検索ワード: we will try to do the best (ハンガリー語 - 英語)







we will try to do the best



から: 機械翻訳








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the netbios scope

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1


madam president, i will try to be as brief as possible. from the foreign policy point of view, there are many consequences and we started to look into these consequences in 2006 when we had the first wake-up call. the most important thing is what we can do together in the future. we have one problem and that is, of course, the treaty. in the treaty there is no common external security policy. in the lisbon treaty we will have a solidarity clause, which could then be used to give the better coordination that has been used and mentioned everywhere. secondly, for two years we have had energy diplomacy. quite a number of memoranda have been signed. we have been working on this but much is still theory or is in the preparation phase. it is very difficult to get all the actors together at once. we can normally only do the framework, for instance for nabucco. we tried then to get the volume of gas needed in order for nabucco to be supplied and built. there, i think that public-private partnerships are necessary. this is my second point. the third is, of course as we all know – and it has been said so often – that this gas conflict is a commercial one, but one that also has great political connotations.


madam president, i will try to be as brief as possible. from the foreign policy point of view, there are many consequences and we started to look into these consequences in 2006 when we had the first wake-up call. the most important thing is what we can do together in the future. we have one problem and that is, of course, the treaty. in the treaty there is no common external security policy. in the treaty of lisbon we will have a solidarity clause, which could then be used to give the better coordination that has been used and mentioned everywhere. secondly, for two years we have had energy diplomacy. quite a number of memoranda have been signed. we have been working on this but much is still theory or is in the preparation phase. it is very difficult to get all the actors together at once. we can normally only do the framework, for instance for nabucco. we tried then to get the volume of gas needed in order for nabucco to be supplied and built. there, i think that public-private partnerships are necessary. this is my second point. the third is, of course as we all know – and it has been said so often – that this gas conflict is a commercial one, but one that also has great political connotations.

最終更新: 2014-10-10
使用頻度: 1


8,028,923,400 より良い訳文を手にいれましょう


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