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translate english to fench



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google translate english to tagalog


google translate français to tagalog

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-11-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


english to cajun


english to cajun

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-12-04
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


papasok na ako sa trabaho ko translate english to tagalog


traslate english to. tagalog language

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-06-09
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


google transilation english to somali


google transilation english to somali

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-07-30
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Anonimo


are you in paris english to french


are you in paris english to french

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-09-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the main important thing is speaking english to children.


the main important thing is speaking english to children.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


11/11/2010 (english to french captioning)


11/11/2010 (english to french captioning)

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


licensing exams for professions may be expensive and usually require a sound command of english to pass successfully."


entrepreneurs clearly have the lowest income of the three categories of principal applicants in the business category.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo
Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


students wrote articles in english to be exposed at the school board, proving the importance of learning languages organisateur:


students wrote articles in english to be exposed at the school board, proving the importance of learning languages.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the bidder shall submit a sample of a translation from english to french and a sample of a translation from french to english done for the clients given in reference.


les soumissionnaires doivent fournir un échantillon d’une traduction de l’anglais vers le français et un échantillon d’une traduction du français vers l’anglais effectuées pour les clients donnés en référence.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


journée européenne des langues vendredi 26 septembre 2008 exemples de la pratique 2007 christmas a theatrical presentation of christmas through english to see the different preparations and customs throughout europe.


european day of languages 26 september 2008 examples of practice 2007 christmas a theatrical presentation of christmas through english to see the different preparations and customs throughout europe.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


translations required traductions demandées translation prepared traductions préparées english to french de l’anglais au français french to english du français à l’anglais


translations required traductions demandées english to french translation de l’anglais au français prepared traductions french to english préparées du français à l’anglais

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


journée européenne des langues vendredi 26 septembre 2008 exemples de la pratique 2007 greeting the world we asked pupils who also speak or whose families speak a language other than english to prepare a greeting poster adn displayed them at the school's main entrance.


european day of languages 26 september 2008 examples of practice 2007 greeting the world we asked pupils who also speak or whose families speak a language other than english to prepare a greeting poster adn displayed them at the school's main entrance.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


journée européenne des langues vendredi 26 septembre 2008 exemples de la pratique 2007 variety is the spice of life on 24 september 15 students and teachers from sweden and norway together with the students and teachers from our school will teach lithuanian, norwegian, swedish, russian and english to the parents and students.


european day of languages 26 september 2008 examples of practice 2007 variety is the spice of life on 24 september 15 students and teachers from sweden and norway together with the students and teachers from our school will teach lithuanian, norwegian, swedish, russian and english to the parents and students.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


translations requested / traductions demandées translations prepared / traductions préparées english to french / de l'anglais au français french to english / du français à l'anglais


