検索ワード: штокхаузен (ロシア語 - 英語)










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Штокхаузен, Карлхайнц



最終更新: 2011-08-11
使用頻度: 2

参照: Wikipedia


Если бы я отвечала на вопрос, кто больше всего повлиял на меня, то это бы были Штокхаузен, kraftwerk, Брайан Ино и Марк Белл».


if i were to say who has influenced me most it would be stockhausen, kraftwerk, brian eno and mark bell".

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia
警告:見えない HTML フォーマットが含まれています


", jack bruce with john mclaughlin, tony williams, frank zappa, cream, john mayall, chris spedding* 1976 — "sarabande" jon lord, with andy summers, (cd 1999)* 1981 — "nightline new york", joachim kühn with michael brecker, billy hart, bob mintzer, eddie gomez* 1982 — "personal note", with joachim kühn, trilok gurtu, jan akkerman, detlev beier* 1983 — "sura", с Иоахимом Кюном, Маркусом Штокхаузеном, Трилоком Гурту и Дэвидом Торном* 1985 — "wun wun", with jack bruce and trilok gurtu* 1986 — "dark"* 1989 — "dark: tamna voda", with l. shankar and david torn* 1993 — "let’s be generous",* 1989 — "bracha", with miroslav tadić, david philipson and john bergamo* 1991 — "let’s be generous", with miroslav tadić, joachim kühn, and tony newton,* 1992 — "keys to talk by", with dušan bogdanović and miroslav tadić* 1994 — "the snake music", miroslav tadić, jack bruce, markus stockhausen, david torn, wolfgang puschnig and walter quintus* 1984 — "the sultan’s picnic" rabih abou-khalil with steve swallow, kenny wheeler, charlie mariano, milton cardona, nabil khaiat, howard levy, michel godard* 1996 — "old country", with miroslav tadić and howard levy* 1997 — "still light", with miroslav tadić and markus stockhausen* 1997 — "loose wires", with miroslav tadić and michel godard* 1996 — "odd times", rabih abou-khalil with howard levy, nabil khaiat, michel godard* "ocre" with sylvie courvoisier, pierre charial, michel godard and tony overwater* 1997 — "birds of a feather" with sylvie courvoisier,* 1999 — "ottomania", with kudsi erguner,* 2000 — "with space in mind" (solo)* 2000 — "venus square mars", with david philipson and hamza el din* 2001 — "islam blues" kudsi erguner with nguyen le and renaud garcia-fons* 2002 — "gazing point", with kudsi erguner and markus stockhausen* 2004 — "evident", with joëlle léandre* 2005 — "snakish", with wadada leo smith, miroslav tadić, walter quintus, katya quintus,* 2006 — "albert", with ikue mori, walter quintus and sylvie courvoisier* 2008 — "can you follow?


solo and others*"nightline new york", joachim kühn with michael brecker, billy hart, bob mintzer, eddie gómez, 1981*"personal note", with joachim kühn, trilok gurtu, jan akkerman, detlev beier, 1982*"sura", with joachim kühn, markus stockhausen, trilok gurtu and david torn, 1983*"wun wun", with jack bruce and trilok gurtu, 1985*"dark", 1986*"dark: tamna voda", with l. shankar and david torn, 1989*"let's be generous", 1993*"bracha", with miroslav tadić, david philipson and john bergamo, 1989*"let's be generous", with miroslav tadić, joachim kühn, and tony newton, 1991*"keys to talk by", with dušan bogdanović and miroslav tadić, 1992*"the snake music", miroslav tadić, jack bruce, markus stockhausen, david torn, wolfgang puschnig and walter quintus, 1994*"the sultan's picnic" rabih abou-khalil with steve swallow, kenny wheeler, charlie mariano, milton cardona, nabil khaiat, howard levy, michel godard, 1984*"old country", with miroslav tadić and howard levy, 1996*"still light", with miroslav tadić and markus stockhausen, 1997*"loose wires", with miroslav tadić and michel godard, 1997*"odd times", rabih abou-khalil with howard levy, nabil khaiat, michel godard*"ocre" with sylvie courvoisier, pierre charial, michel godard and tony overwater, 1996*"birds of a feather" with sylvie courvoisier, 1997*"ottomania", with kudsi erguner, 1999*"sarabande", jon lord, with andy summers, lp 1976, cd 1999*"with space in mind", solo 2000*"venus square mars", with david philipson and hamza el din, 2000*"islam blues", kudsi erguner with nguyen le and renaud garcia-fons, 2001*"gazing point", with kudsi erguner and markus stockhausen, 2002*"evident", with joëlle léandre, 2004*"snakish", with wadada leo smith, miroslav tadić, walter quintus, katya quintus, 2005*"albert", with ikue mori, walter quintus and sylvie courvoisier, 2006*" at the le mans jazz festival, "joëlle léandre with maggie nicols, irene schweizer, william parker, india cooke, markus stockhausen, paul lovens, sebi tramontana, carlos zingaro, 2006"*"can you follow?

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia
警告:見えない HTML フォーマットが含まれています

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