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itemised billing


kontijiet dettaljati

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 4


itemised breakdown of cost of action


tqassim skond l-elementi ta' l-azzjoni

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


subscribers shall have the right to receive non-itemised bills.


l-abbonati għandu jkollhom id-dritt li jirċievu kontijiet mhux dettaljati.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


the threshold above which an itemised vat declaration must be submitted was lowered.


tnaqqas il-limitu minimu li jekk maqbuż ikollha ssir dikjarazzjoni dettaljata tal-vat.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


the eligible costs shall be supported by documentary evidence, which shall be transparent and itemised.


l-ispejjeż eliġibbli għandhom ikunu appoġġjati b’evidenza dokumentata, li għandhom ikunu trasparenti u elenkati.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


entries in the journal shall be transferred to the general ledger, itemised according to the chart of accounts referred to in article 212.


annotazzjonijiet fil-ġurnal ikunu ttrasferiti fir-reġistru ġenerali, kull waħda skond il-karta tal-kontijiet msemmija fl-artikolu 212.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


users of the telecommunication networks shall have the right to receive non-itemised bills or other records of calls made.


l-utenti tan-networks tat-telekomunikazzjoni għandu jkollhom id-dritt li jirċievu kontijiet mhux dettaljati jew rekords oħra tas-sejħiet magħmula.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


calls which are free of charge to the calling subscriber, including calls to helplines, are not to be identified in the calling subscriber’s itemised bill.


is-sejħiet li jkunu mingħajr ħlas mill-abbonat li jagħmel is-sejħa, inklużi s-sejħiet lil linji ta’ għajnuna, ma jridux ikunu identifikati fil-kont dettaljat ta' l-abbonat li jagħmel is-sejħa.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


as the method depends on calibration curves, the information itemised under 1.2.4 (calibration curves) must be given.


billi l-metodu jiddependi fuq dawriet ta' kalibrazzjoni, l-informazzjoni elenkata taħt 1.2.4 (dawriet ta' kalibrazzjoni) għandha tingħata.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


the introduction of itemised bills has improved the possibilities for the subscriber to check the accuracy of the fees charged by the service provider but, at the same time, it may jeopardise the privacy of the users of publicly available electronic communications services.


l-introduzzjoni ta' kontijiet dettaljati tebet il-possibilitajiet ghall-abbonat li jivverifika l-preċiżjoni tat-tariffi mitluba mill-provditur tas-servizz iżda, fl-istess ħin, tista’ tipperikola l-privatezza ta' l-utenti ta' servizzi ta' komunikazzjonijiet elettroniċi disponibbli pubblikament.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


a statement that the device in question conforms to the requirements of the directive, apart from the aspects covered by the evaluation and apart from those specifically itemised in the statement, and that every precaution has been taken to protect the health and safety of the patient, user and other persons.


dikjarazzjni illi l-mezz in kwistjoni jikkonforma mal-ħtiġiet tad-direttiva, barra mill-aspettti koperti bl-evalwazzjoni u barra minn dawk speċifikament elenkati fid-dikjarazzjoni, u li tkun ittieħdet kull prekawzjoni biex tipproteġi s-saħħa u s-sigurezza tal-pazjent, ta' l-utenti u tal-persuni l-oħra.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-03-12
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Translated.com


keep separate accounts for the activities associated with the provision of electronic communications networks or services, to the extent that would be required if these activities were carried out by legally independent companies, so as to identify all elements of cost and revenue, with the basis of their calculation and the detailed attribution methods used, related to their activities associated with the provision of electronic communications networks or services including an itemised breakdown of fixed asset and structural costs, or


jżommu accounts separati għall-faċilitajiet assoċjati mal-provvista ta' networks ta' komunikazzjonijiet elettroniċi jew servizzi, sal-limiti li kienu jkunu meħtieġa kieku dawn l-attivitajiet kienu mwettqa minn kumpaniji legalment indipendenti, sabiex jidentifikaw l-elementi kollha tan-nefqa u d-dħul, mal-bażi tal-kalkolazzjoni tagħhom u l-metodi dettaljati ta' attribuzzjoni wżati, li jirrelataw ma' l-attivitajiet assoċjati tagħhom mal-provvista ta' networks ta' komunikazzjonijiet elettroniċi jew servizzi inkluż tqassim dettaljat ta' l-assi fissi u n-nefqiet strutturali, jew

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Translated.com


the expenditure itemised in the annex hereto that has been incurred by the member states’ accredited paying agencies and declared under the eaggf guarantee section, under the eagf or under the eafrd shall be excluded from european union financing because it does not comply with european union rules.


in-nefqa elenkata fl-anness ta’ din id-deċiżjoni, imġarrba mill-aġenziji tal-pagamenti akkreditati tal-istati membri u ddikjarata fit-taqsima ta’ garanziji tal-faegg, fl-faeg jew fl-faeŻr għandha tiġi eskluża mill-finanzjament tal-unjoni ewropea minħabba li mhijiex konformi mar-regoli tal-unjoni ewropea.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Translated.com


specific measures for disabled users could include, as appropriate, making available accessible public telephones, public text telephones or equivalent measures for deaf or speech-impaired people, providing services such as directory enquiry services or equivalent measures free of charge for blind or partially sighted people, and providing itemised bills in alternative format on request for blind or partially sighted people.


dawk il-miżuri speċjali għal utenti b'disabilità jisgħtu jinkludu, fejn xieraq, it-tagħmil disponibbli tal-aċċess għal telefons pubbliċi, telefons pubbliċi bit-test jew miżuri ekwivalenti għat-torox jew persuni b'impediment fid-diskors, li jfornu servizzi bħal servizzi ta' konsultazzjoni tad-direttorju jew miżuri ekwivalenti bla ħlas għall-għomja jew persuni li jaraw ftit, u l-forniment ta' kontijiet dettaljati f'format alternattiv fuq talba għall-għomja jew persuni li jaraw ftit.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


(a) keep separate accounts for the activities associated with the provision of electronic communications networks or services, to the extent that would be required if these activities were carried out by legally independent companies, so as to identify all elements of cost and revenue, with the basis of their calculation and the detailed attribution methods used, related to their activities associated with the provision of electronic communications networks or services including an itemised breakdown of fixed asset and structural costs, or


(a) iżommu kontijiet separati għall-attivitajiet assoċjati mal-forniment tan-netwerks jew tas-servizzi tal-komunikazzjonijiet elettroniċi, sal-punt li kien ikun meħtieġ kieku dawn l-attivitajiet kienu mwettqa minn kumpaniji legalment indipendenti, biex jiġu identifikati l-elementi kollha tal-ispiża u tad-dħul, bil-bażi tal-kalkolu tagħhom u tal-metodi dettaljati tal-attribuzzjoni użati, li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-attivitajiet tagħhom assoċjati mal-forniment tan-netwerks jew tas-servizzi tal-komunikazzjonijiet elettroniċi inkluż tqassim dettaljat tal-assi fissi u tal-ispejjeż strutturali, jew

Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-04-06
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com

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