searching / recherche consultation third party / tiers total

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


republic of guinea labour- justice – solidarity high institute of sciences education of guinea (lambanyi isseg) high school teachers department english: section session – 2013-2014 20th promotion: final report training school: lycée boubacar biro diallo (l. sangoya) candidate: fofana ismael register: 101116019 supervisor: docter moustapha diallo my host teacher: mr. sidiki kourouma head master: mr. mamadou barry   1- introduction 2- presentation of the school 3- organization chart 4- pedagogic aspects ( training techer) 5- suggestions and recommendation 6- conclucions   1- introduction: the higher institute of science education of guinea (isseg) is a leader in educational innovation within its economic offerings. the students may peruse their graduation degrees. this institution offers a wide range; including teachers education training programs and management in the class room; the goal of the institution is to provide students with the best training and education available to fill the employment opportunities of the future in education; government and private sector isseg is proud to have high standards for teachers preparations and requires; of all the major and the minor fields of study as well in their professional education. isseg provides teaches for working in any school program which includes adolescents. the english section of education program prepares students to teach subjects at the secondary level. the program focuses on preparing prospective teachers for the challenges of teaching in this target country. where students are not much interesting in the english language; my institution also provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today’s dynamic words. isseg offered a specific education for teachers to increase the quality for all the students in skills flexibility and knowledge to make of or the students personal competence; responsible in class room situation and continue development; advancement for the future generation. i whist to acknowledge with thanks the authority of isseg ; they have tried to help me in these four years study ; but in any case where i may have failed will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity in this document. my institutions also provide students with knowledge that will allow them to adopt in teachers program of teaching in secondary school. my pleased at isseg will be the last breath i draw the last word and i speak in education for all children; all men and all women in this country. i am going to divide this document in six parts.   2- presentation of the school a- geographical situation: lycée sangoyah i call here lycée boubacar biro diallo; it is a public school; which is located in the commune of matoto. it is about twenty (20) km from down to city (kaloum). actually it is one the very big schools of the capital city of guinea big school (conakry). which is bordered on the east by the sector of kissosso; on the west by the big junction of sangoyah always called chemist. on the north by the primary school of sangoyah and the secondary; on the south by the soldier camp and one part of the market of sangoyah. b- assignment of mission of the school: is to educate and to teach the children how to read, write, and speak fluently in our colonialism language which is french and english to improve their knowledge in the future. the mission is also in whatever way to improve the quality of the best students, for let us serve our own community and those fulfil the highest level in education. c- historic of the school: lycée sangoyah is founded in 1962, the land has been giving by elhadj ba lancé. they built two (2) classes. two (2) years ago they added two other classes. two fundamental languages were taught in the school at that time. arabic and french. four classes for arabic; and four other classes for french. in 2007, the government decided to transform the primary school in to the high school which we called in french (lycée). because they were too many students at high school yimbaya, so they planned that to make it as lycée , for all the students have changed ,to study at same time with the others . the first head master was mr. sekou camara and the first censor was mr thiam. but in 2007 the school never produced candidate in the national exam; because they just sent by the autority. the eleventh and twelfth grade up to next coming year in 2007. nowadays they are many successes in this school. now lycée sangoya has been called lycée ‘’aboubacar biro diallo’’. d- activity: the essential activity is an education not just to lean languages but also to control people (student) behavior about the live in society. the way of talking to people ; teachers have a lot of works to do at school ; , different people equal different behavior if you have for example ,ten students means that you teacher ; you have ten behavior to control very difficult to deal with them. so the specific activities of the school are to educate students and also satisfied the mental hanger. e- structure: the structure lycée sangoyah is divided in to four (4): the hear master, the censor, the teachers and the students. f- costumer: the number of students are increasing at lycée sangoyah; the performance of the teachers, all of them are young; and they have a lot of courage to the teach the students. there are many successes each year the national exam. from 2007 lycée sangoyah deals with fundamental, build a foundation and furnish a plan for human structure. many student come from anther school to pursue their study in this school. in the matter of customers, the school is very plenty of student. so, you can say that in two years ago students. will be back of rooms where they can learn.   