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zigmants gencs ir viens no pieredzējušākajiem civiltiesību speciālistiem mantojuma tiesībās.


zigmants gencs is one of the most experienced professionals of civil law, in particular, in inheritance law.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


turklāt es vēlos aicināt deputātus, kas ir pieredzējušāki reglamenta grozījumu sagatavošanā, proti, leinen kungs un corbett kungs, sagatavot šī panta grozījumu, paredzot, ka, ja ir iesniegts pieprasījums noteikt kvorumu un ja persona, kas iesniedza pieprasījumu, neatrodas sēžu zālē kvoruma skaitīšanas laikā, tā zaudē savu tās dienas per diem, un visi tie, kuri nav sēžu zālē, ja skaits nosaka, ka kvoruma nav, zaudē pusi sava tās dienas per diem, lai varam pielikt punktu šai taktikai uz visiem laikiem.


furthermore, i should like to call on those members who are more expert at preparing amendments to the rules, namely mr leinen, and mr corbett as well, to prepare an amendment to this rule, stipulating the following: if there is a request for a quorum count and if the person who made the request is not present in the chamber at the time the count is carried out, they will lose their per diem for that day, and all those who are not in the chamber, if there is no quorum the count establishes that, shall lose half their per diem for that day, so that we can put paid to this type of tactic once and for all.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-03-01
Frequenza di utilizzo: 4

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