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my house is flooded


membeli beberapa bahan makanan

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-02-09
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


at the end of 2021 on the 18th, my experience was not good because the conditions in batam were flooded, it was raining heavily, i rode a motorcycle at night a lot of riders broke down due to the flood because i was kind enough to help the riders who


di akhir tahun 2021 tanggal 18 pengalaman saya kurang baik karena kondisi di batam banjir,hujan deras, saya mengendarai sepeda motor pada malam hari banyak para pengendara mogok akibat banjir krena saya berbaik hati membantu para pengen dara yang

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-01-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


simple past tense verb 2 translate to english verb form 2 school holiday semester one yesterday, i was just at home helping my mother, almost every day i was always at home. i actually wanted to go out of the house to play with my friend's friends, but was not given permission by my mother. yesterday's holiday time, my mother was flooded with orders, sometimes i helped mom from two in the morning to two in the afternoon. after helping my mother, i took a bath and prayed, and then i ate. when it was eight o'clock


simple past tense verb 2 translate ke bahasa inggris kata kerja bentuk 2 libur sekolah semester satu kemarin, aku hanya di rumah saja membantu ibuku, hampir setiap hari aku selalu dirumah. sebenarnya aku ingin keluar rumah untuk bermain bersama teman temanku, tetapi tidak diberi izin oleh ibukku . waktu liburan kemarin , ibukku banjir pesanan, terkadang aku membantu ibu dari jam dua pagi sampai jam dua sore. sehabis membantu ibu, saya mandi dan sholat, lalu saya makan. saat sudah pukul delapan

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-01-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo

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