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Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-07-01
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


the eleventh hour


hora undecima

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-10-01
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


only son of the eleventh duke


unicus filius ducati undecimi

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-04-17
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


millennium man on the eleventh month duodevicesimo


bis millesimo duodevicesimo mensis mau die undecimo

Ultimo aggiornamento 2019-05-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the eleventh to eliashib, the twelfth to jakim,


undecima eliasib duodecima iaci

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


and the city was besieged unto the eleventh year of king zedekiah.


et clausa est civitas atque vallata usque ad undecimum annum regis sedecia

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the eleventh to azareel, he, his sons, and his brethren, were twelve:


undecima ezrahel filiis et fratribus eius duodeci

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


and in the eleventh year of joram the son of ahab began ahaziah to reign over judah.


anno undecimo ioram filii ahab rege ahazia super iuda

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


sabath, undeclined shebat, jewish month; (eleventh in ecclesiastic year);



Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-11-22
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


on the eleventh day pagiel the son of ocran, prince of the children of asher, offered:


die undecimo princeps filiorum aser phagaihel filius ochra

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


january is the first month of the year, april is the fourth, november is the eleventh, and december is the twelfth.


mensis ianuarius primus anni est; aprilis, quartus; november, undecimus; december, duodecimus.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-02-01
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


and about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, why stand ye here all the day idle?


circa undecimam vero exiit et invenit alios stantes et dicit illis quid hic statis tota die otios

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


and it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first month, in the seventh day of the month, that the word of the lord came unto me, saying,


et factum est in undecimo anno in primo in septima mensis factum est verbum domini ad me dicen

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


it came also in the days of jehoiakim the son of josiah king of judah, unto the end of the eleventh year of zedekiah the son of josiah king of judah, unto the carrying away of jerusalem captive in the fifth month.


et factum est in diebus ioachim filii iosiae regis iuda usque ad consummationem undecimi anni sedeciae filii iosiae regis iuda usque ad transmigrationem hierusalem in mense quint

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


and in the eleventh year, in the month bul, which is the eighth month, was the house finished throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the fashion of it. so was he seven years in building it.


et in anno undecimo mense bul ipse est mensis octavus perfecta est domus in omni opere suo et in universis utensilibus aedificavitque eam annis septe

