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what did the writer at the morning in the beach



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after a while we returned to the room to rest and spend the night, when we arrived in the morning we went out to see the sunrise from the beach with a very good view, not forgetting to capture my special moments with my family.


setelah beberapa lama kita kembali ke kamar untuk istirahat dan bermalam, sampainya waktu pagi kita keluar melihat sunrise dari pinggir pantai dengan pandangan yang sangat bagus tidak lupa untuk mengabadikan momen spesialku bersama keluarga.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-11-03
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Anonimo


in the morning i woke up at 05.00 wib. then i went to wash my face and did the morning prayers. after praying, i helped my mother by sweeping the floor and mopping.


dipagi hari aku bangun pukul 05.00 wib. lalu aku pergi untuk cuci muka dan melakukan sholat subuh. selesai sholat akupun membantu ibu dengan menyapu lantai dan juga mengepel. pukul 06.00 aku membantu ibu memasak untuk sarapan pagi.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-01-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


in the morning tom got up and got out of bed. then after that tom immediately rushed to bathe after bathing tom directly breakfast after breakfast tom went to the office and work after work tom shopping for groceries at the supermarket then to the street with his pet in the park after coming home from the park tom went on a date after that tom came home and watched tv then went to bed.


pada pagi hari tom bangun dan beranjak dari tempat tidur. lalu setelah itu tom langsung bergegas untuk mandi setelah mandi tom langsung sarapan setelah sarapan tom pergi ke kantor dan bekerja setelah pulang kerja tom berbelanja bahan kebutuhan di supermarketlalu to jalan jalan bersama hewan peliharaannya di taman setelah pulang dari taman tom pergi berkencan setelah itu tom pulang dan menonton tv lalu beranjak tidur.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-12-01
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


after dinner, we headed to the hotel, the fave hotel hyper square to rest all night. in the morning, we had breakfast at the hotel and then we went to the trans studio bandung. there we played a lot of game rides. we also saw some of the shows there.


setelah makan malam, kami menuju hotel, y fave hotel hyper square untuk beristirahat semalaman. pagi harinya, kami sarapan di hotel lalu kami pergi ke trans studio bandung. disana kami bermain banyak wahana permainan. selain itu, kami juga menyaksikan beberapa pertunjukan yang ada disana.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-02-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the author conducts field work practice for 6 months and is placed in the front office department, especially the guest service. while at the guest service the writer works and studies in 2 different sections, namely at the meeting point as a buggy driver and bellman. the author has the opportunity to study in the meeting point section for 3 months. here the author is tasked to deliver guests using buggy from anywhere to anywhere in the ritz carlton bali area. previously of course the writer


saya melakukan pkl (praktik kerja lapang) selama 6 bulan dan ditempatkan di departemen front office khususnya guest service . selama di guest service penulis bekerja dan belajar di 2 section yang berbeda yaitu di meeting point as a buggy driver dan bellman . penulis berkesempatan untuk belajar di section meeting point selama 3 bulan . di sini penulis bertugas untuk mengantarkan tamu menggunakan buggy dari mana saja ke mana saja di area the ritz carlton bali . sebelumnya tentu saja penulis

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-03-31
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


because the distance from home to school is quite far, i try to always leave early in the morning, at 6 i go to school to start the first class to the fourth grade, after that at the first break, i eat lunch while talking with my friends, leave around 12 noon, we did worship and a second break.


karena jarak dari rumah ke sekolah cukup jauh, saya mencoba untuk selalu berangkat pagi - pagi, jam 6 saya berangkat ke sekolah untuk memulai kelas satu sampai kelas empat, setelah itu pada jam istirahat pertama, saya makan siang sambil ngobrol dengan teman - teman saya, berangkat sekitar jam 12 siang, kami melakukan ibadah dan istirahat kedua dan setelah itu saya masuk untuk pelajaran lagi..

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-09-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


on sunday me and my friends went to tergalek beach and i was at the beach place that night and i was ceping with my friends when i was ceping with friends and there were quiet there were only a few people who were ceping there then me and my friends had finished making tents then i pulled over on the beach to enjoy the wind and see the small waves on the beach there then i ate food it's done i sleep in the tent it's very cold and s


pada hari minggu saya dan teman teman ke pantai tergalek dan saya berada di tempat pantai itu malam dan saya ceping bersama teman teman waktu ceping saya membuat tenda dengan teman teman dan di sana sunyi ada beberapa orang saja yang ceping di sana lalu saya dan teman teman sudah selesai membuat tenda lalu saya menepi di pinggir pantai untuk menikmati angin dan melihat ombak ombak kecil di pantai disana lalu saya makan makan lalu sudah selesai saya tidur di tenda itu hawanya sangat dingin dan

Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-03-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 3

Riferimento: Anonimo


in the morning before noon we also took photos in the studio that had been prepared. after that we went on to look for lunch. because the weather was so hot that day so we decided to eat the mall and then walk. after that we went back to the hotel to rest for a while. approximately 2 hours we rested, after which we continued walking and looking for dinner. incidentally we have also made an appointment with a relative who lives there to meet at the time of eating the malam


pada pagi menjelang siang kami pun foto foto di studio yang sudah disiapkan. setelah itu kami lanjut untuk mencari makan siang. karna cuaca begitu panas hari itu jadi kami memutuskan untuk makan mall dan kemudian jalan jalan. setelah itu kami pun kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat sebentar. kurang lebih 2 jam kami beristirahat, setelah itu kami pun lanjut jalan dan mencari makan malam. kebetulan kami juga sudah membuat janji dengan saudara yang tinggal di sana untuk ketemuan pada saat makan mal

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-04-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


last year in december my family and i vacationed in one of the hotels that had a beautiful feel on the beach. at that time we decided on a vacation of 1 day 1 night in the hotel, the name is ketapang indah hotel in banyuwangi city where i stayed. we love the hotel because we have previously eaten at the hotel's dining area, then we are interested in the feel of the beautiful hotel beside the beach. it turned out that after we arrived and enjoyed the atmosphere of the hotel, me and i went out.


tahun lalu pada bulan desember aku dan keluargaku liburan di salah satu hotel yang memiliki nuansa indah di pinggir pantai. waktu itu kita memutuskan liburan 1 hari 1 malam di hotel tersebut, namanya adalah hotel ketapang indah di banyuwangi kota tempat aku tinggal. kita milih hotel itu karena pernah sebelumnya makan di tempat makan hotel itu, lalu kita tertarik dengan nuansa hotelnya yang indah di samping pantai. ternyata setelah kita sampai dan menikmati suasana hotel tersebut, aku dan keluarg

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-11-03
Frequenza di utilizzo: 3

Riferimento: Anonimo

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