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reviving new york's rivers -- with oysters!


new york'un nehirlerini istiridyelerle canlandırmak!

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-10-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


ahmeti said attracting investment from the diaspora and reviving the economy were the top priorities.


ahmeti, diasporadan yatırım çekmek ve ekonomiyi canlandırmanın oncelikli sırada olduğunu söyledi.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


what i really enjoyed about this project is reviving these people's words.


bu projede gerçekten hoşuma giden insanların bu sözlerini gündeme getirmek,

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-10-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


reviving turkey's stalled eu negotiations requires moves by both sides, experts say.


uzmanlar, türkiye'nin durmuş haldeki ab müzakereleri için her iki tarafın da adım atması gerektiği görüşünde.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


rocen also said he and milososki discussed reviving the trilateral meetings between macedonia, albania and montenegro.


rocen ayrıca, kendisi ve milososki'nin makedonya, arnavutluk ve karadağ arasında üçlü anlaşmaların tekrar başlatılmasını da görüştüklerini belirtti.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


"we saw unfortunate examples of the state allowing construction on deforested land, instead of reviving the area.


başkan, "devletin orman niteliğini yitirmiş azarileri yeniden canlandırmak yerine burada inşaata izin verdiği talihsiz örnekler gördük.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


although he invariably dresses in wild west cowboy outfits, gunchev is reviving the equestrian roots of ancient bulgarian culture.


vahşi batı kovboylarının giysileri içinde olsa da gunçev, eski bulgar kültürünün binicilikle bağlantılı köklerini yeniden canlandırıyor.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


the other priorities are strengthening economic policy co-ordination within the eu, reviving growth and tackling unemployment.


Öne sürülen diğer öncelikler ab içindeki ekonomi politikası eşgüdümünün güçlendirilmesi, büyümenin tekrar canlandırılması ve işsizlikle mücadele şeklinde.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


earlier this year, he said his top priorities in 2003 included the fight against organised crime, reviving the economy and building a multiethnic society.


steiner,bu yılın başlarında , 2003 yılı için birinci derecedeki önceliklerin, organize suçla mücadele, ekonominin yeniden canlandırılması ve etnik çeşitlilik barındıran bir toplumun kurulması olduğunu bildirdi.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


introduced in 1989 to worldwide acclaim, the roadster has been widely credited with reviving the concept of the small sports car after its decline in the late 1970s.


1989 yılında dünyanın beğenisine sunulan roadster, 1970’lerin sonundaki düşüşünden sonra küçük spor araç konseptini canlandırması ile büyük takdir kazandı.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


mladen ivanic, a former prime minister of republika srspka and president of the party for democratic progress, says the idea is tantamount to reviving the bih conflict.


eski sırp cumhuriyeti başbakanı ve demokratik İlerleme partisi genel başkanı mladen İvaniç, bu fikrin bh ihtilafını yeniden başlatmakla aynı şey olduğunu söylüyor.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


in addition, the three leaders expressed their commitment to reviving the long-stalled doha round of wto negotiations with the aim of bringing it to a successful outcome.


Üç lider buna ek olarak, dtÖ görüşmelerinin uzun zamandır beklemede tutulan doha turunun yeniden başlatılarak başarılı bir şekilde sonuçlanmasıyla ilgili kararlılıklarını da dile getirdi.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2


musicians without borders said it wanted to address the ethnic divide by reviving mitrovica's rock spirit from the time before the 1999 kosovo conflict, when it was known as a regional rock centre.


sınırsız müzisyenler, etnik bölünmüşlüğe mitrovica'nın 1999 kosova ihtilafından önceki, bölgesel bir rock merkezi olarak tanındığı dönemdeki rock ruhunu yeniden canlandırarak çözüm bulmak istediğini söyledi.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


air bosna's acting chief manager, mustafa eminefendic, told local press that talks are under way with 10 international airlines about possible help in reviving the schedule of flights.


air bosna genel müdürü mustafa eminefendiç yerel basına yaptığı açıklamada, uçuş programlarının yeniden yürürlüğe konmasında yapılacak yardımlar konusunda 10 uluslararası havayolu şirketiyle müzakerelerin sürdüğünü söyledi.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


for kuru, the interest manifested in tv series, the design of goods in shopping malls, and visual-based publications are a way of reviving turkey's domestic and international market.


