in which,
最終更新: 2017-04-06
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varvid följande gäller:
最終更新: 2014-11-21
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detta betonades i cardiff.
cardiff has emphasized this as well.
最終更新: 2014-02-06
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följande huvudpunkter betonades särskilt:
the following key elements were highlighted:
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samtidigt betonades det internationella perspektivet.
at the same time, the international perspective was stressed.
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i dessa förslag betonades följande:
these proposals underlined that:
最終更新: 2012-02-29
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följande projekturval betonades av ovannämndaarbetsgrupp: ar
these measures were plannedtogether by forest and nature authorities and undertaken under the direction of the local forestry commissions.
最終更新: 2014-02-06
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endogena indikatororganismer under processen, varvid indikatorn
endogenous indicator organisms during the process, where the indicator is:
最終更新: 2014-11-21
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i detta sammanhang betonades följande punkter:
in this connection, the following points were highlighted in particular:
最終更新: 2017-04-06
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följande faktorer betonades särskilt under debatten:
in the course of the debate the following aspects were given particular stress:
最終更新: 2017-04-26
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han uppehöll sig särskilt vid den senare aspekten varvid han betonade att eu inte minst måste se över hur utrikespolitiken fungerar.
references in the report calling for nuclear generated electricity to at least maintain its share of electricity supply, were deleted.
最終更新: 2014-02-06
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man tog också upp kampen mot narkotika, varvid g. sánchez de lozada i synnerhet betonade bolivias satsningar på att utveckla alternativa odlingar.
the prevention of drug abuse was also discussed, with mr sánchez de lozada emphasizing bolivia's efforts to develop alternative crops.
最終更新: 2014-02-06
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martin bartenstein presenterade det österrikiska ordförandeskapets prioriteringar, varvid han betonade frågorna om europas framtid, utkastet till konstitutionellt fördrag, genomförandet av budgetplanen 2007–2013 samt lissabonstrategin.
mr bartenstein was presenting the austrian presidency’s priorities, focusing on the future of europe and of the constitutional project, the implementation of the financial perspectives for 2007-13 and the lisbon strategy.
最終更新: 2014-02-06
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det betonade ni.
you emphasised that.
最終更新: 2012-03-22
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