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خنده های بی وقفه



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پاکستان: مدرک های بی ارزش


pakistan: the biggest problem · global voices

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-02-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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چیز های بی اهمیت نامیده می شوند


that's called trivia.

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-10-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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یوم مون واقعا در چانگ های بی پناه شده؟


yum moon really showed up in chunghae?

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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همينطور بي وقفه .


youre constantly reminded .

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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با جستجوي بي وقفه .


searching non stop , .

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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و این کار دانش آموزی است که بی وقفه مشغول انجام دادنش بود.


and this is the work of the student that consistently did it.

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-10-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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شما دلتان برای مرکز بهداشت عمومی ...جایی که شما مجبورید بی وقفه کار کنید


you missed the public health center where you had to work non-stop...

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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اما اجراي بي وقفه ي اون سبک .


but consistently to have that style .

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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این امر منجر به جوک هایی در مورد دیوانگی و ساعت های بی خوابی پیش رو شد:


many of the discussions were focused on a boycott of the runoff: @glcarlstrom: seems to me turnout will be even bigger factor in #egypt runoff - imagine there will be lots of unenthusiastic voters? @rawahbadrawi: if there is ever a time to boycott, it's now.

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-02-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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بِوِرلی: ما واقعا تمام روز و شبمان را صرف گرفتن صحنه های بی نظیر میکنیم.


bj: but we truly do spend day and night trying to capture unique footage.

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-10-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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این مشاهدات پایه و اساس اصطلاح کناره های بی نظمی و یاد آور انتقال فاز در ترمودینامیک می باشد.


this observation is the foundation for the phrase edge of chaos, and is reminiscent of the phase transition in thermodynamics.

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-03-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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به همین ترتیب، یک میزبان مخزن، بی وقفه و برای مدت طولانی به hcov پناه می‌دهد.


likewise, a reservoir host harbours hcov continuously and for long term.

Dernière mise à jour : 2020-08-25
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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خطرات طبیعی مانند زلزله و سونامی باعث آسیب های بی اندازه به جوامع آسیب دیده و طنین انداز در حافظه جمعی جوامع


natural hazards such as earthquakes and tsunami cause immense damage to the communities affected and resonate within the collective memory of the communities

Dernière mise à jour : 2023-03-17
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


جريان بي وقفه ي جزئيات و اين چيزيه که اونا ميخوان .


into this rollercoaster ride of minutiae . and thats what they want .

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


دینک روزنامه نویس شجاع ارمنی-ترکیی بود که با تلاشی بی وقفه سعی در ایجاد پلی بین دره عمیق بین ارمنیان و ترکها داشت.


dink was a courageous turkish-armenian journalist who worked tirelessly to bridge the immense gap between turks and armenians.

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-02-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


آنها به دنبال پپسی کامل و بی نقص می گشتند، و آنها می بایست به دنبال پپسی های بی عیب و نقص می گشتند. به من اعتماد کنید.


they were looking for the perfect pepsi, and they should have been looking for the perfect pepsis. trust me.

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-10-13
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


، بهترين روش براي اثبات گناهکاري يا بي گناهي شخص بازجويي بي وقفه است .


if you want to know whether someone is guilty or not , .

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


در این آلبوم که به نام með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust ( به معنای با وزوزی در گوشهایمان ما بی وقفه می نوازیم ) منتشر شد تقریبا دیگر خبری از راک نبود !


the band said the album was taking form as a slower and more ambient record than both "með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust" and "takk...".

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-03-03
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


جهان امروز مملو از فعالیت های بی وقفه است. تحولات در دنیای سیاست، اقتصاد، رسانه های اجتماعی، سرگرمی، فناوری و فراتر از آن، همه دائماً برای جلب توجه ما رقابت می کنند. اما مهمتر از آن، آنها در حال رقابت برای پرت کردن قلب ما هستند. در راستای ایدئولوژی بازارهای آزاد بی‌بند و بار، ما دائماً به مصرف تشویق می‌شویم. شاید هرگز زمانی نبوده است که کلام خدا، الحاکم التکاثور (التکاثور 102: 1)، بیشتر کاربردی باشد. ما h


the world today is abuzz with unrelenting activity. the developments in the worlds of politics, economics, social media, entertainment, technology and beyond, are all constantly vying for our attention. but more importantly, they are vying to distract our hearts. in line with the ideology of unfettered free markets, we are constantly being ‘exhorted’ to consume. there has, perhaps, never been a time when allah’s words, alhākum al-takāthur (al-takāthur 102: 1), were more applicable. we have arrived at a time when being distracted from our duties to allah has been institutionalized: the entertainment industry is undoubtedly one of the most imposing industries of modernity. of course, it does not stop there. in modern society, individuals can be reduced to little more than atomized consumers. our dīn also can become commodified into a form of entertainment in this environment. our scholars can become celebrities, who we watch for a ‘spiritual high’ before returning to our routinized consumer existence. the muslim ummah is experiencing crises of religious identity, with its global image being hijacked by violent groups. these groups attract young muslims, ignorant of their dīn, into their ranks through their domination of the headlines with shocking acts of violence. with such levels of distraction and crisis, it is difficult to stay spiritually centred. our communities and mosques are not always the centres of spiritual guidance and counsel we need them to be. the prophet taught us: al-dīn al-naṣīḥah—“the dīn is about giving sincere counsel.” and in an age of distraction and pervasive negativity, positive and constructive reminders are essential to our spiritual well-being. this collection of reminders from ustādh nouman ali khan is an important contribution in our age of distraction. ustādh nouman’s reminders speak directly to the heart, encouraging us to be mindful of our duties to allah, exhorting us to put life in perspective. contemporary culture asks us to think of death as the ultimate conclusion to what should be a hedonistic existence, while our dīn teaches us that death is only the beginning of our true lives. the subtitle of this work, putting life in perspective, is about reminding ourselves not to forget the true nature of reality. our lives here are temporary. they are the small window of opportunity to do some good in the world for which allah will judge whether we are deserving of jannah. the author deals with issues from the highly personal to the global. the work is divided into five parts with two or three reminders in each. they range from the profoundly personal questions of how we should approach allah in our prayers, and how we should never think ill of our fellows; to communal ills such as the unacceptable attitude many muslim communities have towards daughters, despite the explicit teachings of the prophet that honour daughters, and women generally. ustādh nouman’s work is also an excellent example of what muslim communities and their scholars need to do in reaching out to a global audience through the building of institutions like bayyinah, and the harnessing of modern social media to reach people from all walks of life. it is immensely important that modern muslims and, in particular, muslims in the west, invest in institutions that will promote sound islamic teachings to counteract the rise in extremism that has engulfed parts of the world where traditional institutions of learning have been reduced to ruin by imperial wars and corrupt scholars. it is hoped that this work will contribute to inspiring modern muslims to become sources of light in our world through the revival of their hearts, and the reorientation of their outlooks towards greater social responsibility and greater god-consciousness. the editor, kube publishing ltd. january 2017

Dernière mise à jour : 2021-12-12
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme

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