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i am treated with dignity and respect at work



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i am now at work


awak tengah kerja ke sekarang

Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-08-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


notifying me recently received news that my brother-in-law had just passed away and i am not at work today


memaklumkan saya baru menerima berita bahawa abang ipar saya baharu sahaja meninggal dunia dan hari ini saya tidak hadir bekerja

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-06-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


whether you have had your companion for years, or just a few months, we at jombazaar believe that all pets deserve to be treated with respect and dignity after they passed on. our pets hold a special place in our hearts and families. they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect by a team of caring professionals when their life journey ends. this care, compassion and professionalism are exactly what we are all about at jombazaar. that is the foundation of who we are at jombazaar.ma


sama ada anda mempunyai teman anda selama bertahun-tahun, atau hanya beberapa bulan, kami di jombazaar percaya bahawa semua haiwan peliharaan layak diperlakukan dengan hormat dan bermaruah setelah mereka meninggal dunia. haiwan peliharaan kami mempunyai tempat yang istimewa di hati dan keluarga kami. mereka layak diperlakukan dengan hormat dan dihormati oleh pasukan profesional yang peduli ketika perjalanan hidup mereka berakhir. penjagaan, kasih sayang dan profesionalisme inilah yang sebenarnya kita lakukan di jombazaar. itulah asas siapa kita di jombazaar.ma

Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-04-29
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


the current situation with pandemic and oil price drop has had entirely unforeseen and severe impact on the global economy and our sector, hiring the business hard. with the backdrop of lower than expected of new order intake last year and a declining backlog, we have some tough but necessary measures to protect the business and ensure we are best placed for the future.  on 1st may,2020, we are opening a voluntary redundancy programme. this programme will close 15th may 2020. any employee can apply but management has the right to deny certain application in order to pressure key skills in the business. all applications for voluntary redundancy will need to leave the business not later 1st june 2020, you will receive a separate communication on this programme with full details shortly.  upon closure of the voluntary programme, if we have achieved in sufficient numbers of volunteers, then we will move to you a compulsory redundancy programme on less favorable terms. the compulsory redundancy programme will open from 1st may 2020. through the combination of both voluntary and compulsory programme, we are targeting a 20% reduction in our overall headcount.  furthermore with effect for 1st may 2020, we will be implementing a 10% pay cut reduction in basic salaries. all employee will be asked to agree to this change and the removal of the merit increase by signing and addendum to their contract of employment. this will be provided to you electronically by human resources in the next few days. for the avoidance of doubt, the others allowance for site will revised or adjusted to job requirement. 2. we want to protect employee’s :  end of service benefit (eosb) as much as we can. therefore we will accure for all service up to 31st march 2020 on existing basic salary levels including the recent merit and promotional increasing  all service going forward from 1st april 2020, will have eosb based on the new reduced basic salaries.  this is a very difficult time for all of us but the quickly we act, the better placed we will be to with stand future economic shocks and market unpredictability. i have very confident that we will come through this stronger a more robust company and ready to settle up when rebounce occurs. however, there is no pain-force way to navigate these current unprecedented times and we will have to take a lot of difficult decisions. what i can assure you is that we will be doing everything we can to treat all employees with dignity and respect in this difficult time.


Ultimo aggiornamento 2020-05-02
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo

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