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jeg mener, at selv en klimaskeptiker som sammy wilson burde tage hensyn til borgerne og støtte energieffektivitet og indsatsen for at sikre lavere elregninger.


i think even a climate sceptic like mr wilson should take care of citizens and support energy efficiency and efforts to decrease the energy bill.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-02-29
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


i min egen valgkreds er miljøministeren, sammy wilson, desværre en af disse kortsynede politikere, der ikke forstår de videnskabelige og praktiske realiteter bag klimaændringerne.


unfortunately, in my own constituency, the minister of the environment, sammy wilson, is one of these short-sighted politicians who does not understand the scientific and practical realities of climate change.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-02-29
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


det drejede sig om, at sammy wilson, miljøministeren i den regionale regering, havde nedlagt forbud mod en britisk oplysningskampagne om energieffektivitet, som den britiske regering stod bag.


it was that mr sammy wilson, the environment minister in the regional government, banned a uk information campaign organised by the uk government on energy efficiency.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-02-29
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


»fathur rohman al-ghozhi (alias a) al ghozi, fathur rohman, b) al ghozi, fathur rahman, c) al-gozi, fathur rohman, d) al-gozi, fathur rahman, e) alghozi, fathur rohman, f) alghozi, fathur rahman, g) al-gozhi, fathur rohman, h) al-gozhi, fathur rahman, i) randy alih, j) randy ali, k) alih randy, l) randy adam alih, m) sammy sali jamil, n) sammy salih jamil, o) rony azad, p) rony azad bin ahad, q) rony azad bin ahmad, r) rony azad bin amad, s) edris anwar rodin, t) abu saad, u) abu sa’ad, v) freedom fighter).


‘fathur rohman al-ghozhi (alias (a) al ghozi, fathur rohman, (b) al ghozi, fathur rahman, (c) al-gozi, fathur rohman, (d) al-gozi, fathur rahman, (e) alghozi, fathur rohman, (f) alghozi, fathur rahman, (g) al-gozhi, fathur rohman, (h) al-gozhi, fathur rahman, (i) randy alih, (j) randy ali, (k) alih randy, (l) randy adam alih, (m) sammy sali jamil, (n) sammy salih jamil, (o) rony azad, (p) rony azad bin ahad, (q) rony azad bin ahmad, (r) rony azad bin amad, (s) edris anwar rodin, (t) abu saad, (u) abu sa’ad, (v) freedom fighter).

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-12
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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