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sita is a good girl as well as an intelligent girl



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kill not your children for fear of want : we shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you . verily the killing of them is a great sin .


ልጆቻችሁንም ድኽነትን ለመፍራት አትግደሉ ፡ ፡ እኛ እንመግባቸዋለን ፡ ፡ እናንተንም ( እንመግባለን ) ፡ ፡ እነርሱን መግደል ታላቅ ኃጢኣት ነውና ፡ ፡

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


> from the fruit of the date palm and the grapes you derive intoxicants as well as wholesome food . surely in this there is a sign for men of understanding .


ከዘምባባዎችና ከወይኖችም ፍሬዎች ( እንመግባችኋለን ) ፡ ፡ ከእርሱ ጠጅንና መልካም ምግብንም ትሠራላችሁ ፡ ፡ በዚህም ውስጥ ለሚያስቡ ሕዝቦች በእርግጥ ተዓምር አልለ ፡ ፡

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


and do not kill your children , fearing poverty ; we shall provide sustenance to them as well as to you ; indeed killing them is a great mistake .


ልጆቻችሁንም ድኽነትን ለመፍራት አትግደሉ ፡ ፡ እኛ እንመግባቸዋለን ፡ ፡ እናንተንም ( እንመግባለን ) ፡ ፡ እነርሱን መግደል ታላቅ ኃጢኣት ነውና ፡ ፡

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


all that we relate to thee of the stories of the messengers , - with it we make firm thy heart : in them there cometh to thee the truth , as well as an exhortation and a message of remembrance to those who believe .


ከመልክተኞቹም ዜናዎች ( ተፈላጊውን ) ሁሉንም ልብህን በርሱ የምናረካበትን እንተርክልሃለን ፡ ፡ በዚህችም ( ሱራ ) እውነቱ ነገር ለምእምናን ግሳጼና ማስታወሻ መጥቶልሃል ፡ ፡

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


in their stories there is a lesson for men of understanding . this [ quran ] is no invented tale , but a confirmation of the previous [ scripture ] and a detailed explanation of all things as well as guidance and mercy to true believers .


በታሪካቸው ውስጥ ለአእምሮ ባለ ቤቶች በእርግጥ መገሰጫ ነበረ ፡ ፡ ( ይህ ቁርኣን ) የሚቀጣጠፍ ወሬ አይደለም ፡ ፡ ግን ያንን በስተፊቱ ያለውን አረጋጋጭ ለነገርም ሁሉ ገላጭ ለሚያምኑ ሕዝቦችም መሪና ችሮታ ነው ፡ ፡

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


and among men is he who serves allah ( standing ) on the verge , so that if good befalls him he is satisfied therewith , but if a trial afflict him he turns back headlong ; he loses this world as well as the hereafter ; that is a manifest loss .


ከሰዎችም ( ከሃይማኖት ) በጫፍ ላይ ሆኖ አላህን የሚግገዛ ሰው አልለ ፡ ፡ ታዲያ መልካም ነገር ቢያገኘው በእርሱ ይረጋል ፡ ፡ መከራም ብታገኘው በፊቱ ላይ ይገለበጣል ፡ ፡ የቅርቢቱን ዓለምም የመጨረሻይቱንም ከሰረ ፡ ፡ ይህ እርሱ ግልጽ ከሳራ ነው ፡ ፡

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


and all that we relate to you ( o muhammad saw ) of the news of the messengers is in order that we may make strong and firm your heart thereby . and in this ( chapter of the quran ) has come to you the truth , as well as an admonition and a reminder for the believers .


ከመልክተኞቹም ዜናዎች ( ተፈላጊውን ) ሁሉንም ልብህን በርሱ የምናረካበትን እንተርክልሃለን ፡ ፡ በዚህችም ( ሱራ ) እውነቱ ነገር ለምእምናን ግሳጼና ማስታወሻ መጥቶልሃል ፡ ፡

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


except those who join a group , between you and whom there is a treaty ( of peace ) , or those who approach you with their breasts restraining from fighting you as well as fighting their own people . had allah willed , indeed he would have given them power over you , and they would have fought you .


እነዚያ በእናንተና በእነርሱ መካከል ቃል ኪዳን ወዳላቸው ሕዝቦች የሚጠጉና ወይም እናንተን ለመጋደል ወይም ወገኖቻቸውን ለመጋደል ልቦቻቸው የተጨነቁ ኾነው የመጧዋችሁ ሲቀሩ ፤ ( እነዚያንስ አትጋደሉዋቸው ) ፡ ፡ አላህም በሻ ኖሮ በእናንተ ላይ ኀይል በሰጣቸውና በተጋደሉዋችሁ ነበር ፡ ፡ ቢተዋችሁና ባይጋደሉዋችሁም ወደ እናንተም እርቅን ቢያቀርቡ አላህ ለእናንተ በነሱ ላይ ( የመጋደል ) መንገድን አላደረገም ፡ ፡

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


5g technology has a theoretical peak speed of 20 gbps, while the peak speed of 4g is only 1 gbps. 5g also promises lower latency, which can improve the performance of business applications as well as other digital experiences (such as online gaming, videoconferencing, and self-driving cars). while earlier generations of cellular technology (such as 4g lte) focused on ensuring connectivity, 5g takes connectivity to the next level by delivering connected experiences from the cloud to clients. 5g networks are virtualized and software-driven, and they exploit cloud technologies. the 5g network will also simplify mobility, with seamless open roaming capabilities between cellular and wi-fi access. mobile users can stay connected as they move between outdoor wireless connections and wireless networks inside buildings without user intervention or the need for users to reauthenticate. the new wi-fi 6 wireless standard (also known as 802.11ax) shares traits with 5g, including improved performance. wi-fi 6 radios can be placed where users need them to provide better geographical coverage and lower cost. underlying these wi-fi 6 radios is a software-based network with advanced automation. 5g technology should improve connectivity in underserved rural areas and in cities where demand can outstrip today's capacity with 4g technology. new 5g networks will also have a dense, distributed-access architecture and move data processing closer to the edge and the users to enable faster data processing.


5g አውታረ መረብ: እንዴት እንደሚሰራ, እና አደገኛ ነው

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-12-11
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo

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