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from the original lovell augustus reeve description (published 1843):the shell is fusiformly oblong, thick, solid, very rough throughout, transversely conspicuously ridged, tuberculated between the varices ; three-varicose, varices tuberculated with a complicated mass of laminae ; fulvous or reddish brown, columella and interior of the aperture ochraceous yellow, columellar lip slightly wrinkled, edge erected, vividly stained, especially at the upper part, with very black brown ; outer lip strongly toothed, ornamented with three black-brown spots ; canal rather short, compressed, recurved."


== miêu tả ==from the lovell augustus reeve description (published 1843):the shell is fusiformly oblong, thick, soiïd, very rough throughout, transversely conspicuously ridged, tuberculated between the varices; three-varicose, varices tuberculated with a complicated mass of laminae; fulvous hoặc reddish brown, columella and interior of the aperture ochraceous yellow, columellar lip slightly wrinkled, edge erected, vividly stained, especially at the upper part, with very black brown; outer lip strongly toothed, ornamented with three black-brown spots; canal rather short, compressed, recurved."

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
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