Vous avez cherché: cellulite (Anglais - Maltais)

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moreover, the former list is already outdated – there are the new product categories available on the market, such as anti-cellulite adhesives, and tissues with active substances.


barra minn hekk, il-lista preċedenti diġà skadiet - hemm kategoriji ta’ prodotti ġodda disponibbli fis-suq, bħal adeżivi għal kontra ċ-ċellulite, u tissues b’sustanzi attivi.

Dernière mise à jour : 2017-04-06
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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these effects are very rare or uncommon, that is they may affect between 1 to 100 in every 10,000 patients: • chest pain, irregular heart rhythm. • cough, difficulty breathing or painful breathing. • light-headedness, dizziness or fainting. • nausea, loss of appetite, light-coloured urine, yellowing of skin or eyes. • rash, red skin, blistering of the lips, eyes, skin or mouth, skin peeling, fever, raised red or purple skin patches, itching, burning sensation. • severe abdominal pain, blood in your vomit, stools or urine, black stools. • severely decreased urine output, thirst • nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain or fever (signs of inflammatory bowel disease). • severe headache, weakness or paralysis of limbs or face, difficulty speaking, sudden loss of consciousness (signs of nervous system disorder). • pale skin, tiredness, breathlessness, dark urine (signs of low levels of red blood cells). • pain in your eyes or deterioration in vision. • pain in your hips or difficulty walking. • numb or cold toes and fingers (signs of raynaud’ s syndrome). • acute inflammation of the skin caused by infection (signs of cellulites). • difficulty hearing. • muscle weakness, muscle spasms, abnormal heart rhythm (signs of changes in level of potassium in the blood). • bruising. • stomach pain, nausea.


dawn l- effetti huma rari ħafna jew mhux komuni li jfisser li jistgħu jeffettwaw bejn 1 u 100 f’ kull 10, 000 pazjent: • uġigħ f’ sidrek, qalb tħabbat b’ mod mhux regolari. • sogħla jew tweġġa biex tieħu n- nifs. • tħoss rasek ħafifa, sturdut jew tintilef minn sensik. • dardir, nuqqas ta ’ aptit, l- awrina tkun ċara, il- ġilda jew għajnejk jisfaru. • raxx, ġilda ħamra, jitilgħu nuffati fuq ix- xofftejn, għajnejn, il- ġilda titqaxxar, deni, dbabar ħomor jew vjola mgħollija fil- ġilda, ħakk, jew sensazzjoni ta ’ ħruq. • uġigħ qawwi fl- addome, demm fir- rimettar, fl- ippurgar jew fl- awrina, l- ippurgar ikun iswed. • tnaqqis sever f’ kemm tagħmel awrina, għatx. • dardir, dijarea, rimettar, uġigħ fl- addome jew deni (sinjali tal- marda ta ’ infjammazzjoni ta ’ l - imsaren). • uġigħ ta ’ ras qawwi, dgħjufija jew paraliżi tar- riġlejn u d- dirgħajn jew il- wiċċ, tbati biex titkellem, telf mis- sensi f’ salt wieħed (sinjali ta ’ disturbi tas- sistema nervuża). • ġilda ċara, għeja, qtugħ ta ’ nifs, awrina skura (sinjali ta ’ livelli baxxi ta ’ ċelluli ħomor tad - demm). • uġigħ f’ għajnejk, jew il- vista tiegħek tmur lura. • uġigħ f’ ġenbek jew tbati biex timxi. • swaba ta ’ saqajk u ta ’ jdejk imnemnim jew kesħin (sinjali tas- sindrome ta ’ raynaud). • infjammazzjoni akuta tal- ġilda ikkawżata minn infezzjoni (sinjali ta ’ ċellulite). • tbatija biex tisma. • dgħjufija fil- muskoli, spażmi fil- muskoli, ritmu tal- qalb anormali (sinjali ta ’ bidla fil- livell ta ’ potassium fid- demm). • dbengil. • uġigħ fl- istonku, dardir.

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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