検索ワード: lwfans ceisio gwaith (ウェールズ語 - 英語)








lwfans ceisio gwaith



最終更新: 2012-11-17
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


soniais am y lwfans ceisio gwaith yn gynharach


i mentioned the jobseeker's allowance earlier

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


mae'r nifer sy'n hawlio lwfans ceisio gwaith wedi disgyn 7 ,000 yn y 12 mis diwethaf


the number of people claiming job seekers allowance has fallen by 7 ,000 in the last 12 months

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


gofynnais hefyd am fwy o gyhoeddusrwydd ar y cymorth sydd ar gael o dan gynlluniau'r adran nawdd cymdeithasol , fel y lwfans ceisio gwaith


i have also asked for more publicity on the assistance available under the department of social security schemes , such as the jobseeker's allowance

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn estyn y ddeddf fel y gellir trin lwfans ceisio gwaith ar sail incwm fel budd-dâl yn yr isadran honno


these regulations extend the act to enable income-based jobseeker allowance to be treated as a benefit within that subsection

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


y bobl sy'n cael cymhorthdal incwm a lwfans ceisio gwaith a gaiff y cymorth mwyaf -- hyd at £200 y flwyddyn i wario ar ddysgu


people in receipt of income support or job seekers allowance will receive the maximum help -- up to £200 a year to spend on learning

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf , yr ydym yn dirprwyo swyddogaethau fel y gall y prif ysgrifennydd sefydlu cynlluniau arbennig i bobl sydd yn hawlio lwfans ceisio gwaith i'w helpu i gael gwaith cynaliadwy


from my understanding , we are delegating functions so that the first secretary can set up special schemes for claimants of job seekers allowance to help them obtain sustainable employment

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


ar lefel 1 , bydd rhai sy'n derbyn cymhorthdal incwm neu lwfans ceisio gwaith yn seiliedig ar incwm yn derbyn 100 y cant o gostau eu cyrsiau , hyd at £200 y flwyddyn


at level one , people in receipt of income support or income-based job seekers allowance will receive 100 per cent of their course costs , which is up to £200 a year

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


yn drydydd , efallai y bydd y lwfans ceisio gwaith ar gael i gyflogeion a phobl hunan-gyflogedig sydd yn ddi-waith o ganlyniad i glwy'r traed a'r genau


thirdly , the job seekers allowance may be available to employees and self-employed people who are out of work as a result of the foot and mouth disease

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


cynigia'r cyngor hefyd grantiau i rieni sy'n cael cymhorthdal incwm , lwfans ceisio gwaith yn seiliedig ar incwm , a'r credyd treth i deuluoedd sy'n gweithio


the council also offers grants to parents receiving income support , income-based job seekers allowance , and the working families tax credit

最終更新: 2009-11-19
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参照: Translated.com


mae cymorth o'r fath , ac ehangu ei gwmpas i gynnwys pobl sydd yn derbyn lwfans ceisio gwaith ar sail incwm , yn gyson ag un arall o werthoedd y cynulliad drwy ganolbwyntio adnoddau ac ymdrin â phroblemau'r mwyaf anghenus


such assistance , and the widening of the ambit to include people who receive income-based jobseeker allowance , meet another of the assembly's values by focusing resources and tackling the problems of those most in need

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


ar un adeg , nid oedd yr un gwarchodwr plant cymwysedig ym mlaen-y-maes , ac yr oedd hynny'n rhwystr mawr i rieni sengl a oedd yn ceisio gwaith


at one stage , blaenymaes did not have one qualified childminder , which was a major obstacle for single parents seeking work

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


mae'r gorchymyn yn ailddiffinio'r ymadrodd ` youth training trainee ' yng nghyd-destun yr ymadrodd ` training scheme ' fel y'i diffiniwyd gan reoliadau lwfans ceisio gwaith 1996


the order redefines the phrase ` youth training trainee ' in terms of the phrase ` training scheme ' as defined by the job seekers allowance regulations 1996

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


mae perthynas agos rhwng lle yr aiff rhywun i brifysgol a'r man lle y mae'n ceisio gwaith , a dyna pam , fel plaid yn y cynulliad , yr ydym yn croesawu mewnfudo i gymru'n fawr


there is a close relationship between where people attend university and where they seek employment , which is why , as a party in the assembly , we strongly welcome immigration in wales

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


mae hynny'n achosi problemau i bobl ddi-waith sydd yn ceisio gwaith a'r bobl hynny sydd yn mynd i mewn i gynlluniau fel y fargen newydd tra'u bod yn dal yn gymwys i gael budd-dâl tai


that causes problems for unemployed people who are seeking work and those people who are entering schemes such as new deal when they are still eligible for housing benefit

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


mae 87 y cant o blant o deuluoedd sy'n cael lwfans ceisio gwaith , 75 y cant o blant o deuluoedd sy'n cael cymhorthdal incwm , 74 y cant o blant o deuluoedd sy'n hawlio budd-dal tai , a 60 y cant o blant sy'n byw mewn tai cymdeithasol yn byw mewn tlodi


eighty-seven per cent of children from families in receipt of job-seekers allowance , 75 per cent of children from families in receipt of income support , 74 per cent of children from families claiming housing benefit , and 60 per cent of children living in social housing are living in poverty

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


mae llawer o'r cleifion sy'n dioddef gan yr anhwylderau hyn wedi'u heithrio eisoes , oherwydd eu hoed neu am eu bod hwy neu'u cymar yn derbyn cymhorthdal incwm , lwfans ceisio gwaith sy'n seiliedig ar incwm neu gredydau treth , neu am eu bod yn gymwys dan gynllun incwm isel y gig


many patients who suffer from these conditions are already exempt , because of their age or because they or their partners receive income support , income-based jobseekers ' allowance or tax credits , or are eligible under the nhs low income scheme

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


drwy ledaenu canolfan byd gwaith drwy gymru , a ddechreuodd yn ebrill 2002 , gan gynnwys y canolbarth eleni a'r gorllewin yn 2004-05 , darperir amrediad gwasanaethau integredig a gwell o lawer i bawb sy'n hawlio budd-dal ac yn ceisio gwaith


the roll-out of jobcentre plus across wales , which started in april 2002 , covering mid wales this year and west wales in 2004-05 , will provide access to a much improved and integrated range of services to all benefit claimants and jobseekers

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com


mae'r bobl sydd â hawl i gael gofal deintyddol yr nhs yn rhad ac am ddim yn cynnwys plant hyd at 18 mlwydd oed -- 19 os ydynt mewn addysg amser llawn -- merched beichiog , merched sydd wedi geni plentyn yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf , cleifion neu eu partneriaid sy'n derbyn cymhorthdal incwm , credyd teulu , credyd treth teuluoedd sy'n gweithio o 5 hydref ymlaen , lwfans gweithio i'r anabl , credyd treth yr anabl o hydref ymlaen , lwfans ceisio gwaith ar sail incwm a'r rheini sydd â thystysgrif am gymorth llawn dan gynllun incwm isel yr nhs


people who are entitled to free nhs dental care include children up to the age of 18 -- 19 if they are in full-time education -- pregnant women , women who have given birth in the last 12 months , patients or their partners who receive income support , family credit , working families tax credit from 5 october , disability working allowance , disabled persons tax credit from october , income-based job seekers allowance and those who have a certificate for full help under the nhs low income scheme

最終更新: 2009-11-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Translated.com

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