kuru açısından, tv dizilerine, alışveriş merkezlerindeki mal tasarımlarına ve görsel temelli yayınlara gösterilen ilgi, türkiye’deki pazarın ve yurtdışında türkiye pazarının yeniden canlandırılmasının bir yolu.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-01-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


north korea: united nations secretary-general ban ki-moon has urged north korea not to carry out a new nuclear test, saying it would be a "provocative" act amid soaring tensions on the korean peninsula. (ap) north korea suspended its sole remaining major project with the south on monday after weeks of threats against the united states and south korea, as russian president vladimir putin said any nuclear conflict may make chernobyl look like a fairy tale. u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon said north korea could not go on "confronting" the authority of the security council and challenging the international community. (reuters) north korea said on monday that it was withdrawing all its 53,000 workers from an industrial park jointly run with south korea, casting doubt on the future of the last remaining symbol of inter-korean reconciliation. north korea “will temporarily suspend the operations in the zone and examine the issue of whether it will allow its existence or close it,” the country’s official korean central news agency quoted kim yang-gon, a secretary of the central committee of the north’s ruling workers’ party of korea, as saying after his visit to kaesong on monday. (nyt) south korean officials have said there are no indications that the north is about to carry out a nuclear test. a defence ministry spokesman said while activity had been detected at the punggye-ri underground test site, it appeared to be routine. (bbc) responding to regional worries over north korea's bellicose threats, china on sunday expressed concern and what appeared to be veiled criticism of its longtime ally. "no one should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gains," said chinese president xi jinping at an economic forum in hainan province. in addition, china's foreign minister called u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon saturday night to discuss the situation, according to china's foreign ministry. (wp) china's leaders issued thinly veiled rebukes to north korea for raising regional tensions, with the president saying no country should throw the world into chaos and the foreign minister warning that beijing would not allow mischief on its doorstep. (reuters) unprecedented chinese criticism of north korea is unlikely to mean tough new action against pyongyang because if china pushes too hard and its troublesome neighbour collapses, the result would be disastrous for beijing. (reuters) the russian defense ministry believes it is unlikely that north korea will unleash a war. a source close to the ministry said that, against the background of pyongyang's desperate economic situation, a conflict could divert the people's attention away from poverty. however, the north korean authorities should realize that any madman step such as this will sign an end to the current regime. (moskovskiye novosti, moscow) germany has found unacceptable the deadline after which north korea will not ensure the security of foreign embassies. a meeting with european officials about the north korean issue is scheduled on monday. (la libre belgique, brussels) we are no longer at a stage where pyongyang’s rhetoric and behavior can be considered mere provocations. japan needs to make preparations to swiftly address any contingency by strengthening cooperation with the united states and south korea. (yomiuri shimbun, tokyo, sun ed) syria: u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon, in the hague to meet the head of the organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (opcw) on monday, said all serious claims regarding the use of chemical weapons in syria should be examined. (reuters) u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon said a team to investigate claims of chemical weapons use in syria was ready to deploy within 24 hours and urged the syrian government to give the go-ahead so work could begin. (reuters) a un inspection team is in cyprus and ready to deploy to nearby syria to probe the alleged use of chemical weapons in the conflict there, un secretary general ban ki-moon said on monday. (afp) the russian foreign ministry's department of information and press said on its website that under duress by some member states, the un secretariat has assumed an unconstructive and inconsistent position while essentially blocking the investigation of concrete and still verifiable information on the possible use of chemical weapons on 19 march in syria. the ministry implies that the un has put forward the demands which go far beyond the limits of investigation, for example, the requirement of an unlimited access of experts to any syrian facilities. (rossiyskaya gazeta, moscow) the embattled syrian government mounted attacks on rebel positions across the country on sunday, according to opposition activists. (nyt) a car bomb rocked a busy residential and commercial district in central damascus monday, killing at least 10 people and causing heavy material damage, a syrian government official said. (ap) syrian activists say government airstrikes killed at least 20 people as the army presses ahead with its campaign to crush the rebellion against president bashar assad. the britain-based syrian observatory for human rights says the strikes sunday targeted the northern cities of aleppo, homs, hama, idlib, the western mediterranean city of latakia, the eastern province of deir el-zour and the suburbs of damascus. (ap) syria has withdrawn at least several thousand of its troops from the golan, western diplomats said. "they have moved some of their best battalions away from the golan and have replaced some of them with poorer-quality battalions, which have involved reducing manpower. the moves are very significant," the source said. rebel groups have moved into the vacuum, and israel fears that jihadists will use the area as a staging ground for attacks on territory it controls. (guardian, london) it is strange that us president barack obama invites heads of states from jordan, qatar, turkey and the united arab emirates, in