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Dernière mise à jour : 2013-03-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


it nevertheless wishes to further verify the presence of state aid at the level of the investors and the enterprises invested in.


it nevertheless wishes to further verify the presence of state aid at the level of the investors and the enterprises invested in.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-10-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


nevertheless, the state’s indication underpins france télécom’s investment-grade credit quality».


nach ansicht von s & p könnte ft gewisse schwierigkeiten bei der refinanzierung seiner 2003 fälligen finanzschulden haben. die hinweise des staates stützen jedoch die bewertung der kreditqualität von ft mit ‚investment grade‘.“ („the french state-which owns 55 % of france télécom has clearly indicated to standard&poor's that it will behave as an aware investor and would take appropriate steps if france télécom were to face any difficulties … indeed s & p believes that the company could face certain difficulties refinancing its debt obligations coming due in 2003. nevertheless, the state's indication underpins france télécom's investment-grade credit quality“.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-11-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


nevertheless, the state’s indication underpins france télécom’s investment-grade credit quality" [].


nevertheless, the state's indication underpins france télécom's investment-grade credit quality" [].

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-10-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


payment orders entered into the entry disposition after the start of any of algorithms 1 to 4 may nevertheless be settled immediately in the entry disposition if the positions and limits of the target2 participants » pm accounts concerned are compatible with both the settlement of these payment orders and the settlement of payment orders in the current optimisation procedure .


payment orders entered into the entry disposition after the start of any of algorithms 1 to 4 may nevertheless be settled immediately in the entry disposition if the positions and limits of the target2 participants » pm accounts concerned are compatible with both the settlement of these payment orders and the settlement of payment orders in the current optimisation procedure .

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 2
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


(38) no seu comunicado de imprensa de 12 de julho de 2002, a s%amp% p precisa que tinha decidido manter a ft no nível de investimento devido às indicações do estado no que se refere às suas intenções face à empresa: "a ft poderá deparar-se com algumas dificuldades para refinanciar a sua dívida obrigacionista com vencimento em 2003. contudo, a indicação do estado vem apoiar a notação da ft no nível de investimento". ("ft could face certain difficulties refinancing its debt obligations coming due in 2003. nevertheless, the state’s indication underpins france télécom’s investment-grade credit quality".) esta garantia tinha sido fornecida, por um lado, directamente pelo governo francês à s%amp% p: "o estado francês — que detém 55% da france télécom — indicou claramente à standard%amp% poor’s que iria actuar enquanto investidor prudente e que tomaria as medidas adequadas caso a ft registasse dificuldades. a notação a longo prazo da france télécom desceu para bbb-[35]". ("the french state — which owns 55% of france télécom — has clearly indicated to standard%amp% poor’s that it twill behave as an aware investor and would take appropriate steps if france télécom were to face any difficulties. france télécom lt rating cut to bbb-".) e, por outro lado, publicamente na entrevista referida no considerando 36.


(38) in ihrer pressemitteilung vom 12. juli 2002 führte s%amp% p die absichtserklärungen der regierung betreffend ft als begründung für den verbleib des unternehmens in der kategorie "investment grade" an: "ft könnte gewisse schwierigkeiten bei der refinanzierung seiner 2003 fälligen finanzschulden haben. die hinweise des staates stützen jedoch die bewertung der kreditqualität von ft mit "investment grade"." ("ft could face certain difficulties refinancing its debt obligations coming due in 2003. nevertheless, the state's indication underpins france télécom's investment-grade credit quality".) die fragliche zusicherung hatte die französische regierung zum einen vor der Öffentlichkeit in dem in erwägungsgrund 36 erwähnten interview abgegeben, zum anderen direkt gegenüber s%amp% p: "der französische staat, der 55% von france télécom hält, hat gegenüber standard%amp% poor`s deutlich erklärt, er werde sich als marktwirtschaftlich handelnder kapitalgeber verhalten und angemessene maßnahmen ergreifen, falls ft in schwierigkeiten geraten sollte. langfristiges rating von france télécom auf bbb-gesenkt [35]". ("the french state –which owns 55% of france télécom — has clearly indicated to standard%amp% poor's that it will behave as an aware investor and would take appropriate steps if france télécom were to face any difficulties. france télécom lt rating cut to bbb-".).

Dernière mise à jour : 2008-03-04
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent

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