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hemm effetti ħiena fuq iċ elloli proliferanti u progenitor fil- mudullun.
in cytopenic dogs, there were no adverse effects on progenitor and proliferating cells in the bone marrow.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-04-10
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2
dan jista' jwassal li`-elloli jifformaw ġelatina u aktar lysis buffer jista' jiġi miżjud biex jitnaqqas dan l-effet.
this may cause the cells to form a gel and more lysis buffer may be added to reduce this effect.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-11-21
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2
avandament fih 2 sustanzi attivi li g andhom metodi differenti ta 'azzjoni: • rosiglitazone jag mel i - elloli (tax- xa am, tal- muskoli u tal- fwied) iktar sensittivi g all - insulina, li jfisser li l - isem jag mel u u a jar mill- insulina li jipprodu i; • metformina ta dem l- iktar billi twaqqaf il- produzzjoni tal- gluko ju u jnaqqas l- assorbiment tieg u fl- intestini.
avandamet contains two active substances, which have different modes of action: • rosiglitazone makes cells (fat, muscle and liver) more sensitive to insulin, which means that the body makes better use of the insulin it produces; • metformin works mainly by inhibiting glucose production and reducing its absorption in the gut.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
Attenzione: Questo allineamento potrebbe essere errato.
Eliminalo se ritieni che sia così.