Vous avez cherché: misinterpret (Anglais - Somali)

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do you, the believers in truth, desire the unbelievers to believe you? there was a group among them who would hear the word of god and understand it. then they would purposely misinterpret it.


ma waxaad damcaysaan mu'miniintaay inay rumeeyaan yuhuudda xaqa oy (idinraacaan) iyahoo kooz ka mid ahi ay maqlayaan hadalka eebe (towreed) haddana ay xarrifaan (leexiyaan) intay kaseen kadib, iyagoo og (inay gafsanyihiin).

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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he it is who hath sent down unto thee the book, wherein some verses are firmly constructed they are the mother of the book: and others consimilar. but those in whose hearts is and deviation follow that which is consimilar therein, seeking discord and seeking to misinterpret the same whereas none knoweth the interpretation thereof a save allah. and the firmly- grounded in knowledge say: we believe therein, the whole is from our lord. and none receiveth admonition save men of understanding.


eebe waa kan kugu soo dejiyey kitaabka, waxaana ka mid ah aayado sugan (macnahoodu cadyahay) oo ah hooyada quraanka (asalkiisa) iyo kuwa kale oo isu eg, kuwa qalbigoodu leexasho ku jirto waxay, raacraacaan kan is shabaha (isu eg) doonid fidmo (xumaan) iyo doonid ta'wiil (leexin fasir) darteed, wax og fasirka (kaasna) ma jiro eebe iyo kuwa ku xididaystay cilmiga mooyee, waxayna dhihi waan rumeynay kaas, dhammaana wuxuu ka ahaaday eebeheen agtiisa, mana waantoobo kuwa caqliga lch mooyee.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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