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i look forward to what the minister has to say about the seafarers ' memorial


edrychaf ymlaen at yr hyn sydd gan y gweinidog i'w ddweud am gofeb y mordwywyr

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


edwina hart : the issues surrounding the seafarers ' memorial need to be borne in mind , and that matter will be taken up by my officials


edwina hart : rhaid cadw'r materion sy'n ymwneud â chofeb y mordwywyr mewn cof a bydd fy swyddogion yn ymdrin â'r mater hwnnw

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


if the tories are so against the project , will you invite them to boycott the new building , and to not take up their seats -- should they win any -- at the next election ? do you agree that the tories ' friends in the construction industry are probably disappointed that they have spoken against such a world-class project , which will create hundreds of jobs in this area ? more specifically , will you ensure that the contractors are aware of the sensitive issues that surround the seafarers ' memorial , which is located near to what will be the entrance to the new building ? will you ensure that the contractors contact the seafarer's association early on to discuss any possible disturbance to the services that are held at the memorial ? the memorial is much loved


os yw'r ceidwadwyr mor wrthwynebus i'r prosiect , a wnewch chi eu gwahodd i gefnu ar yr adeilad newydd , ac i beidio â derbyn eu seddau -- os enillant unrhyw rai -- yn yr etholiad nesaf ? a gytunwch fod cyfeillion y torïaid yn y diwydiant adeiladu fwy na thebyg yn siomedig eu bod wedi siarad yn erbyn prosiect o'r radd flaenaf , a fydd yn creu cannoedd o swyddi yn yr ardal hon ? yn fwy penodol , a wnewch sicrhau bod y contractwyr yn ymwybodol o'r materion sensitif sy'n ymwneud â chofeb y mordwywyr a fydd wrth ymyl y fynedfa i'r adeilad newydd ? a wnewch sicrhau bod y contractwyr yn cysylltu â chymdeithas y mordwywyr yn gynnar i drafod unrhyw darfu posibl ar y gwasanaethau a gynhelir wrth y gofeb ? mae pobl yn hoff iawn o'r gofeb

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com

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