Hai cercato la traduzione di what were you supposed to write it ... da Inglese a Basco

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what were you supposed to write it out for



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you will need your password to restore your files. you might want to write it down.


zure pasahitza beharko duzu fitxategiak leheneratzeko. agian hobe da nonbait idazten baduzu.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-08-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


real programmers do n't comment their code. it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.


benetako programatzaileek ez dute bere kodean oharrik jartzen. idaztea zaila bazen, ulertzeko zaila izan behar du ere.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


please insert the command used to encode the audio data. the command has to read raw little endian (see swap byte order) 16-bit stereo audio frames from stdin. the following strings will be replaced by k3b: %f - the filename of the resulting file. this is where the command has to write its output to. the following refer to metadata stored for example in the id3 tag of an mp3 file (be aware that these values might be empty). %t - title %a - artist %c - comment %n - track number %m - album title %r - album artist %x - album comment %y - release year


komandoa audioaren datuak kodetzeko erabil iden komandoa sartu. komandoak audioaren 16 bit- eko bilbea sarrera estandarretik irakurri behar du (ikusi trukatu byte- n ordena). honako kateak ordeztuko ditu k3b- k:% f - emaitzeko fitxategiaren izena. komandoak hemen idatziko du bere irteera. ondorengoek mp3 fitxategi bateko id3 bezalak oetiketa batean gordetako metadatuei dagokie (jakin ezazu balio hauetariko batzuk hutsik egon daigtezkeela).% t - titulua% a - artista% c - iruzkina% n - pista- zenbakia% m - albumaren titulua% r - albumaren artista% x - albumaren iruzkina% y - argitaratze- urtea

Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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