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markup language

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-09-16
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Wikipedia


markup language


markup language

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Wikipedia


wireless markup language


wireless markup language

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 5

Riferimento: IATE


hyper text markup language


hypertext markup language

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 3

Riferimento: IATE


standard generalized markup language


standardised general markup language

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 5

Riferimento: IATE


ukendt type af xml- markup modtaget


unknown type of xml markup received

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


standard generalized markup language document interchange format


standard generalized markup language document interchange format

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 5

Riferimento: IATE


modtog ugyldig xml- markup:% 1 ved% 2:% 3


received invalid xml markup: %1 at %2: %3

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


(baml) binary application markup language, binary application markup language (baml)


binary application markup language

Ultimo aggiornamento 2006-09-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


de kompetente myndigheder udveksler automatisk de i artikel 2 anførte oplysninger i et fælles indberetningsstandardskema i extensible markup language.


the competent authorities will automatically exchange the information described in article 2 in a common reporting standard schema in extensible markup language.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


tekst-delen af alle kword;-filer er xml; (extensible markup language)-filer.


the text portion of all kword files are xml; (extensible markup language) files.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2008-03-04
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: IATE


det kan også være muligt med systemet at eksportere støttetilkendegivelserne i et interoperabelt format som f.eks. extensible markup language (xml).


the system may in addition provide for the possibility of exporting the statements of support in an interoperable format such as the extensible mark-up language (xml).

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


for erhvervsbrugere findes der en netgrænseflade og en xml (extensible markup language) ‑grænseflade med direkte forbindelse til godkendte eksterne logistikservere.


for commercial users' needs a web interface as well as an xml (extensible markup language) interface are provided for direct connection of authorised external logistics servers.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


denne indstilling angiver om tidy skal fjerne overflødige præsentations- tags og attributter og erstatte dem med passende stilregler og strukturel markup. det virker godt på html gemt af microsoft office- produkter.


this option specifies if tidy should strip out surplus presentational tags and attributes replacing them by style rules and structural markup as appropriate. it works well on the html saved by microsoft office products.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: IATE


html tidy indstillinger indeni en fil bruges formen: wrap: 72 split: no når en givet på kommandolinje bruges formen: -- wrap 72 -- split no navn\ t\ t\ t\ ttype\ ttilladelige værdier ====================\ t=========\ t============================== indrykningsmellemrum\ t\ t\ theltal\ t0, 1, 2,... ombryd\ t\ t\ t\ theltal\ t0 (ombryd ikke), 1, 2,... tab- størrelse\ t\ t\ t\ theltal\ t0, 1, 2,... tegnkodning\ t\ t\ ttegnsæt\ t ascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis input- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis output- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis newline\ t\ t\ t\ tenum\ t\ tlf, crlf, cr doctype\ t\ t\ t\ tdoctype\ tauto, omit, strict, loose, transitional,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tuser specified fpi (string) repeated- attributes\ t\ tenum\ t\ tkeep- first, keep- last alt- text\ t\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - slide- style\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - error- file\ t\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - output- file\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - write- back\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 markup\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- warnings\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quiet\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent\ t\ t\ t\ tautobool\ tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide- endtags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 input- xml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- xml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- xhtml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- html\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add- xml- decl\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase- tags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase- attributes\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 bare\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 clean\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 logical- emphasis\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- proprietary- attributes\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- font- tags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- empty- paras\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- bad- comments\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 break- before- br\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 split\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 numeric- entities\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- marks\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- nbsp\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- ampersand\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- script- literals\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- sections\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- asp\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- jste\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- php\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- backslash\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 assume- xml- procins\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add- xml- space\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose- text\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose- block- text\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 keep- time\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 word- 2000\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 tidy- mark\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu- emacs\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu- emacs- file\ t\ t\ tstring\ t - literal- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- body- only\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- uri\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 lower- literals\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide- comments\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent- cdata\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 force- output\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- errors\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... ascii- chars\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join- classes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join- styles\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 escape- cdata\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 language\ t\ t\ tstring\ t - ncr\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- bom\ t\ t\ tautobool\ tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 replace- color\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 css- prefix\ t\ t\ tname\ tcss1 selector new- inline- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- blocklevel- tags\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- empty- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- pre- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... accessibility- check\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,...


html tidy configuration settings within a file, use the form: wrap: 72 split: no when specified on the command line, use the form: --wrap 72 --split no name\t\t\t\ttype \tallowable values ==================== \t========= \t============================== indent-spaces\t\t\tinteger \t0, 1, 2,... wrap\t\t\t\tinteger \t0 (no wrapping), 1, 2,... tab-size\t\t\t\tinteger \t0, 1, 2,... char-encoding\t\t\tencoding\t ascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202 \t\t\t\t\t\tutf16le, utf16be, utf16, \t\t\t\t\t\tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis input-encoding\t\t\tencoding \tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202 \t\t\t\t\t\tutf16le, utf16be, utf16, \t\t\t\t\t\tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis output-encoding\t\t\tencoding\tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202 \t\t\t\t\t\tutf16le, utf16be, utf16, \t\t\t\t\t\tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis newline\t\t\t\tenum\t\tlf, crlf, cr doctype\t\t\t\tdoctype\tauto, omit, strict, loose, transitional, \t\t\t\t\t\tuser specified fpi (string) repeated-attributes\t\tenum\t\tkeep-first, keep-last alt-text\t\t\t\tstring\t\t- slide-style\t\t\tstring\t\t- error-file\t\t\t\tstring\t\t- output-file\t\t\tstring\t\t- write-back\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 markup\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show-warnings\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quiet\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent\t\t\t\tautobool \tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide-endtags\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 input-xml\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output-xml\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output-xhtml\t\t\tboolean \t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output-html\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add-xml-decl\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase-tags\t\t\tboolean \t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase-attributes\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 bare\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 clean\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 logical-emphasis\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop-proprietary-attributes\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop-font-tags\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop-empty-paras\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix-bad-comments\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 break-before-br\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 split\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 numeric-entities\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote-marks\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote-nbsp\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote-ampersand\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-attributes\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-script-literals\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-sections\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-asp\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-jste\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-php\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix-backslash\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent-attributes\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 assume-xml-procins\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add-xml-space\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose-text\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose-block-text\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 keep-time\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 word-2000\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 tidy-mark\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu-emacs\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu-emacs-file\t\t\tstring \t- literal-attributes\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show-body-only\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix-uri\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 lower-literals\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide-comments\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent-cdata\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 force-output\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show-errors\t\t\tinteger \t0, 1, 2,... ascii-chars\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join-classes\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join-styles\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 escape-cdata\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 language\t\t\tstring \t- ncr\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output-bom\t\t\tautobool \tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 replace-color\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 css-prefix\t\t\tname \tcss1 selector new-inline-tags\t\t\ttag names \ttagx, tagy,... new-blocklevel-tags\t\ttag names \ttagx, tagy,... new-empty-tags\t\t\ttag names \ttagx, tagy,... new-pre-tags\t\t\ttag names\ttagx, tagy,... accessibility-check\t\tinteger \t0, 1, 2,...

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 3

Riferimento: IATE

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