Vous avez cherché: hodie pompeiani suntt otiosi (Latin - Anglais)

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hodie pompeiani suntt otiosi



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hodie pompeiani sunt otiosi


Dernière mise à jour : 2023-10-16
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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hodie pompeiani sunt otiosi. domini et servi non laborant.multi  pompeiani in theatro sedent. spectatores actium exspectant. tandem actius in scaena stat. pompeiani plaudunt. subito pompeiani magnum clamorem audiunt. servus theatrum intrat. “euge! funambulus adest,” clamat servus. pompeiani actium non spectant. omnes pompeiani e theatro currunt et funambulum spectant. nemo in theatro manet. actius tanem non est iratus. actius quoque funambulum spectat.


pompeiani are idle today. of the lord and a servant, not laborant.multi the pompeians, after sitting in the theater. viewers azzo awaited. activity in the last stage stands. pompeiani trip. pompey's suddenly hearing a great noise. the slave enters the theater. "well done! dancer here, "shouts a slave. pompeiani activity is not observed. have regard to all the funambulum do run, and out of the theater of pompey. no-one remains in the theatre. a kind actius is angry. actius also watches the tightrope walker.

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-09-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
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Référence: Anonyme
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