3- organization chart   a- training personnel or framing it is fifteen them: one head master two censors five advisors of positioning three advisors of education; two sanctities of archivist; and two secretaries of offices. b- personal teachers: there are forty five (45) teachers at lycée sangoyah ‘’aboubacar biro diallo’’ eight teachers of french language four teachers of physics ; four teachers or chemistry; four teachers of history ; two teachers of geography; two teachers of economics ; four teachers of philosophy ; six teachers of english language ; four teachers of biology one of geology; two teachers of civic education and six teachers of mathematics. c- techinc groups: there are four groups: social sciences, natural sciences, exact sciences, and physics education sciences. d- numbers of classes: there are twenty four classes at lycee sangoya ‘’ aboubacar biro diallo’’  eleventh grade have four two classes rooms for social sciences, one class rooms for mathematics sciences; and one class room for natural sciences.  twelfth grade has four classes for social sciences; two classes for mathematics sciences and two classes for natural sciences.  terminal grade have six class rooms for social sciences; two classes for mathematics sciences and there classes rooms for natural sciences e- number of students: the global number of students at lycée sangoyah ‘’aboubacar biro diallo ‘’ is 2075 (two thousand seventy five) ss boys are 1.440 one thousand four hundred forty, 635 (six hundred thirty five girls. f- role of my host teacher: the first time i met him; he was very happy to see me among them and he asked me about some document like mobel grammar book but that was surprising me he said that he would like to see me as a teacher, to respect time, to be fair, to avoid girls problems among the students. g- integrate training and mode of training: the first time i never accepted to start teaching that day ; i went to the back of the class room and watched my host ; after one week he gave me a topic to prepare ; the next class i gave my course . students were understanding as far as i going through into the topic until the end. h- regular frequencies: i always respected the time and code of conduct of school, in this plan my host teacher really appreciated me. the control of the head master and the censor was regular. i - place and space of work: i would like to launch my voice to the government and all people of isseg the ministry of the pre-university education, to help the high school of ‘’biro diallo’’ because they are in lack of space. j- work conduit: the condition very pitiful; the class room of lycée ‘’biro diallo’’ sangoyah are in disorders. the roof , the metal are good, the benches are polled where the students can sit some benches , are broken ;in the other hand the class room are painted , ceiling in all the class room ; even the offices of the head master and the censor . let the in charge of education; look forward for all the school in the country particularly lycée ‘’boubacar biro diallo‘’. from the twelve o’clock to fourteen very difficult to teacher in some school of the country because of climate and all back boards are not good condition. you can see the writing very difficult.   4- pedagogic aspect: teacher training my time table during the teaching practice: days hours classes monday 14h -18h 12 ss wednesday 14h -18h 12 se friday 8h -14h 12 ss a- rollment of the activities: my host teacher and i were serious in our activities; on monday evening i respected the time because students were very interested in my course. after one week works with him. he gave me the chance to continue with all these classes. i found that teaching: i took all my time to do my best in this school. each end of my course i gave the home work to present the next class; we continued with this system for one month. my host teacher commended me to prepare a lesson about sharing information on how spend your time that was one saturday evening. b- the objective during my training practice: my objective is to be able to serve my country as an english teacher and also to respect the rules in class rooms situation. today i am a student trainer one day i will be called; to teach. so i have a specific aim during my training; many student do not not have access to the english language my goal is to help them .to learn more as an english teacher once it is the first international language. some people found that learning a foreign language is very difficult; but not the case in my side. i loved english since i was in secondary school. during my teaching practice i found that education it is an action that can develop physic and intellectual faculty and moral for youth in this country. it is an opportunity for teachers to solve education problems. c- the surmount obstacles: i had many difficulties when i started the teaching practice managing more than hundred people in one class room is not easy. the first time i met them; how to maintain silence in the classroom; and to create contract between student and the teachers. generally french schools do not too much care aboot english language; it is reason that english teacher have to encourage the students; so that they can participate. the students are monolingual; they always ask the meaning of new works; the teachers have to be able to answer immediately; and students can get the meaning of language quickly. d- course like followed: i met my host teacher at the end of the program but of my courage i did many things with him i would like to tell the institution. to send the students very quickly on the field at least on february. so that they can do a lot of works with the host teacher. example: of course that i followed: unit …. distinguishing objects of the same kind by size and shape the language is: promise plus subject of nom. for this unit you have to write the text before yours students and explain very clearly. 