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when i got there i loved it



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when i got to dubai we went to our hotel


pan gyrhaeddais i sbain aethon ni i'n gwesty

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-09-27
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


i got in the car and went to london on the train. it was a long journey but i got there in the end


cawn yn y car ac aeth i lundain ar y trên. roedd yn daith hir ond fi gyrraedd yno yn y diwedd

Ultimo aggiornamento 2013-10-31
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


i must admit that when i was reading the document i got somewhat excited by this new major repairs allowanc ; we thought that this was new money


rhaid imi gyfaddef imi gael fy nghyffroi rhywfaint wrth ddarllen y ddogfen gan y lwfans atgyweiriadau mawr newydd hw ; credem mai arian newydd oedd hwn

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


i feel that i got a jolly good grilling , appropriately , when i went before the commission to give evidence , and i found the experience challenging and useful


teimlaf imi gael fy nghroesholi'n drwyadl , a hynny'n briodol , pan euthum gerbron y comisiwn i roi tystiolaeth , a chefais y profiad yn un buddiol ac ymestynnol

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


when i got to carlisle , which is , as you all know , near the scottish border , this woman came out , saw me and said , ` great day for walking . ' i agreed


pan gyrhaeddais gaerliwelydd , sydd , fel y gwyddoch i gyd , ger y ffin â'r alban , fe ddaeth benyw allan , a'm gweld a dweud wrthyf , ` diwrnod da i gerdded . ' cytunais

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


on sunday i got up at one p.m., me and my parents went to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables. on sunday evening when we finished, we went to the hairdressers, i dip dyed my hair dark blue. i loved my hair. after that at half pasf six i went home to relax. then at half seven i went to do my homework and get ready for school for monday.


ddydd sul cefais am un p.m., aeth mi a 'm teulu i'r archfarchnad i brynu ffrwythau a llysiau. ar nos sul pan ydym wedi gorffen, aethom i trinwyr gwallt, dip rwy'n rhoi fy gwallt tywyll glas. roeddwn yn fy ngwallt. ar ôl hynny ar hanner pasf chwe euthum adref i ymlacio. yna ar hanner saith es i i wneud fy ngwaith cartref a byddwch yn barod ar gyfer yr ysgol ar gyfer dydd llun.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-10-22
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


i must confess that , when i first saw the government of wales act 1998 and subsequently the national assembly advisory group report -- some of you were there -- i thought to myself , ` this will never wor ; how can you construct a business committee that will do all the work that i traditionally observed in westminster under the so-called usual channels , along with the leader of the house functions ? there are serious tensions in the business committee . ' the office of the presiding officer has an important role , as my colleague , jane davidson , has chaired the business committee since its inception


rhaid imi gyfaddef , pan welais ddeddf llywodraeth cymru 1998 gyntaf ac adroddiad grwp ymgynghorol y cynulliad cenedlaethol wedi hynny -- yr oedd rhai ohonoch yno -- imi feddwl wrthyf fy hun , ` wnaiff hyn fyth weithi ; sut y gallwch chi lunio pwyllgor busnes a fydd yn gwneud yr holl waith yr arferwn ei weld yn san steffan o dan y sianelau arferol , fel y'u gelwir , ynghyd â swyddogaethau arweinydd y ty ? mae tensiynau difrifol yn y pwyllgor busnes . ' mae i swyddfa'r llywydd rôl bwysig , gan mai fy nghyd-aelod , jane davidson , sydd wedi cadeirio'r pwyllgor busnes ers ei sefydlu

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com

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