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my grandmother takes care of us, me and my sister



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me and my sister love to swim


ons het baie gereis en na 'n waterpark in limpopo gegaan

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-05-31
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


me and my sister play games in our room


our father brrai meat for us

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-05-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


there are 6 members in my family. my mother, my grandmother, my sister and my 2 brothers


daar is 5 lede in my familie. my ma, my ouma, my suster en my 2 broers

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


he always takes care of me and i take care of him. i have not met any dog like him. dinkies is the best pet , that why he is my favorite pet. i love him and he loves me .


hy sorg altyd vir my en ek sorg vir hom. ek het nog geen hond soos hy ontmoet nie. dinkies is die beste troeteldier, daarom is hy my gunsteling troeteldier. ek is lief vir hom en hy is lief vir my.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2019-10-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


my family is a joint of 7 members, it include me. my mother and my grandparents, my uncle, aunt and cousin. my grandmother is a nice, loving lady caring and supportive. my mother is working at spionkop, she is take good care of me


my gesin is 'n gesamentlike van 7 lede, dit sluit my in. my ma en my grootouers, my oom, tannie en neef. my ouma is 'n gawe, liefdevolle dame wat omgee en ondersteun. my ma werk by spionkop, sy sorg mooi vir my

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-02-28
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


me and my mom and my sister we went on a vacation to disney land we went to parks and we went on a cool slide and i even went on a swim it was the first time whiche i had swemt on a big pool and i was only eight years old we did many fun things i had never had so much fun in my life i was so amazed and ecited it was like i was at home but when we were told that it was time to go home i felt like crying because i had already took disney land in my heart as if it was my second home but i just didn


ek en my ma en my suster het op 'n vakansie na disneyland gegaan, ons het na parke gegaan en ons het op 'n koel skyfie gegaan en ek het selfs geswem. dit was die eerste keer dat ek op 'n groot swembad geswem het en ek was net agt jaar oud. ons het baie lekker dinge gedoen wat ek nog nooit so baie pret in my lewe gehad het nie. ek was so verbaas en opgewonde dit was asof ek tuis was, maar toe ons vertel is dat dit tyd was om huis toe te gaan, het ek gevoel asof ek huil omdat ek reeds disneyland in my hart geneem het, asof dit my tweede huis was, maar ek het dit net nie gedoen nie.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-08-30
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Anonimo


it was a sunny day in brakpan primary school, my friend kamo was actually taller than me and was a very light skinned just like my sister and kinda had funny looking eyes. we were about to run three laps around the whole school, as i said before it was a sunny day so after we were done with the three laps we were sweating like crazy, it was like we just came out of a swimming pool and couldn't wait to dry off. i was the fastest runner at the school so i was called thunder thighs and my friend robot


dit was 'n sonnige dag in die laerskool brakpan, my vriend kamo was eintlik langer as ek en was 'n baie ligte vel, net soos my suster en het nogal snaakse oë gehad. ons was op die punt om drie rondtes om die hele skool te hardloop, soos ek voorheen gesê het dit was 'n sonnige dag so nadat ons klaar was met die drie rondtes het ons soos 'n besetene gesweet, dit was asof ons net uit 'n swembad gekom het en kon' nie wag om af te droog nie. ek was die vinnigste hardloper by die skool so ek is donderdye genoem en my vriend ra

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-02-11
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Anonimo


the day my mom decided that we should eat healthy food was on the 25 january 2024. so me my sister my brother and my parents started eating healthy food. we ate things like salads, carrots, fruits and ginger tea. it all made us healthy but for me it was discusting because i like junk food like m.c donald's and kfc.but i learnt that eating healthy food makes you grow faster than you expected. so eat healthy food and see the results it actually works. then one day me and my sister went to mcdonald


die dag toe my ma besluit het dat ons gesonde kos moet eet, was op 25 januarie 2024. so het ek, my suster, my broer en my ouers gesonde kos begin eet. ons het dinge soos slaaie, wortels, vrugte en gemmertee geëet. dit het ons alles gesond gemaak, maar vir my was dit diskusserend, want ek hou van gemorskos soos mc donald's en kfc. maar ek het geleer dat die eet van gesonde kos jou vinniger laat groei as wat jy verwag het. eet dus gesonde kos en sien die resultate wat dit eintlik werk. toe is ek en my suster eendag mcdonald toe

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-03-12
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


me and my family we went to the sea. we saw lots of fish's they were very beautiful. they were white and orange.but others were silver and white. the sharks were blue.my mother bought us ice cream because it was hot. we came with swimming costumes to swim in. i sat on the sand. when we went back home we bought kfc. when we got home we ate 7 colours meals and we shoot crickets. we slept at 03:55. we were very happy that day. the next day we went to spur me and my sister played on the jumping cast


me and my family we went to the sea. we saw lots of fish's they were very beautiful. they were white and orange.but others were silver and white. the sharks were blue.my mother bought us ice cream because it was hot. we came with swimming costumes to swim in. i sat on the sand. when we went back home we bought kfc. when we got home we ate 7 colours meals and we shoot crickets. we slept at 03:55. we were very happy that day. the next day we went to spur me and my sister played on the jumping castle we had a lot of fun at spur. we ate pizza, burger and pasta. we drank sprite and milkshake we came back home at 19:45.i enjoyed my holidays.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-02-04
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo

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