Vous avez cherché: benefactors (Anglais - Turc)

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until 2004, cino and simone del duca were the seminar's main benefactors.


2004 yılına kadar seminerin hamiliğini cino ve simone del duca üstlenmiştir.

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-03-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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in 1901, a group of wealthy benefactors provided a scholarship for him to attend an industrial school at kazan.


1901'de varlıklı bir grup hayırseverler tarafından, kazan'da endüstriyel bir okula katılması için burs sağlandı.

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-03-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and he said unto them, the kings of the gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.


İsa onlara, ‹‹ulusların kralları, kendi uluslarına egemen kesilirler. İleri gelenleri de kendilerine iyiliksever unvanını yakıştırırlar›› dedi.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-06
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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igric says balkan-based ngos do not get long term funding commitments from donors, so she and her colleagues are constantly searching for new benefactors and ways of making money.


igriç, balkan merkezli stk'nın bağış kurumlarından uzun vadeli destek sözleri almadığını, bu yüzden de kendisi ve çalışma arkadaşlarının sürekli olarak yeni lehdarlar ve para kazanmanın yeni yollarını aradıklarını söyledi.

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-01-20
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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cultural institutions the world over are feeling the effects of the global financial crisis, partially because corporate sponsorship has dried up, and the director's dream of finding large, private sector benefactors has not yet materialized.


dünya genelinde kültür kurumları, kısmen kurumsal sponsorlukların azalması nedeniyle, küresel finans krizinin etkilerini hissediyor. ljumoviç’in özel sektörden büyük destekçiler bulma hayali de bu nedenle henüz gerçekleşememiş:

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-01-20
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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thank you for choosing al rayan bank plc our appreciation!! we the entire management & staff at dept of accounts wishes to say thank you! for banking with us and we hope to continue this healthy and mutually profitable relationship. prudent & reliable partnership from promises made to promises kept!! from partnering global businesses, steadily shepherding multi-billion gb£ investments' finances for countless organizations & agencies, to pulling our 3.000.000+ customers through the great recession and helping our customers and the uk economy survive the great financial crisis, al-rayan bank plc, formerly islamic bank of britain plc, london & birmingham have proven its dependability; as we've steadfastly stood by our highly valued customers in keeping with our mission promises. we're assuring you unbeatable satisfaction for choosing us, 'cause we quite understand the importance to you, of the security of your dormant account with us and the safety of your finances, as we're set to change ownership of the dormant account per your request. it is with deep regret that we're absorbing his untimely demise, because late mr. adama mahmoud was one of our most highly regarded individual private financiers as well as commercial client. he maintained the account with us on debenture, due to our cutting-edge financial services, highly profitable products & soft loan packages that are prompt & courteous; including our private investments support portfolio which have benefited over 80,000 startup firms & middle-class individuals across the united kingdom and beyond. our services are second to none! our lending rate is only 3%! minimum balance 15%, with flexible financing! sponsor - mission statement and obligation this is an official letter of acknowledgement to let you know that the bank have taken delivery receipt of and noted details as seen in the email letter. as a fully fledged multinational commercial banking corporation, al-rayan bank plc's declared commitment and obligation to uphold & maintain sanity in banking & finance, by ensuring strict adherence to certain standard telegraphy rules is unwavering. telegraphy requirement the list below are legal documents required from you to formally confirm to us that late dr mahmoud adama was your business co-partner. you will go to swear an affidavit at admiralty, commercial and london mercantile court here in london or in birmingham, proving beyond doubts that you're the legitimate beneficiary of the dormant account with us. alternatively, if you cannot afford urgent visit to london in order to swear an affidavit at admiralty, commercial and london mercantile court; you need to consult the late dr mahmoud adama's uk attorney for certified legal documents, with which to legitimize your claim to the account. it has to be stamp-sealed his former personal attorney, because his firm was empowered to represent him during his life: we wish to inform that you're required by rules to obtain from his representative personal attorney and send in the following legal documents to evidence your claim, as the bank cannot proceed and/or make further statement relative to the dormant account or the telegraphy treatment in connection therewith without the understated documents to be issued by the operational law & advocacy firm "patrick smith chambers & co.". see required legal documents as listed below. 1. sworn affidavit to demonstrate that you're the legitimate beneficiary 2. power of attorney/legal empowerment signed by the attorney, recognizing you as the legitimate benefactor 3. uk b2 non resident citizen certificate for clearance thanks for contacting us; you've already almost finished the processes when you decided to improve your life and business with the frozen cash in the dormant account and its £2,899.98 daily returns and numerous other attractive packages & offers, you're in for a treat now and we're set to help you: contact/consult his representative law & advocacy firm/personal attorney for acquisition of the required legal documents in order to evidence your claim. the law & advocacy firm "patrick smith chambers & co." was the sole empowered legal representatives (even to date) to the late mr adama mahmoud and we strongly believe that the law & advocacy firm, herein after known and commonly referred to as patrick smith chambers & co. may be in possession of the later's will and hold other valuable information about him. it is possible that patrick smith chambers & co. hold much information about his vast estates, including the bank deposit and several other investments portfolios we hold in trust for the deceased. note: we can only make statements concerning the dormant account and/or it's telegraphy treatment upon receipt and confirmation of the magistrates court certified empowerment letter to claim, signed & issued from the named operational law firm, recognizing the legitimacy of your claim. the law firm's name, registered address and contact information are all written below: name of law & advocacy firm: patrick smith chambers & co. principal partner at the law firm: sir patrick smith (lb ll.m senior attorney at law esq) registered address: villa n° 1 america square, crosswall - ec3n 2sg - london email contacts: patricksmithlawchambers@hotmail.com : don't hesitate to call him or write to them and forward your full details to them for further understanding. we're also copying this letter to the law & advocacy firm - please take note. they will provide all necessary advises, information, legal assistance, argument, litigation (if need be) and/or legal representation. however, we wish to clarify that you shall be taking full financial responsibility for payment of their services fees or mobilization fee or consultation fee as we cannot guarantee you any credit or liquidity in connection to the late mr. adama mahmoud's dormant account, safe after receipt of the 3 legal documents (to be signed, sealed and issued from the empowered representative law firm "patrick smith chambers & co.") as listed above. verification and recommendation(s) we will verify them on receipt to determine their authenticity, before we're able to make satisfactory statement per the exact cash balance and accrued interests or other dividends for the dormant account and slated date/time the bank will effect the requested changes, for instant access as the dormant account has to be reactivated to complete the processes. regular notifications and update information as we inch closer step-by-step, it's very important you note that all telegraphy or wire updates for the dormant account shall be regularly sent to you via chips/swift as we may be using both ips interchangeably to relay important telegraphy information to your choice bank. please safe this email: do not reply to this email as it is a one-time transactional email notification and shall not be resent to you. note: it's very important you comply within 24 business days (4 weeks); as we may close your request between 25 - 30 business days in the absence of compliance, and the dormant account referred to our assets management dept. for further recommendations and actions kind regards sultan ahmed choudhury. ceo/gmd, al rayan bank plc al rayan bank plc is an ethical, sharia compliant, uk bank which is authorised by the prudential regulation authority and regulated by the financial conduct authority and the prudential regulation authority. our firm reference number is 229148. telephone numbe we are covered by the financial services compensation scheme (fscs), the uk government backed scheme which protects the first £85,000 of eligible savers' deposits. al rayan bank is incorporated and registered in england and wales with registration no. 4483430. registered office: 44 hans crescent, knightsbridge, london, sw1x 0lz



Dernière mise à jour : 2017-02-20
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