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mataku berkaca kaca



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kemarin aku dan temanku melakukan upacara hari guru. kita melakukan upacara di depan sekolah,disertai matahari yang cerah. selain upacara kita juga memberikan sesuatu kepada guru seperti buket,dan lagu untuk guru. saat kita menyanyi menghadap guru guru,kita menangis melihat guru matanya ber kaca kaca,lalu kita juga ikut nangis. setelah itu,kita bersalaman pada guru dan foto bareng. lalu kita kembali ker kelas untuk melanjutkan pelajaran sampai sore. lalu malam hari terjadi hujan deras dan kam


yesterday my friend and i performed a teacher's day ceremony. we performed the ceremony in front of the school, accompanied by a bright sun. in addition to ceremonies we also give things to teachers such as bouquets, and songs to teachers. when we sing to the teacher, we cry to see the teacher's eyes glassy, and then we also cry. after that, we shook hands with the teacher and took pictures together. then we go back to class to continue the lesson until the afternoon. then at night there was heavy rain and we

Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-11-28
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