Vous avez cherché: mbalwa (Xhosa - Anglais)

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abe mbalwa amasalela emithi yehlathi lakhe, ibhalwe nangumntwana.


and the rest of the trees of his forest shall be few, that a child may write them.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


uze uthabathe kuzo zibe mbalwa, uzibophe esondweni lengubo yakho;


thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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imihla yakhe mayibe mbalwa, mabuthatyathwe ngomnye ubuveleli bakhe.


let his days be few; and let another take his office.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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njengokuba ububanzi bemibhobho yemipu yaya isiba mikhulu yaba mbalwa imipu enokuthwalwa.


as gun calibres got bigger so fewer guns could be carried.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-15
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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kwakholwa ke ngoko into eninzi kuwo, nakumagrikekazi abekekileyo, nakumadoda, ababa mbalwa.


therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were greeks, and of men, not a few.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


wophuma kuzo umbulelo nezwi labaqambayo; ndibandise, bangabi mbalwa; ndibazukise, banganciphi.


and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and i will multiply them, and they shall not be few; i will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


abe mbalwa amasalela enani lezaphetha zamagorha, oonyana bakakedare; ngokuba uyehova uthixo kasirayeli uthethile.


and the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of kedar, shall be diminished: for the lord god of israel hath spoken it.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


ndinithumele amarhamncwa, awonihlutha abantwana benu, aqwenge neenkomo zenu, anenze nibe mbalwa, neendlela zenu zingahanjwa.


i will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your highways shall be desolate.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


abanye bathatha zibe mbalwa kunokuwehlula uthandelo ekunene, baphose amacala omabini ngaxeshanye, benze eyokunene ihambe kuqala kuneyasekhohlo.


some men take rather less than half the coil in the right hand and throw both halves together, letting go with the right hand before the left.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-15
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


ezimbini ziza kuba mbalwa kakhulu, zaze zantathu, zisokha imipu eluthoba enamandla amakhulu ebhethri enkulu ezii-intshi eziyi16.


two would be too few, so there were three, making a forceful main battery of nine i6-inch guns.

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-02-15
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


kaloku ke uyehova uthetha esithi, ngeminyaka emithathu, njengeminyaka yomqeshwa, buya kucukucezwa ubuqaqawuli bukamowabhi, naloo ngxokolo yonke eninzi, amasalela abe mancinane, abe mbalwa, angabi makhulu.


but now the lord hath spoken, saying, within three years, as the years of an hireling, and the glory of moab shall be contemned, with all that great multitude; and the remnant shall be very small and feeble.

