣuka-nneγ, ad nsemγeṛ tamezdagnut s useqdec n mozilla developer network.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-05-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


click on the &accountmanager.newaccount.label; button to let &brandshortname; guide you through the process of configuring one.


sit γef tqeffalt &accountmanager.newaccount.label; akken ad teǧǧeḍ &brandshortname; ak-d-yefk tallalt deg ukala n uswel n yiwen.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-05-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


and, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, i say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.


s lmasiḥ i gemṣalaḥ akk-d txelqit, yessers-ed lehna ama di lqaɛa ama deg igenwan s idammen n mmi-s yuzzlen ɣef wumidag.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


some foundation activities—currently the creation, delivery and promotion of consumer products—are conducted primarily through the mozilla foundation’s wholly owned subsidiary, the mozilla corporation.


kra n warmud n tesbeddit—akka tura: asnulfu, asiweḍ d ummeslay γef iseγẓanen— txedmiten mozilla corporation, afurk s 100% n tesbeddit mozilla.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-05-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire


for i say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as god hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.


s ṛṛeḥma i yi-d-ițțunefken, a d iniɣ i mkul yiwen deg-wen : ur ssimɣuṛet ara iman-nwen, sqenɛet s wakken tellam, ddut s neyya ɣef leḥsab n liman i wen-d-yefka sidi ṛebbi.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Butterflyoffire

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