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


cici, undeclined castor (oil) tree (ricinus communis); (egyptian tree also called croton l+s); zai, undeclined zayin; (7th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as z); sitthim, undeclined shittim/setim wood, wood of shittah tree/acacia wood; (not the tree); (hebrew); sabath, undeclined shebat, jewish month; (eleventh in ecclesiastic year); nun, undeclined nun; (14th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as n); iota, undeclined iota; tenth letter of greek alphabet; (transliterate as i); adar, undeclined adar, jewish month; (twelfth in ecclesiastic year); quot, undeclined how many; of what number; as many; ion, undeclined isis; daughter of inachus; ion, ionis isis; daughter of inachus; cherubim, undeclined cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.); teth, undeclined tet; (9th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as t); rabbi, undeclined rabbi; teacher, master; (hebrew); esther, undeclined esther; (book/heroine of bible, jewess born edessa, queen of persia); daleth, undeclined dalet/daleth; (4th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as d); samech, undeclined samekh; (15th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as s); sexus, sexus sex; (male or female); (also for plants); sexual organs; sexus, undeclined sex; (male or female); asty, undeclined city (esp. athens), town (as opp. to rest of attica/city-state); meson, undeclined middle-note; frugi, undeclined worthy/honest/deserving; virtuous; thrifty/frugal; temperate/sober; useful/fit; rho, undeclined greek name of the letter r; cappari, undeclined caper plant (capparis spinosa); fruit of caper plant, caper; maeleth, undeclined harp, lute (hebrew); adonai, undeclined lord, god; (hebrew); damnaustra, undeclined damnaustra!; (word of charm to cure dislocated joint); ariel, undeclined altar, fire-altar, fire-hearth of god; (ezekiel 43:15); name = lion of god; nequissimus, undeclined most wicked/vile/licentious/worthless, good for nothing; (nequam super); cummi, undeclined gum, vicid secretion from trees; necessis, undeclined necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; ephphatha, undeclined be thou opened; (mark 7:34); (aramaic); coph, undeclined qof; (19th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as k); corban, undeclined gift/corban (hebrew); offering given to god usually associated w/vow; ephi, undeclined ephah, jewish dry measure; (ten gomor, over twenty bushels); damnas, undeclined obliged; bound (to pay), condemned to pay; sentenced; (abb. d. in inscription); siban, undeclined sivan/siban; third month of the jewish ecclesiastical year; horeb, undeclined sinai, horeb; (mountain of moses and burning bush); hu, undeclined what (hebrew); (food from god for wandering jews); [man hu => what is this]; eleyson, undeclined have mercy (upon us); (greek imperative); aliquot, undeclined some/several/a few people; more than one; a number; aliquot, undeclined some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one; cephas, undeclined rock (aramaic), surname of simon peter; he, undeclined he; (5th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as h); phase, undeclined passover; jewish feast; paschal lamb/sacrifice at the passover; beta, betae beet, beetroot; beta, undeclined beta (second letter of greek alphabet); second of anything, second item; nequam, undeclined wicked/licentious/depraved; bad/vile; naughty/roguish; worthless/useless; nequior, undeclined more wicked/licentious/depraved/vile; worse; more useless/worthless; (nequam); gith, undeclined black cumin (nigella sativa); roman coriander (l+s); melanthion/melanspermon; astu, undeclined city (esp. athens), town (as opp. to rest of attica/city-state); nonnihil, undeclined certain amount; nonnihil in some measure; ami, undeclined ammi, bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant; oephi, undeclined ephi/ephah, jewish dry measure; (ten gomor, over twenty bushels); beth, undeclined bet; (2nd letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as b and v); quiddam, undeclined something; seraph, undeclined seraphim, angels (pl.) of higher order among the jews; adam, undeclined adam; (from the hebrew); [nom s => adam, not ada (otherwise 1 decl ad...)]; adam, adae adam; (hebrew); (nom s => adam, not ada, otherwise 1 decl ad...?); satius, undeclined better, more serviceable/satisfactory; fitter, preferable; (comp of satis); satius rather; preferably; jerusalem, undeclined jerusalem (hebrew); man, undeclined manna; (food from god in siani); [man/man hu => (hebrew) what/what is this]; saul, undeclined saul; king of israel); (original name of st paul); saul, saulis saul; king of israel); (original name of st paul); macte, undeclined well done! good! bravo! (voc of mactus, n implied) (macte s, macti p); instar, undeclined image, likeness, resemblance; counterpart; the equal/form of (w/gen); aleph, undeclined aleph; (1st letter of hebrew alphabet); (silent, use as an a only in order); ephod, undeclined part of clothing of a jewish priest; jod, undeclined jod; (tenth letter of hebrew alphabet); manhu, undeclined manna; (food from god for wandering hebrews); [man hu => (hebrew) what is this]; labda, undeclined lambda (greek letter); (used as a symbol for fellatio); elul, undeclined elul; sixth month of the jewish ecclesiastical year; necessum, undeclined necessary; imperative; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; res, undeclined res; (20th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as r); res, rei thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property; [~ familiaris => property]; quotcumque, undeclined whatever number of; as many as; however many; juda, undeclined judah; jude; judas; a son of jacob; tribe of judah; necesse, undeclined necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; haceldama, undeclined akeldama; field of blood (aramaic); potter's field; cumi, undeclined arise; (aramaic); (mark 5:41); chanan, undeclined canaan/palestine; nadir, undeclined nadir; pente, undeclined musical fifth; coel, undeclined sky, heaven; universe, world; space; air, weather; jehovah; (shortened form); commi, undeclined gum, vicid secretion from trees; idithum, undeclined idithun (hebrew); choir leadercherub, undeclined cherub; sabaoth, undeclined hosts (pl.); armies; (hebrew); [deus sabaoth => god of hosts]; gomor, undeclined gomor/gomer/omer, jewish dry measure; (over two bushels); chanaan, undeclined canaan/palestine; ephpheta, undeclined be thou opened; (mark 7:34); (aramaic); hethanim, undeclined ethanim; ancient hebrew seventh month; (meaning flowing rivers); selah, undeclined selah, musical pause (psalms); sing loud; change pitch; (full meaning unknown); hymen, undeclined greek wedding chant/refrain; (personified as a god); marriage, wedding, match; ain, undeclined ayin; (16th letter of hebrew alphabet); (silent); setthim, undeclined shittim/setim wood, wood of shittah tree/acacia wood; (not the tree); (hebrew); bekah, undeclined half shekel (hebrew); esdras, undeclined esdras; (name sometimes given to bible book ezra and author); deleth, undeclined dalet/daleth; (4th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as d); gry, undeclined scrap, crumb; dannaustra, undeclined damnaustra!; (word of charm to cure dislocated joint); baruch, undeclined baruch; (book of old testament); hierusalem, undeclined jerusalem (hebrew); borith, undeclined soapwort, plant purifying like soap; (hebrew); cof, undeclined qof; (19th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as k); nihildum, undeclined nothing; nothing as yet; not a shred; less than nothing; autumnal, undeclined autumnal, of autumn, for use in autumn; delta, undeclined greek letter delta; delta of the nile; nisan, undeclined nisan, jewish month; (1st in ecclesiastic year); (late january-early february); kyrie, undeclined oh lord (greek vocative); necessus, undeclined necessary, imperative; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; quotcunque, undeclined whatever number of; as many as; however many; raca, undeclined foolish, empty; hebrew word of contempt (linddell+scott); eppheta, undeclined be thou opened (mark 7:34); (aramaic); casnar, undeclined old man; attendant; habacuc, undeclined habakkuk; (minor prophet); (book of old testament); talitha, undeclined girl; damsel (douay); (aramaic); (mark 5:41); git, undeclined black cumin (nigella sativa); roman coriander (l+s); melanthion/melanspermon; cusuc, undeclined shanty, small hut; aliquod, undeclined some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one; aliquod, undeclined some/several/a few people; more than one; a number; racha, undeclined foolish, empty; hebrew word of contempt (linddell+scott); seraphin, undeclined seraphim, angel (sg.) of higher order among the jews; sabacthani, undeclined forsaken; [heli heli lemma ~ => my god, my god why hast thou forsaken me]; emmanuel, undeclined emmanuel, god with us; koppa, undeclined archaic greek letter koppa; domne, undeclined sir; lord, master; (vocative of domnus); sebboleth, undeclined scibboleth (grain ear) which mispronounciation gileadites uncovered ephraimite; tecel, undeclined tekel; (mene tekel phares writing on the wall - vulgate daniel 5:25); sen, undeclined sin, shin; (21st letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as s and sh); nil, undeclined nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; cherubin, undeclined cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.); secus by, beside, alongside; in accordance with; secus, undeclined sex; secus otherwise; differently, in another way; contrary to what is right/expected; omega, undeclined omega; last letter of greek alphabet; (transliterate as o); last; the end; nihil, undeclined nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; satis enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty; satis, undeclined enough, adequate, sufficient; satisfactory; casleu, undeclined chislev/kislev, jewish month; (ninth in ecclesiastic year); sade, undeclined sade; (18th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as ts); vav, undeclined vav; (6th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as v); caph, undeclined kaf; (11th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as k and ch); tebboleth, undeclined mispronunciation of scibboleth (grain ear) whereby gileadites found