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base and pedal



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35. a reduction in the tax base, and consequently the level of taxation, that a telecommunications operator is liable for, confers an advantage upon that undertaking in that it reduces the costs that that undertaking would normally bear in the course of its business.


35. a reduction in the tax base, and consequently the level of taxation, that a telecommunications operator is liable for, confers an advantage upon that undertaking in that it reduces the costs that that undertaking would normally bear in the course of its business.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


it was noted that the framework programmes have provided a major contribution to europe’s knowledge base and the restructuring of europe’s research system to be more innovative and that the commission’s proposal to substantially increase the european research budget in the future is a welcome step in the right direction.


es wird anerkannt, dass die rahmenprogramme wesentlich dazu beigetragen haben, die europäische wissensbasis zu erweitern und das europäische forschungssystem innovativer zu machen, und dass der vorschlag der kommission, das europäische forschungsbudget in zukunft deutlich zu erhöhen, ein willkommener schritt in die richtige richtung ist.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-07
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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