1-usage: with adjective. s + nom + adv + c s + verb+ adjective e- the book that i used during: my teacher practice is my own book of english language ‘’ mobel’’ f- what i learn during my teaching practice: i experiment many the students; teaching is input and output. i gave them by best. if your want to learn the new language always try as a teacher to give the students the structure of language ; how to learn it but not to speak as a native speaker of the language.   5- suggestions and recommendations: i would like to tell the government of guinea and the leader ship of the higher institute sciences of education of guinea (isseg).their best to improve the quality of education and the work the condition in our institute. many things remain; they need to look forward to solve not only for us but for the coming generation i would like also to draw the attention of my section and ; all the heard of (isseg) to send the fourth students very quickly on their teaching practice. in case of time; we always met a lot of problems only two weeks is very short the for the good training practice. i also suggest adding these following subjects by starting in the second year till fourth (4) years in english section according to their important in our formation as teachers of english language in french country. they are: translation; methodology. teaching practice and stepping into research. a modern person is someone who knows computer; driving; and well education in english; french .and so on. but unfortunately our institution or (isseg) do not have many computers our library is also in lack of english book why? i suggest that many the government take education in services because education is in life. i suggest that again to the government of guinea to investigate more in education because the ministry of higher research do not have materials and passivity to supervise all the institution and the courage of the english section. i am going to attend my goal. the government or the ministry of higher education should help lycee sangoyah which is to day call lycee ‘’ boubacar biro diallo ‘’ to improve the quality students; the buildings are new but the number of the students are increasing; and this can be the fundamental problem of school. it is very important to notice people who know nothing about english die in ignorance. i also suggest the government of guinea and all the heard of (isseg) higher institute science education of guinea , let then in whatever way do their best to qualified the students life , to create each year ; different kind of sports for men and women, but i noticed that our institution very poor’s for this activity program . it is very important to learn through group involvement and community service. i recommend my institution for these proposition; that i would like them to pursue. - promote the personal and leadership development of students. - create a welcoming and encouraging school environment. - encourage students to see their potential citizens in a global country. i suggest to our leadership of (isseg) to pursue their good well that are generating for trainee teachers, so that they can be easily employed. from 1978 all 2010 all students coming from (isseg) were employed, but since 2011 it has been hindered, i recommend the government to forward for this specific problem. which can demotivate the coming generation. i hope that, on behalf all the students of (isseg) my suggestion and recommendation will draw your attention and will be taken into a count for profit and with scores more planned for the immediate.   6- conclusion: all human being are born free and equal in dignity and right. there are endowed with and conscience. they should act to wart one another in a spirit of brother hood. after four years of study at (isseg) as training teacher. time has come for me to leave. i am very happy that i have been given all my opportunities to express my feeling in spite of difficulties; i met during my study. i pry god the almighty who has given me the health and courage to reach at this level. many thank to my parents particularly ; my mother tiranké kaba and my father sekou fofana ; my sister siré fofana ; fanta fofana baboye donzo ; bintou sanoh ; sir 2sanoh; fatim; tata sanoh. my brothers youssouf donzo ; laye adama donzo; mamady komah ;ismael cherif; who is always called by his friends (grotto) sanuka konneh ; nfacé camara . laye camara ; fassidiki fofana and all those from my village morygbèdou and koundou klb. all my gratitude to the following people massigbé kourouma ; sidiki traore ; aissatou baldé; catherine doré ; zée kaba ;makoura ;mawa souaré ; mamou cherif; fanta konneh and 1er porte members ; yaya ;laye condé ; jpk . i whist them success in any business they undertake. i one again thank my mother who the tireless support me during my study. all my gratitude to the authorities of isseg. who initiated this training program for teachers in secondary school and i hope that it will be continues. my thanks to all my classmates; but also to the following teachers: mr. mamadou barry (head of section) mr. zaoro nanamou; mr. abdoul gadiri; amadou oury bah (translation teacher). i will never forget them in my life; because they did their best to improve the quality of my learning (the english language). i hope that my suggestion will draw their attention for the coming generation. may ammah the almighty guide us? in my conclusion i can say that’s. ‘’education is life’’ all my gratitude to those whose names i cannot include in this document; but whose moral contributions were instrumental as well.


altavista babelfish

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-06-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo

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