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text: transatlantic press
text: transatlantic press
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
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tat-1 (transatlantic no.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
kabel tat-1 (transatlantic no.
tat-1 (transatlantic no.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
transatlantic latest cretaceous mosasaurs (reptilia, lacertilia) from the maastrichtian type area and new jersey.
transatlantic latest cretaceous mosasaurs (reptilia, lacertilia) from the maastrichtian type area and new jersey.
stephen szabo je zástupce ředitele transatlantic academy ve washingtonu, institutu, v němž akademici a odborníci na politiku z evropy a severní ameriky společně studují výzvy transatlantického společenství.
stephen szabo is associate director of the transatlantic academy in washington, an institute in which academics and political experts from europe and north america come together to research the challenges of the transatlantic community.
jako vynikající organizátorka se profesorka rovná stala garantkou nových studijních programů v oblasti západoevropských studií a studií evropské integrace. je také koordinátorkou programu euromasters/transatlantic masters.
as an expert in institutional issues, professor rovná was called upon by the czech government to serve as alternate representative to the european convention preparing the eu’s constitutional treaty.
6.3 transatlantický dialog o problematice práce (tald – transatlantic labour dialog) by měl být rovněž zapojen do druhého kola jednání.
6.3 transatlantic labour dialog (tald) should become involved in the second stage negotiations.
ronald d. asmus, a deputy assistant secretary of state in the clinton administration, is executive director of the brussels-based transatlantic center of the german marshall fund of the united states. steven everts
ronald d. asmus, a deputy assistant secretary of state in the clinton administration, is executive director of the brussels-based transatlantic center of the german marshall fund of the united states.
==diskografie=====pain of salvation===*"hereafter" (1996) (demo)*"entropia" (1997)*"one hour by the concrete lake" (1998)*"ashes" (2000) (singl)*"the perfect element, part i" (2000)*"remedy lane" (2002)*"" (2004)*"be" (2004)*""be" original stage production" (2005) (live dvd)*""be" original stage production" (2005) (live cd)*"scarsick" (2007)*"on the two deaths of pain of salvation" (2009) (live cd)*"ending themes" (2009) (live dvd)*"linoleum ep" (2009)*"road salt one (2010)*"road salt two (2011)*"falling home (2014)===soviac===*"gmc out in the fields" (2002) (kytara v don chinos)===the flower kings===*"unfold the future" (2002) (zpěv a vokály)*"meet the flower kings" (2003) (live) (kytary, klávesy, zpěv, perkuse)*"adam & eve" (2004) (kytary, klávesy, zpěv, perkuse)*"the road back home" (2007) (kompilace) (zpěv)===crypt of kerberos===*"the macrodex of war" (2005) (kompilace)===daniele liverani===*"genius : a rock opera-episode 1-a human into a dream world" (zpěv) jako twinspirit n.32*"genius : a rock opera-episode 2-in search of the little prince" (2004) (zpěv) jako twinspirit n.32*"genius : a rock opera-episode 3-the final surprise" (2007) (zpěv) jako twinspirit n.32===axamenta===*"ever-arch-i-tech-ture" (2006) (zpěv, zpěvové melodie a aranže v 8. skladbě, threnody for an endling)===spastic ink===*"ink compatible" (2004) (zpěv ve skladbě melissa's friend)===transatlantic===*"live in europe" (2003) (elektrická kytara, klávesy, perkuse, zpěv)*"" (2010) (klávesy, elektrická kytara, akustická kytara, perkuse, samply, zpěv)*"kaleidoscope" (2014) (host - zpěv ve skladbě "into the blue")===dream theater===*"systematic chaos" (2007) (hlas ve skladbě repentance)===various artists===*"progaid - all around the world" (2005) (zpěv)===hammer of the gods===*"two nights in north america" (2006) (zpěv)===ayreon===*"01011001" (2007) (zpěv)===ephrat===*"no ones words" (2008) (zpěv ve skladbě the sum of damage done)===for all we know===*"for all we know (album)" (2011) (zpěv ve skladbě keep breathing)=== tristema ===*"dove tutto È possibile" (2012) (zpěv ve skladbě l'assenza (roses and thorns)
* 2011 - gildenlöw and his wife johanna had their third child, morris==discography=====pain of salvation===*"hereafter" (1996) (demo)*"entropia" (1997)*"one hour by the concrete lake" (1998)*"ashes" (2000) (single)*"the perfect element, part i" (2000)*"remedy lane" (2002)*"" (2004)*"be" (2004)*""be" original stage production" (2005) (live dvd)*""be" original stage production" (2005) (live cd)*"scarsick" (2007)*"on the two deaths of pain of salvation" (2009) (live cd)*"ending themes" (2009) (live dvd)*"linoleum ep" (2009)*"road salt one (2010)*"road salt two (2011)*"falling home (2014)===soviac===*"gmc out in the fields" (2002) (guitar on don chinos)===the flower kings===*"unfold the future" (2002) (lead and backing vocals)*"meet the flower kings" (2003) (live) (guitars, keyboards, vocals, percussion)*"adam & eve" (2004) (guitars, keyboards, vocals, percussion)*"the road back home" (2007) (compilation) (vocals)===crypt of kerberos===*"the macrodex of war" (2005) (compilation)===daniele liverani===*"genius : a rock opera-episode 1-a human into a dream world" (vocals) as twinspirit n.32*"genius : a rock opera-episode 2-in search of the little prince" (2004) (vocals) as twinspirit n.32*"genius : a rock opera-episode 3-the final surprise" (2007) (vocals) as twinspirit n.32===axamenta===*"ever-arch-i-tech-ture" (2006) (vocals, vocal melodies/arrangements on the 8th track, threnody for an endling)===spastic ink===*"ink compatible" song entitled "melissa's friend"(2004) (vocals)===transatlantic===*"live in europe" (2003) (electric guitar, keyboard, percussion, vocals)*"" (2010) (keyboards, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, percussion, samples, vocals)*"kaleidoscope" (2014) (guest vocals on "into the blue")===dream theater===*"systematic chaos" (2007) (spoken word on the track repentance)===various artists===*"progaid - all around the world" (2005) (vocals)===hammer of the gods===*"two nights in north america" (2006) (vocals)===ayreon===*"01011001" (2007) (vocals)===ephrat===*"no ones words" (2008) (vocals on the track the sum of damage done)===for all we know===*"for all we know (album)" (2011) (vocals on keep breathing)=== tristema ===*"dove tutto È possibile" (2012) (vocals on l'assenza (roses and thorns)==references==