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Dernière mise à jour : 2012-11-08
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Wikipedia


the certificate is valid for 4 months after signature by the official veterinarian or endorsement by the competent authority, or until the date of expiry of the vaccination shown in part iv, which ever is earlier.4) eläimiä, jotka ovat peräisin tai jotka on valmisteltu kolmansissa maissa, joita ei ole lueteltu asetuksen (ey) n:o 998/2003 liitteessä ii, ei saa tuoda irlantiin, ruotsiin tai yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan suoraan eikä muun liitteessä ii luetellun maan kautta, jollei niitä saateta vaatimustenmukaisiksi kansallisten sääntöjen kanssa. animals from, or prepared in, third countries not listed in annex ii of regulation (ec) no 998/2003, may not enter ireland, malta, sweden or the united kingdom, either directly or via another country listed in annex ii unless brought into conformity with national rules.5) tähän todistukseen on liitettävä todistusasiakirjat tai niiden varmennetut kopiot mukaan luettuina kyseisen eläimen tunnistetiedot, rokotustiedot ja serologisen testin tulokset.


animals from, or prepared in, third countries not listed in annex ii of regulation (ec) no 998/2003, may not enter ireland, malta, sweden or the united kingdom, either directly or via another country listed in annex ii unless brought into conformity with national rules.5) il certificato deve essere corredato dei documenti giustificativi o di una loro copia certificata, compresi i dati di identificazione dell’animale in questione, quelli relativi alle sue vaccinazioni e il risultato del test sierologico. this certificate must be accompanied by supporting documentation, or a certified copy thereof, including the identification details of the animal concerned, vaccination details and the result of the serological test.condizioni applicabili [regolamento (ce) n. 998/2003]/conditions applying (regulation (ec) no 998/2003)a) introduzione in uno stato membro diverso da irlanda, malta, svezia e regno unito entry in a member state other than ireland, malta, sweden and the united kingdom1) in provenienza da un paese terzo figurante nell’allegato ii del regolamento (ce) n. 998/2003:/from a third country listed in annex ii of regulation (ec) no 998/2003: devono essere compilate le parti i, ii, iii e iv (nonché vii per la finlandia)./parts i, ii, iii and iv must be completed (and vii for finland).

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-11-15
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Wikipedia

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