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the wool was delayed at the port



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that was the agreed timescale , although that was delayed at that stage


dyna oedd yr amserlen y cytunwyd arni , er ei fod ar ei hôl hi bryd hynny

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


i also want to develop business at the port of holyhead


yr wyf hefyd am ddatblygu busnes ym mhorthladd caergybi

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


the wings arrive at the port of mostyn by barge from connah's quay , having gone there by land from the originating factory at broughton


mae'r adenydd yn cyrraedd porthladd mostyn ar fad camlas o gei connah , wedi iddynt gael eu cludo yno ar dir o'r ffatri a'u gwnaeth ym mrychdyn

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


on 15 december , i met with nick cragg , managing director of corus strip products , at the port talbot plant


ar 15 rhagfyr , cyfarfûm â nick cragg , cyfarwyddwr rheoli corus strip products , yn y gwaith ym mhort talbot

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


janet ryder : we have discussed this issue many times , especially in relation to possible dredging at the port of mostyn


janet ryder : yr ydym wedi trafod y pwnc hwn lawer gwaith , yn enwedig mewn cysylltiad â'r posibilrwydd o garthu ym mhorthladd mostyn

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


the first minister : i understand the seriousness of this issue for the port of mostyn as a business as well as for your constituents who live around mostyn and who work at the port or for shipping lines and for transport companies that use it


y prif weinidog : yr wyf yn deall mor ddifrifol yw'r mater hwn i borthladd mostyn fel busnes a hefyd i'ch etholwyr sy'n byw yng nghyffiniau mostyn ac sy'n gweithio yn y porthladd neu i'r cwmnïau llongau ac i'r cwmnïau cludiant sy'n ei ddefnyddio

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


sandy mewies : will the first minister make a statement in response to the decision made yesterday on the dredging and disposal of material at the port of mostyn ? ( eaq33263 )


sandy mewies : a wnaiff y prif weinidog ddatganiad mewn ymateb i'r penderfyniad a wnaed ddoe ar garthu a gwaredu deunydd ym mhorthladd mostyn ? ( eaq33263 )

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


q3 janet davies : what are the first secretary's plans to assure the future of the child development unit presently based at the port talbot general hospital ? ( oaq3 )


c3 janet davies : beth yw cynlluniau'r prif ysgrifennydd i ddiogelu dyfodol yr uned datblygu plant sydd ar hyn o bryd yn ysbyty cyffredinol port talbot ? ( oaq3 )

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


in the port talbot area , the baglan energy park will go ahead and in south-east wales we are looking at major programmes of activity at the oakdale industrial park , where we hope to build 50 ,000 square feet of premises


yn ardal port talbot , bydd parc ynni baglan yn mynd rhagddo ac yn ne-ddwyrain cymru , yr ydym yn ystyried rhaglenni gwaith mawr ym mharc diwydiannol oakdale , lle y gobeithiwn adeiladu ar 50 ,000 troedfedd sgwâr

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


it would promote economic links with irelan ; boost enormously the use of holyhead to serve the needs of the booming irish econom ; and provide roll-on , roll-off piggy-back facilities at the port side


byddai'n hybu cysylltiadau economaidd gydag iwerddon , yn rhoi hwb enfawr i ddefnyddio caergybi i wasanaethu anghenion economi llewyrchus iwerddon ac yn darparu cyfleusterau mynd-yn-sgîl gyrru ymlaen ac i ffwrdd ar lan y porthladd

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


we are as concerned as you are -- as is everybody at the port of mostyn -- about p&am ;o's recently announced decision to withdraw its ferry services to dublin


yr ydym yr un mor bryderus â chi -- fel y mae pawb ym mhorthladd mostyn -- ynghylch y penderfyniad a gyhoeddodd p&am ;o yn ddiweddar i ddileu ei wasanaethau fferi i ddulyn

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com
Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


should the road be direct from the m4 at the pendoylan/llantrisant interchange , roughly parallel to five mile lane in the vale of glamorgan , or should it come down from culverhouse cross in an expensive new interchange that would bypass the villages of wenvoe and the port road area of barry ? alternatively , should it utilise the existing dual carriageway of the ely and grangetown link and the dinas powys bypass that has not yet been built ? none of those are trunk roads and none are proposed to be


a ddylid adeiladu'r ffordd yn uniongyrchol o'r m4 ar gyfnewidfa pendeulwyn/llantrisant , bron yn gyfochrog â lôn pum milltir ym mro morgannwg , neu a ddylai ddod i lawr o groes cwrlwys ar gyfnewidfa ddrud newydd a fyddai'n osgoi pentref gwenfô ac ardal port road y barri ? fel arall , a ddylai ddefnyddio ffordd ddeuol bresennol cyswllt trelái a grangetown a ffordd osgoi dinas powys nas adeiladwyd eto ? nid yw'r ffyrdd hynny yn gefnffyrdd ac nid oedd bwriad iddynt fod yn gefnffyrdd

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com

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