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waardes en houdings



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omstandighede en houdings in die republiek en na verkryging van die grootste doenlike


attitudes prevailing in the republic and after obtaining public participation to the

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


sy waardes en voorbeeld van toewyding aan humanitêre diens is ´n skitterende voorbeeld in vandag se moeilike tye.


his values and his example of dedication to the service of humanity is a shining example in today`s troubled world.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


dames en here, vandag wil ek oor keuses praat. ons almal maak elke dag keuses, groot en klein. kies wat om aan te trek, wat om te eet of hoe om ons tyd te spandeer. hierdie keuses vorm ons lewens. soms kan dit moeilik wees om keuses te maak. ons voel dalk onseker of bang om die regte pad te kies. maar onthou, elke keuse leer ons iets nuuts. dit is belangrik om keuses te maak wat ooreenstem met ons waardes en drome. elke keuse lei ons op 'n ander pad en open nuwe geleenthede an


ladies and gentlemen, today, i want to talk about choices. we all make choices every day, big and small. choosing what to wear, what to eat, or how to spend our time. these choices shape our lives. sometimes, making choices can be hard. we might feel unsure or scared about choosing the right path. but remember, every choice teaches us something new. it's important to make choices that align with our values and dreams. each choice leads us down a different road, opening up new opportunities and adventures so embrace your power to choose. make decisions that make you proud and bring your joy. and remember, even if a choice doesn't turn out as planned, it's okay. we learn and grow from every decision we make

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-04-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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