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umkhondo sihlaziye
Ultimo aggiornamento 2017-10-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
izixhobo zemfazwe ekulandelwe umkhondo wazo
tracked munition.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
khetha isixhobo uze ulandele umkhondo ukuya kulawulo.
select the device and track to control.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-08-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
indlela okanye umkhondo oshiywa yinqanawa ehambayo emanzini.
the track left by a ship moving through the water.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
ngako oko okulandelayo kuza kunika umkhondo wokuba kungakhululwa injini.
however, the following may give some indication of where or how to improve ship knowledge.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
isiseko sogcino-lwazi lukulandela umkhondo wenkanyamba yetropiki yehlabathi
global tropical cyclone tracks data base
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
kungoko kwindawo yokugqibela yokuveyisha isaphetha kunika umkhondo ofunekayo wesigqibo sokuphosa.
this is so that in the final stage of weighing the bows are given a very decided cast in the required direction.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
intambo yegubu nenzululwazi yokusebenza amanzi ekuqhubeni imoto encanyathiselwe kwelandelayo umkhondo wendlela.
the rope drums and hydraulic motor are attached to the track-way.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
umkhondo ufanelwe ukulandelwa sisikhukulisi ukuqinisekisa ukuba igiyeri yesikhukulisi idlula ngaphaya kwesiqingatha somkhondo
track to be followed by the sweeper to ensure that the sweeping gear passes over the lap track
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
isiqalo sivaleleke ekukhuleni kwendawo ngenkcukumisa yesixhathiso sokunqika enyuka ngaphezulu ukulandela umkhondo wesitrato.
the cradles are locked in the raised position by trigger levers mounted on the track-ways.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
yaba selwandle indlela yakho, nomendo wakho waba semanzini amaninzi; awaziwa umkhondo wakho.
thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
kubalulekile ukuqiniseka ngowona mhlaba ulungileyo wokusongela ngokucocekileyo kunye nokukhuhla umphandle wokudibana nowokususa umkhondo we-oyile
it is important to ensure the proper earthing of the coil by cleaning and scraping of the contact surfaces and removing all traces of oil.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
amathuba aphinda aphuculwe ukuba imigca yokulandela umkhondo ithwala inkitha yentambo zomphambili wenqanawa ekhokelela kwintambo ende esuka kwisalatha moya.
chances are further improved if the trailing line carries a series of bowlines through which is led a trip line from the wind vane.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
i < & nbsp; imbali kwi bar esecaleni yakho iqinisekisa ukuba ungagcina umkhondo wamaphepha owandwendweleyo kufutshane nje.
the history in your sidebar ensures that you can keep track of the pages you have visited recently.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2011-10-23
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta
indawo yenqanawa kwitshati, ukuzimisela kokulandela umkhondo, kunye nokuchonga nawuphina umhlaba okanye ukhanyo ekuboneni,kunye nencukacha ezilindelwe ukubonakala.
position of the ship on the chart, her intended track, and identification of any land or lights in sight, and details of any expected to be sighted.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
ukwanda kobunzulu obufunekayo bokutywilela obuphuculwe sisixhobo sokulandela umkhondo esichasenen nenkwili esifunekayo esinoxinzelelo lomoya ekumele ukuba ujikeleze bonke ubude besiqu senqanawa, obumile okwenqebesha kwiziphelo zabo, kwaye bakhiwe ngentsimbi enobulunga.
the increase in diving depth necessitated by improved anti-submarine detection required that the pressure hull should be circular throughout its length, having specially-shaped domed ends, and be constructed of special quality steel .
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
ngokuba ilizwe lizele ngabakrexezi, ngokuba ngenxa yentshwabulo ilizwe lenza isijwili; omile amakriwa entlango; usuke wambi umkhondo wabo, ubugorha babo abulunganga.
for the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2012-05-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
izithuthi zamaza amakhulu, iinqwelo zithuthi ezibaleka kwiziporo zokulandela umkhondo okanye kumaplanga amakhulu asetyenziswa zizilenge ekulayisheni izinto angathi yimiqamelo emikhulu, kwakunye neziphakamisi zenqanawa ezisebenza ngoxinzelelo lolwelo, zinganceda kwixesha elizayo ukusombulula ezi ngxaki.
roller conveyors, transporter vehicles running on rail tracks or even large air-cushion pallets, together with hydraulic ship lifts, could in the future help to solve these problems.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
yimfaniso efanekisa yonke okanye inxalenye yokusingqongileyo yendalo okanye okwenziwe ngumntu, umzekelo, imfaniso yesixhobo serada kunye nezinye izixhobo zokulanda umkhondo ezinikezela ngegalelo kwinkqubo yokulandela umkhondo kwinqwelo-moya. [ieee]
a simulation that depicts all or part of the natural or manmade environment of a system; for example, a simulation of the radar equipment and other tracking devices that provide input to an aircraft tracking system. [ieee]
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1