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v primeru hrvaške je hrvaška v zemljevidih vrisala mejo, ki pa je sporna. v dokumentih ni navedla, da je ta in ta del meje sporen, ampak preprosto vrisala mejo tako, kot jo sama vidi. tak dokument seveda ne more biti verodostojen, ker pač zadeva spor med dvema državama, ki se bo reševal na drugem mestu. to je bilateralni spor med dvema državama, sicer prijateljskima državama z odličnim sodelovanjem, pa vendar spor, ki ga bomo nekje drugje reševali. torej, želel bi na to opozoriti, da ne gre za kaprico slovenije, ko opozarja, da dokumenti hrvaške niso verodostojni, ampak da gre za dolžnost držav članic, da opozorijo kandidatko, da mora predložiti dokumente, ki ustrezajo standardom evropske unije.


in the specific case of croatia, croatia has marked on its maps a border which is in dispute. instead of mentioning that such and such a section of the border is in dispute, it simply marked the border as it sees it. naturally, such a document cannot be credible, because it actually concerns a dispute between the two countries which will have to be resolved elsewhere. this is a bilateral dispute between two countries who are otherwise good neighbours on excellent terms, and yet it is a dispute that will have to be resolved elsewhere. therefore, i would like to point out that slovenia is not being capricious in mentioning that croatia’s documents are not credible. slovenia is in fact making the point that member states are obliged to draw this candidate country’s attention to the fact that it is required to submit documents which conform to the european union’s standards.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-10-10
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