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


ngaphezulu: malunga: ngoko: phesheya: ncam: adj: emvar: emva kwe: kwakhona: chasene: onke: phantse: yodwa: nga: se: ne: naxa: oko: phakathi: phakathi kwa: na: enye: nayiphi: nakanjani: nabani: nantoni: naphi: zi: azi: azijikelele: waba: ngokuba: yiba: uba: iba: sele: phambi: phambi kwayo: qala: iyaqala: emva: izaku: ngezantsi: ngaphandle: ngaphandle: phakathi: ngaphaya: iziigidi: zombini: kodwa: nga: ayinge: ayinaku: iwonga: inoku: cayinako: yaba: zange: yenza: ayenzi: suku: phantsi: ngexesha: nganye: isibhozo: amashumi asibhozo: nokuba: enye: enye indawo: phela: isiphelo: kwanele: njalo- njalo: elingeneyo: okokoko: yonke: wonke ubani: yonke into: yonke indawo: ngaphandle: mbalwa: amashumi amahlanu: eyokuqala: hlanu: ye: owokuqala: eyokuqala: amashumi amane: ifunyenwe: ne: isuka ku: phambili: ibine: ine: ayina: ine: ayina: njengoko: yakhe: apha: apha emva: apha nge: apha kwi: apha: apha ngeyena ngokwakhe: yena u: yena yena ngokwakhe: yakhe: njani: ngoko ke: ikhulu: inc: kanye: endaweni: kwi: ayi: yi: yona ngokwayo: eyokugqibela: emva kwexesha: owokugqibela: ekugqibelenill: noko: ngaphantsivumela: njengenjengey: ltd: wenze: yenza: wenza: ninzi: inga: mhlawumbi: okwelithuba: ngoko: inga: isigidi: nkosazana: ngaphezulu: ngaphezulu kwe: eninzi: eninzi kakhulu nkosikazi: ninzi: kufuneka: mna: igama: okanye: zange: nakanye: elandelayo: thoba: amashumi asithoba: akukho mntu: akukho namnye: amnye: emini: okanye: ayina: akukho nto: ngoku: akukho ndawo: susa: rhoqo: kanye: nye: kuphela: ku: abanye: kungenjalo: eyethu: yeyethu: eyethu: phandle: phezu: phezu konke: eyakho: iphepha: ngokwe: mhlawumbi: kungcono: esandulukubakho: esandukubakho: inye: ijongeka: ijongeke: iyajongeka: jongeka: xhenxe: amashumi asixhenxe: eninzi: u: u: waza akazu: ukusukela: thandathu: amashumi anesithandathu: ezinye: nakanjani: omnye: enye into: ngelinye ixesha: ngamanye amaxesha: kwenye indawo: ise: yima: enjalo: iyathatha: ishumi: kuna: leyo: i: ezabo: bona: bona ngokwabo: ngoko: ngoko ke: apho: aphoemva: apho nge: ngoko ke: apho kwi: apho nge: ezi: ba: amashumi amathathu: le: ezo: naxa: iwaka: thathu: ngapha: ngaphaya: ngapha: noko: iincam: kunye: nanko: ngapho: ngakuyo: izigidi: amashumi amabini: bini: phantsi: ngaphandle: engafani ne: engafaniyo: kude kube: gqiba: igqityiwe: iyagqiba: phezu: iyasetyenziswa: isebenzisa: kakhulu: gqitha: funa: yafunwa: ifuna: wa: zange: indlela: iindlela: ukutshata: kakuhlel: zazi: zange: ntoni: ntoni: nantoni: xa: xana: naxa: phi: phi emva koko: njenge: njengoko: phi kwi: phi apho: naphi: iphi: noba: yiphi: xa: noxa: ngubani: noba ngubani: epheleleyo: ubani: nabani: yekabani: kutheni: izaku: nge: nge: ngaphandle: ayinaku: sebenza: wasebenza: usebenza: uyasebenza: izaku: ayizuku: ewe: nangona: u: uza: uzaku: eyakho: ungu: yeyakho: wena ngokwakho: ezenu: une


above: about: according: across: actually: adj: after: afterwards: again: against: all: almost: alone: along: already: also: although: always: among: amongst: and: another: any: anyhow: anyone: anything: anywhere: are: aren: arent: around: became: because: become: becomes: becoming: been: before: beforehand: begin: beginning: behind: being: below: beside: besides: between: beyond: billion: both: but: can: cant: cannot: caption: could: couldnt: did: didnt: does: doesnt: dont: down: during: each: eight: eighty: either: else: elsewhere: end: ending: enough: etc: even: ever: every: everyone: everything: everywhere: except: few: fifty: first: five: for: former: formerly: forty: found: four: from: further: had: has: hasnt: have: havent: hence: her: here: hereafter: hereby: herein: heres: hereupon: hers: herself: hes: him: himself: his: how: however: hundred: inc: indeed: instead: into: isnt: its: itself: last: later: latter: latterly: least: less: let: like: likely: ltd: made: make: makes: many: may: maybe: meantime: meanwhile: might: million: miss: more: moreover: most: mostly: mrs: much: must: myself: namely: neither: never: nevertheless: next: nine: ninety: nobody: none: nonetheless: noone: nor: not: nothing: now: nowhere: off: often: once: one: only: onto: others: otherwise: our: ours: ourselves: out: over: overall: own: page: per: perhaps: rather: recent: recently: same: seem: seemed: seeming: seems: seven: seventy: several: she: shes: should: shouldnt: since: six: sixty: some: somehow: someone: something: sometime: sometimes: somewhere: still: stop: such: taking: ten: than: that: the: their: them: themselves: then: thence: there: thereafter: thereby: therefore: therein: thereupon: these: they: thirty: this: those: though: thousand: three: through: throughout: thru: thus: tips: together: too: toward: towards: trillion: twenty: two: under: unless: unlike: unlikely: until: update: updated: updates: upon: used: using: very: via: want: wanted: wants: was: wasnt: way: ways: wed: well: were: werent: what: whats: whatever: when: whence: whenever: where: whereafter: whereas: whereby: wherein: whereupon: wherever: wheres: whether: which: while: whither: who: whoever: whole: whom: whomever: whose: why: will: with: within: without: wont: work: worked: works: working: would: wouldnt: yes: yet: you: youd: youll: your: youre: yours: yourself: yourselves: youve

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-23
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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