ephraimite; kum, undeclined arise; (aramaic); (mark 5:41); nefas, undeclined sin, violation of divine law, impious act; [fas et nefas => right and wrong]; totidem, undeclined as many; just so/as many; the equivalent number of, same (as specified before); mane, undeclined morning, morn; [multo mane => very early in the morning]; mane in the morning; early in the morning; mane, undeclined mene; (mene tekel phares writing on the wall - vulgate daniel 5:25); zain, undeclined zayin; (7th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as z); manna, mannae manna; (food from god for exodus jews); food for the soul, divine support; manna, vegetable juice hardened to grains (pliny); manna, undeclined manna; (food from god for wandering hebrews); [man hu => (hebrew) what is this]; gimel, undeclined gimel; (3rd letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as g); pote, undeclined able, capable; possible (early latin); david, davidis david; david, undeclined david; fares, undeclined phares; (mene tekel phares writing on the wall - vulgate daniel 5:25); hin, undeclined hin (hebrew liquid measure, little less than 5 liters); (vulgate exodus 29:40); caf, undeclined kaf; (11th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as k and ch); sat enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty; sat, undeclined enough, adequate, sufficient; satisfactory; fas, undeclined divine/heaven's law/will/command; that which is right/lawful/moral/allowed; nichil, undeclined nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; maheleth, undeclined harp, lute (hebrew); eleison, undeclined have mercy (upon us); (greek imperative); lameth, undeclined lamed/lameth; (12th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as l); mem, undeclined mem; (13th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as m); amplius greater number (than); further, more, beyond, besides; more than (w/numerals); amplius, undeclined greater (w/indef. subject, eg., number than), further/more, longer; amplius, undeclined greater amount/number/distance, more, any more/further; "judgment reserved"; sabbaoth, undeclined hosts (pl.); armies; (hebrew); [deus sabaoth => god of hosts]; macti, undeclined well done! good! bravo! (voc of mactus, n implied) (macte s, macti p); tebeth, undeclined tebet/tebeth; tenth month of the jewish ecclesiastical year; gummi, undeclined gum, vicid secretion from trees; bul, undeclined bul (rain), heshvan, jewish month; (8th in ecclesiastic year); (1 kings 6:38); coppa, undeclined archaic greek letter koppa; thomas, undeclined thomas; heth, undeclined het; (8th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as ch); seraphim, undeclined seraphim, angels (pl.) of higher order among the jews; jacob, undeclined jacob; therafin, undeclined teraphim/theraphim (pl. form); theraph (sg. form); idols/images; household gods; cael, undeclined heaven, sky; universe, world; space; air, weather; jehovah; (shortened form); baal, undeclined baal (syrian deity); lamed, undeclined lamed/lameth; (12th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as l); nazareth, undeclined nazareth; city in palestine; (home of the parents of jesus); lavabo, undeclined lavabo, ceremonial hand washing in liturgy; zenith, undeclined zenith; behemoth, undeclined behemoth (hebrew), great/monstrous beast; (hippopotamus?); (job 40:10); potis, undeclined able, capable; possible; (early latin potis sum becomes possum); gitti, undeclined black cumin (nigella sativa); roman coriander (l+s); melanthion/melanspermon; cuci, undeclined doum-palm (hyphanae thebaica); azrael, undeclined azrael (aramaic), angel of death; abba, undeclined father; (aramaic); bishop of syriac/coptic church; (false read obba/decanter); fe, undeclined pe; (17th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as p or f); zio, undeclined ziv, hebrew name of ancient second month; (meaning splendor/flowering); diapente, undeclined medicine made of five ingredients; ; alpha, undeclined alpha, 1st letter of greek alphabet; a; first/foremost (group/class); beginning; thau, undeclined tav; (22nd letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as t); (mark of cain); rabboni, undeclined rabbi; teacher, master; (hebrew); effatha, undeclined be thou opened; (mark 7:34); (aramaic); satan, undeclined satan, the devil; adversary (def); adinstar, undeclined like, after the fashion of; according to the likeness of; about; (ad instar); ammi, undeclined ammi, bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant; leviathan, undeclined leviathan, huge aquatic monster (hebrew); serpent; crocodile; enormous thing; behmoth, undeclined behemoth (hebrew), great/monstrous beast; (hippopotamus?); (job 40:10); ioth, undeclined yod; (10th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as y); evovae, undeclined evovae; (meaningless word used in choral books to show some vowel sounds); effetha, undeclined be thou opened; (mark 7:34); (aramaic); idos, undeclined form; visible aspect of object;



Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-11-22
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo
Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta

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