検索ワード: if the person is nice, it is a honnor to meet you (英語 - インドネシア語)







if the person is nice, it is a honnor to meet you



から: 機械翻訳








i am an easy person to get along with friends but if my male friend is a bit difficult to get along with him unless the man is a classmate or is like a brother, i am the third of 2 siblings, i have a phobia with blood and injections in my opinion it is very scary and i like things related to my close friends such as playing and telling stories with him, i can respect people, i can control my emotions but if that person is there


aku orangnya mudah bergaul dengan teman tapi jika temannya laki laki aku agak sulit untuk bergaul/berteman dengan nya kecuali laki laki tersebut teman kelas atau sudah seperti saudara , aku anak ke tiga dari 2 saudara,aku memiliki phobia dengan darah dan suntikan menurut ku itu sangat menyeramkan dan aku menyukai hal hal yang berkaitan dengan teman dekatku seperti bermain dan bercerita dengan dia, aku bisa menghormati/menghargai orang orang, aku bisa mengontrol emosi ku tetapi jika orang tersebut

最終更新: 2023-09-21
使用頻度: 1


deepfake has the potential to be abused. this media is widely used as a means of revenge to bring down others who do not like it by taking photos of someone's posts on social media, be it instagram twitter, or others. especially if the person is active in using social media, then deepfake person will be easier in making deepfake holograms. deepfake makes hoaxes easier to spread. deepfake results in the form of audio and visual recordings have more to


deepfake potensial untuk disalahgunakan. media ini banyak digunakan untuk sarana balas dendam menjatuhkan orang lain yang tidak disukainya dengan mengambil foto postingan seseorang di sosial media, baik itu instagram twitter, atau yang lainnya. terlebih jika orang tersebut aktif dalam menggunakan media sosial, maka oknum deepfake akan lebih mudah dalam membuat hologram deepfake. deepfake membuat hoax lebih mudah untuk disebarkan. hasil deepfake yang berupa rekaman audio dan visual lebih punya kemampuanuntuk meyakinkan publik, bila dibandingkan dengan teks atau foto.

最終更新: 2020-12-04
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


hi! now i will tell you about the video i watched about marine ecosystems, what i got is that indonesia's marine ecosystems are rich in nature and marine ecosystems are very useful for living things, for example marine ecosystems can be traversed by means of transportation such as ships/boats. in addition, marine ecosystems are useful as human resources because many components of marine ecosystems are edible, for example fish, octopus, shrimp and seaweed. there are many fish in the sea and various species. because the beauty of indonesian waters is famous and many foreign tourists come there. indonesia's marine wealth is a priceless national asset, so we need to preserve marine ecosystems in indonesia. indonesia is a country that has a wider sea than land. unfortunately, people's awareness to protect marine ecosystems is lacking, so that biodiversity is damaged by irresponsible human hands. if the marine ecosystem has been damaged it can cause a shortage of marine resources, if that happens then it is humans who will be harmed. human activities that can cause damaged to marine ecosystems are throwing garbage into the sea, the amount of waste in indonesia is increasing, one of which is plastic waste, indonesia is even ranked second in the world for producing the most plastic waste in the sea. secondly industrial waste pollution, industrial waste is waste that is disposed of by factories. industrial waste pollution in indonesia can have serious impacts, marine resources such as fish, shrimp and others will be polluted, and if consumed by humans will have a harmful impact on health. third is illegal fishing of marine products, this activity can be very dangerous for marine ecosystems, this activity is carried out using explosives and poisons with the aim of catching fish, the use of these materials causes damage to coral reefs and surrounding plants, and causes death for various types of fish and small fish. the way to deal with ocean damage actually lies with humans, depending on the will that is in the human being. an example of what can be done to protect marine ecosystems is, firstly, keeping rivers, beaches and seas clean by not throwing garbage into the seas, beaches and rivers. second, don't catch fish using explosives or poison. third, do not throw industrial waste into the sea. the fourth did not lift and touched the coral reef. the fifth is active in marine conservation activities. sixth, enforcing legal activities against fisheries. seventh, adding a special agency responsible for illegal fishing activities. protecting the marine ecosystem is the most important thing to do because the sea is one of the natural resources for humans. after i watched this vidio i want to protect the marine ecosystem because marine ecosystems are very important for human life


hi! now i will tell you about the video i watched about marine ecosystems, what i got is that indonesia's marine ecosystems are rich in nature and marine ecosystems are very useful for living things, for example marine ecosystems can be traversed by means of transportation such as ships/boats. in addition, marine ecosystems are useful as human resources because many components of marine ecosystems are edible, for example fish, octopus, shrimp and seaweed. there are many fish in the sea and vario

最終更新: 2022-12-01
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


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