検索ワード: ignorance of the law leads to tyranny (デンマーク語 - オランダ語)







ignorance of the law leads to tyranny



から: 機械翻訳








breach of the conditions may lead to (partial) recovery of the aid from the beneficiary.


breach of the conditions may lead to (partial) recovery of the aid from the beneficiary.

最終更新: 2014-10-23
使用頻度: 1


the commission's initial assessment of the use of various methods in this particular case is that they seem to lead to significantly different results based on similar facts.


the commission's initial assessment of the use of various methods in this particular case is that they seem to lead to significantly different results based on similar facts.

最終更新: 2014-10-23
使用頻度: 1


kan en skrivelse alene hindre gennem førelsen af en lovgivning, der er vedtaget af kommissionen og rådet? where is the rule of the law, sir leon brittan?


kan een eenvoudige brief de toepassing van door de commissie en door de raad aangenomen regelgeving beletten? where is the rule of the law, sir leon brittan?

最終更新: 2014-02-06
使用頻度: 1


allegedly, the public funding of investbx may lead to an unfair competition with ofex as a result of the aid and will damage the commercial interest of ofex.


allegedly, the public funding of investbx may lead to an unfair competition with ofex as a result of the aid and will damage the commercial interest of ofex.

最終更新: 2014-10-23
使用頻度: 1


the concern is still based on the fact that the approval of the scheme, including the list of "designated disadvantaged areas" would in effect lead to a widening of the uk regional aid map.


the concern is still based on the fact that the approval of the scheme, including the list of "designated disadvantaged areas" would in effect lead to a widening of the uk regional aid map.

最終更新: 2014-10-23
使用頻度: 1

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including transavia scheduled flights into the market base would necessarily lead to a substantial increase of the total market base, since scheduled flights by other carriers should then be included as well …"


including transavia scheduled flights into the market base would necessarily lead to a substantial increase of the total market base, since scheduled flights by other carriers should then be included as well. … [34]".

最終更新: 2014-10-23
使用頻度: 1

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hvad angår finansieringen i 1999, er de danske myndigheder af den opfattelse, at "the principle of the rational market investor would lead to the result that the capital injection was a proper commercial decision".


hvad angår finansieringen i 1999, er de danske myndigheder af den opfattelse, at "the principle of the rational market investor would lead to the result that the capital injection was a proper commercial decision".

最終更新: 2014-10-23
使用頻度: 1

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[11] ‘the study of the laws of evidence in criminal proceedings throughout the european union’, the law society of england and wales, summary report october 2004.


[11] ‘the study of the laws of evidence in criminal proceedings throughout the european union’, the law society of england and wales, summary report, oktober 2004.

最終更新: 2014-10-23
使用頻度: 1


49 — jf. navnlig punkt 101, 102 og 138-141 i forslaget til afgørelse. som generaladvokat jacobs har fremhævet, har teorien ligeledes gjort opmærksom på disse vanskeligheder, navnlig j. winter, »the rights of complainants in state aid cases: judicial review of commission decisions adopted under article 88 (ex 93) ec«, common market law review, 1999, nr. 36, s. 521, u. soltész og h. bielesz, »judicial review of state aid decisions«, european competition law review, 2004, s. 133, l. flynn, »remedies in the european courts« i a. biondi m.fl., the law of state aid in the eu, oxford, 2004, s. 283. jf. ligeledes j. azizi, »droits de la défense dans la procédure en matière d’aides d’État: le point de vue judiciaire« i un rôle pour la défense dans les procédures communautaires de concurrence, bruylant, bruxelles, 1997, s. 87, navnlig s. 112-120, g. vandersanden, »pour un élargissement du droit des particuliers d’agir en annulation contre des actes autres que les décisions qui leur sont adressées«, cahiers de droit européen, 1995, nr. 5 og 6, k. lenaerts, »the legal protection of private parties under the ec treaty: a coherent and complete system of judicial review?«, scritti in onore di giuseppe federico mancini, bind ii, diritto dell’unione europea, milano, 1998, b. jankovec og v. kronenberger, »third parties in state aid litigation: locus standi and procedural guarantees« i m. sánchez rydelski, the ec state aid regime: distortive effects of state aid on competition and trade, may, london, 2006, s. 848, a. sinnaeve, »state aid procedures: developments since the entry into force of the procedural regulation«, common market law review 2007, nr. 44, s. 965, og e. coulon og s. cras, »contentieux de la légalité dans le domaine des aides d’État: les récentes évolutions dans l’application des articles 173 et 175 du traité ce«, cahiers de droit européen, 1999, bind 35, nr. 1 og 2, s. 61, navnlig s. 91-110.


49 — zie met name punten 101, 102, en 138-141 van die conclusie. zoals advocaatgeneraal jacobs onderstreept, zijn deze problemen ook besproken in de literatuur, met name winter, j., „the rights of complainants in state aid cases: judicial review of commission decisions adopted under article 88 (ex 93) ec”, common market law review, 1999, nr. 36, blz. 521; soltész, u., en bielesz, h., „judicial review of state aid decisions”, european competition law review, 2004, blz. 133; flynn, l., „remedies in the european courts”, in a. biondi e.a. (ed.), the law of state aid in the eu, oxford, 2004, blz. 283. zie ook azizi, j., „droits de la défense dans la procédure en matière d’aides d’État: le point de vue judiciaire”, in un rôle pour la défense dans les procédures communautaires de concurrence, bruylant, brussel, 1997, blz.

最終更新: 2024-04-14
使用頻度: 1


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