Hai cercato la traduzione di the centre was wonderfully deco... da Inglese a Afrikaans

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the centre was wonderfully decorated



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we have placed education and skills development at the centre of this government’s policies.


ons het onderwys en vaardigheidsontwikkeling as die middelpunt van hierdie regering se beleide gestel.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


(5) the centre must also serve as the directory of contact using sms and other related


(5) die sentrum moet ook dien as die kontakgids deur die gebruik van kbd en ander

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


the creation of decent work will be at the centre of our economic policies and will influence our investment attraction and job-creation initiatives.


die skep van behoorlike werk sal die sentrale punt van ons ekonomiese beleide vorm en sal die aantrekkingskrag van ons belegging en werkskeppingsinisiatiewe beïnvloed.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


at the centre of our economic programmes is, and should always be, the consideration whether their success is helping to improve the quality of life of all south africans, acting as an important weapon in our war on poverty and accelerating our advance towards the attainment of such objectives as the reduction of unemployment and advancing the goal of health for all.


die kern van ons ekonomiese programme was, en moet altyd wees, die oorweging of die sukses daarvan bydra om die lewensgehalte van alle suid-afrikaners te verbeter, en of die programme dien as 'n belangrike wapen in ons oorlog teen armoede en in die versnelling van ons strewe om doelwitte soos die afname in werkloosheid te bereik en om die doelwit van gesondheid vir almal te bevorder.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-24
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


the whistle blows and from the centre the ball is kicked. the kick off begins a series of passes, dribbles, free kicks, throw ins, tackles gentle and wild, headers, and finally goal! in 90 minutes divided into two equal halves you see a miniature of life. it is action packed, with fortune swinging both ways, a procession of mistakes with yellow and red cards shown, agony and ecstasy, hard work, perspiration, and wild joy when scoring goals.


die fluitjie blaas en vanaf die middel word die bal geskop. die afskop begin met 'n reeks aangeë, dribbels, vryskoppe, ingooie, pakslae sag en wild, koppe, en uiteindelik doel! in 90 minute verdeel in twee gelyke helftes sien jy 'n miniatuur van die lewe. dit is aksiebelaai, met fortuin wat beide kante swaai, 'n optog van foute met geel en rooi kaarte wat gewys word, pyn en ekstase, harde werk, sweet en wilde vreugde wanneer jy doele aanteken.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-04-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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