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that sleight of hand seems ingenious.


această scamatorie pare ingenioase.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


and sleight of hand is just an artful demonstration of dexterity.


dibăcia mâinii e doar o demonstrație artistică de dexteritate.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-10-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


if anybody wants to see some sleight of hand later on, i'll be outside.


daca cineva doreste sa vada cateva acte de dexteritate mai tarziu voi fi afara.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-10-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


it is this sleight of hand that this parliament does not accept, and that is why we have not concluded the negotiations.


parlamentul nu poate accepta această atitudine duplicitară şi, de aceea, nu am încheiat negocierile.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-02-29
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


it was repeatedly asserted in the debate that this involved some sleight of hand or shifting of money from one pot to another.


s-a afirmat în mod repetat în cadrul dezbaterii că acest lucru implică o anumită scamatorie sau un transfer de bani de la un program la altul.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-02-29
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


abramson deconstructs the scientific sleight of hand in presenting clinical trial results that leads to the routine prescription of pricey cholesterol-lowering drugs even when their effectiveness has not been proven.


abramson demontează prestidigitaţia ştiinţifică de a prezenta rezultate de studii clinice care conduc la prescrierea în mod uzual a medicamentelor scumpe pentru scăderea colesterolului, chiar şi atunci când eficienţa lor nu a fost dovedită.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;


ca să nu mai fim copii, plutind încoace şi încolo, purtaţi de orice vînt de învăţătură, prin viclenia oamenilor şi prin şiretenia lor în mijloacele de amăgire;

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


*"death qualified: a mystery of chaos" (1991)*"the best defense" (1994)*"for the defense" also named "malice prepense" in hardbound editions (1996)*"defense for the devil" (1999)*"no defense" (2000)*"desperate measures" (2001)*"clear and convincing proof" (2003)*"the unbidden truth" (2004)*"sleight of hand" (2006)*"a wrongful death" (2007)*"cold case" (2008)*"heaven is high" (2011)*"by stone by blade by fire" (2012)=== constance and charlie novels and stories ===*"the hamlet trap" (1987)*"the dark door" (1988)*"smart house" (1989)*"sweet, sweet poison" (1990)*"seven kinds of death" (1992)*"a flush of shadows" (1995)*"the casebook of constance and charlie" volumes 1 and 2 (1999)*"whisper her name" (2012)=== other novels and collections ===* "more bitter than death" (1962)* "the mile-long spaceship" (1963)* "the clone" (1965), by wilhelm and theodore l. thomas* "the nevermore affair" (1966)* "andover and the android" (1966)* "the killer thing" (1967)* "the downstairs room" (1968)* "let the fire fall" (1969)* "the year of the cloud" (1970), by wilhelm and thomas* "abyss: two novellas" (1971)* "margaret and i" (1971)* "city of cain" (1974)* "the infinity box" (1975)* "where late the sweet birds sang" (1976)* "the clewiston test" (1976)* "fault lines" (1977)* "somerset dreams and other fiction" (1978)* "juniper time" (1979)* "the winter beach" (1981)* "a sense of shadow" (1981)* "listen, listen" (1981)* "oh, susannah!


*"death qualified: a mystery of chaos" (1991)*"the best defense" (1994)*"for the defense" - cunoscută și ca "malice prepense" (1996)*"defense for the devil" (1999)*"no defense" (2000)*"desperate measures" (2001)*"clear and convincing proof" (2003)*"the unbidden truth" (2004)*"sleight of hand" (2006)*"a wrongful death" (2007)*"cold case" (2008)*"heaven is high" (2011)=== romanele și povestirile cu constance și charlie ===*"the hamlet trap" (1987)*"the dark door" (1988)*"smart house" (1989)*"sweet, sweet poison" (1990)*"seven kinds of death" (1992)*"a flush of shadows" (1995)*"the casebook of constance and charlie" volumele 1 și 2 (1999)*"whisper her name" (2012)=== alte romane ===* "more bitter than death" (1962)* "the clone" (1965) - cu theodore l. thomas* "andover and the android" (1966)* "the nevermore affair" (1966)* "the killer thing" (1967)* "let the fire fall" (1969)* "the year of the cloud" (1970) - cu theodore l. thomas* "margaret and i" (1971)* "city of cain" (1974)* "the clewiston test" (1976)* "where late the sweet birds sang" (1976)::ro.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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