an orthoptist is an allied health professional involved in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of disorders of the eyes, extra-ocular muscles and vision. orthoptists are an important part of the eye care team and work in close association with ophthalmologists, usually in a hospital based setting. they are involved in many areas of care, including paediatrics, neurology, community services, rehabilitation, geriatrics, neonatology and ophthalmic technology.
sentencean orthoptist is an allied health professional involved in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of disorders of the eyes, extra-ocular muscles and vision. orthoptists are an important part of the eye care team and work in close association with ophthalmologists, usually in a hospital based setting. they are involved in many areas of care, including paediatrics, neurology, community services, rehabilitation, geriatrics, neonatology and ophthalmic technology.
最終更新: 2015-10-19
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