Hai cercato la traduzione di pantaloons da Inglese a Olandese

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his cap was a dainty thing, his close-buttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty, and so were his pantaloons.


zijn pet was splinternieuw, zijn toegeknoopt blauw buisje dito, zijn broek evenzoo.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-30
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


i had a short jacket of goat’s skin, the skirts coming down to about the middle of the thighs, and a pair of open-kneed breeches of the same; the breeches were made of the skin of an old he-goat, whose hair hung down such a length on either side that, like pantaloons, it reached to the middle of my legs; stockings and shoes i had none, but had made me a pair of somethings, i scarce knew what to call them, like buskins, to flap over my legs, and lace on either side like spatterdashes, but of a most barbarous shape, as indeed were all the rest of my clothes.


ik droeg eene korte buis van geitenvellen die mij tot halverwege de knieën kwam, en een broek, die tot over de knieën hing, van de huid van een ouden bok gemaakt, wiens haar zoolang was dat het mij tot aan den voet reikte. ik had geen kousen of schoenen, maar een paar laarzen gemaakt, die ik om mijne beenen sloeg en vastreeg, maar van een allerleelijkst maaksel, gelijk eigenlijk mijne geheele kleeding was.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-07-30
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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