addition to the united nations secretary-general, to a meeting on the ongoing syrian crisis without inviting the arab league or representatives of the syrian people, without inviting egypt or saudi arabia. such action raises concerns about washington's role. let us hope that the us does not have "ready solutions" for syria as the world is still suffering from its "miserable solution" in iraq. (al-ahram, cairo, ed) lebanon: lebanon's june election faces a possible delay, prime minister-designate tammam salam said, as he prepared to form a government which aims to resolve months of dispute over the vote and shield the country from war in neighbouring syria. (reuters) lebanon's newly named prime minister tammam salam pledged in his first speech on saturday to safeguard the country's security from the war raging in syria. (al arabiya) israel/palestine: u.s. secretary of state john kerry and palestinian president mahmoud abbas on sunday discussed reviving israeli-palestinian peace talks but neither side offered details on how, when and whether that might happen. (reuters) palestinian president mahmoud abbas on sunday slammed israel for refusing to present its vision regarding the borders of the future palestinian state. (xinhua) a loose international coalition of pro-palestinian computer hackers threatened to carry out what it called “a massive cyberassault” against israel on sunday, but the campaign created mostly minor disruptions, and the israeli government said that as of midday its web sites were still accessible to the public. (nyt) police in hamas-ruled gaza have started grabbing young men with long or gel-styled spiky hair off the streets, bundling them into jeeps, mocking them and shaving their heads, two of those targeted and a rights group said sunday. (ap) egypt: one person has been killed in clashes outside cairo's main cathedral following the funerals of four coptic christians killed in religious violence on thursday. (bbc) egypt's islamist president mohamed morsi condemned deadly clashes on sunday at the cairo headquarters of the coptic christian pope as "an attack against myself", ordering a quick probe into the violence, a statement said. (afp) the question is: does the president know that he is incapable of managing the country? does he know that egypt is too big for him and his group? does he know how disappointed the people are with his failed policies? does he know the crisis the country will face in three or four months? the state of denial of the president and his group brings us closer to the worst scenario: civil war, writes emad el ghazaly. (al-shorouk, cairo, op-ed) libya: the second anniversary of nato's intervention on the side of the libyan rebels and against muammar gaddafi passed with scarcely a mention by foreign governments and media who were so concerned about the security and human rights of the libyan people in 2011. this should be no surprise, since libya today is visibly falling apart as a country and libyans are at the mercy of militiamen who prey on those whom they formerly claimed to protect, writes columnist patrick cockburn. (independent, london, op-ed) sudan: thousands of civilians in sudan's troubled darfur have sought protection around peacekeeping bases after rebel attacks, as international donors seek support for a region scarred by a decade of conflict. (news24, south africa) qatar pledged $500 million in aid to sudan's darfur monday at a donors' meeting in doha, even as rebels launched new attacks in the troubled region scarred by a decade of conflict. (afp) sudan/south sudan: south sudan said sunday that president salva kiir is likely to meet his sudanese counterpart, omer al bashir in nairobi, during the inauguration ceremony of the new kenyan president, uhuru kenyatta. (sudan tribune) kenya: despite a looming international trial for crimes against humanity, kenya's new leader uhuru kenyatta will maintain the country's close relations with the west, analysts say, calming fears his rule could see a breach in ties. (news24, south africa) nigeria: nigerian militants claiming to be from a group that has been inactive since 2009 say they carried out an attack that left 12 police officers dead. (bbc) afghanistan: a roadside bomb exploded under an afghan bus southwest of kabul on monday, killing nine people and wounding at least 22 others in an attack blamed on taliban militants, officials said. (afp) pakistan: pakistan's former military leader pervez musharraf has been directed to appear before the country's top court in relation to allegations of treason. (bbc) japan: a small amount of toxic water has leaked from an underground storage pool at the stricken fukushima nuclear plant, the plant’s operator said sunday, two days after it reported a much larger leak from a similar storage pool. (nyt) china: the number of people infected from the latest strand of avian flu has risen to 21 people. according to who, there is no risk of spreading disease with human contamination. (agi, rome) papua new guinea: two elderly women have been beheaded in papua new guinea after being tortured for three days in the latest grisly punishment for people accused of sorcery. (times, london) ukraine: in a possible sign that political tensions are easing in ukraine, president viktor f. yanukovich pardoned the country’s second-most-prominent political prisoner on sunday, but his intentions concerning his biggest rival, who is also in custody, remained unclear. (nyt) e.u.-human rights: on the occasion of the international roma day, amnesty international has published a report which describes the misery of this population and the humiliation to which it is subjected in most of the european countries. “clearly, the eu is not doing enough to prevent housing exclusions, segregation in school systems and cross-border abusive expulsions,” comments an amnesty international specialist on the rights of the minorities. (le soir, brussels) venezuela: the interim president of venezuela, nicolas maduro, accused two former u.s. ambassadors of being behind a plot to assassinate him before the presidential elections, scheduled for the 14th. at a rally, maduro invoked a curse against those who do not vote for him. (público, lisbon)



Ultimo aggiornamento 2013-04-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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