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preprečevanje kriz
crisis prevention
Dernière mise à jour : 2012-03-19
Fréquence d'utilisation : 3
Qualité :
njegov mandat je bil na začetku omejen na boj proti terorizmu, pozneje pa je bil razširjen na vse vrste javnozdravstvenih kriz in podaljšan.
at the beginning, its mandate was limited to tackling bioterrorism; it was subsequently extended to cover all types of public health-related crisis and further prolonged.
zdaj je "kriza" beseda, ki jo te dni vse prepogosto slišimo: gospodarska kriza, finančna kriza, prometna kriza, vsak dan vsemogoče vrste kriz.
now, 'crisis' is a word that we have been hearing far too often these days: economic crisis, financial crisis, transport crisis, every other kind of crisis under the sun.
sektorji ovčjereje, jagnjetine in kozjereje so se v zadnjih desetih letih soočali s težavami, ki so bile posledica vrste kriz, vključno množičnih kužnih bolezni pri živalih, zlasti pa zaradi ločevanja pomoči, ki je povzročilo znaten upad populacij ovc ter jagenjčkov, ker so rejci zapustili to industrijo.
the sheep, lamb and goat sector has had a rough ride over the last ten years as a result of a series of crises, including epizootic-type diseases, but more especially because of the decoupling of aid, which has led to a marked decline in the sheep and lamb population as breeders quit the industry.