検索ワード: brother are what best friend can never be (英語 - テルグ語)








brother are what best friend can never be


there can be no better companion than brother

最終更新: 2022-08-30
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


brother's are what a best friends can never be


brother's are what a best friends can never be

最終更新: 2024-09-04
使用頻度: 1

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no matter what happens some memories can never be replace replaced


కొన్ని జ్ఞాపకాలు ఎప్పటికీ భర్తీ చేయలేవు

最終更新: 2023-08-01
使用頻度: 1

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i love being me which u can never be


i'm not the best and i'm not the rest either i love being me which you can never be

最終更新: 2023-05-26
使用頻度: 1

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no matter what happens some memories can never be replace replace


కొన్ని జ్ఞాపకాలను ఎప్పటికీ భర్తీ చేయలేము

最終更新: 2023-04-23
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childhood friendship childhood love can never be broken the cost of that love will never go down


చిన్న నాటి స్నేహం చిన్న నాటి ప్రేమ ఎప్పటికి విడిపొలెవు ఆ ప్రేమ ఖరీదు ఎప్పటికి తగ్గదు

最終更新: 2020-12-11
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trust is like a glass, once it's broken it can never be the same again


నమ్మకం ఒక గాజు లాంటిది, అది విచ్ఛిన్నమైన తర్వాత అది మళ్లీ ఒకేలా ఉండదు

最終更新: 2024-09-19
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best friends can talk for hours about nothing at all... or say everything just a look


మంచి స్నేహితులు ఏమీ మాట్లాడకుండా గంటలు మాట్లాడగలరు ... లేదా ప్రతిదీ ఒక్కసారి చూడండి

最終更新: 2021-06-02
使用頻度: 1

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conservationvery good morning to the honorable chief guest of the day, respected teachers, parents and my all dear friends. i wish you all a very happy independence day. we all know the reason of get together here in such a big crowd. we all are excited celebrating this great day in such an excellent manner. we are gathered here to celebrate the independence day of our nation. first, we hoist our honorable national flag then give a salute to all the heroic deeds of the freedom fighters. i am feeling so proud to be an indian citizen. i have such a great chance to give a speech on the independence day in front of you all. i would like to say thanks to my respected class teacher that she has given me an opportunity to share my views with you all about the freedom of india. we celebrate independence day every year on 15thof august because india got freedom on the night of 14 th of august in 1947. just after the independence of india, pandit jawaharlal nehru had given a speech on the independence day in new delhi. when people all over the world were sleeping, people in india were waking to get freedom and life from the british rule. now, after the independence, india has been a largest democratic country in the world. our country is a most famous country for the saying of unity in diversity. it faces many incidents testing its secularism however, indian people become always ready to answer with their unity. because of the hard struggles of our ancestors, we are now able to enjoy the freedom and breathe fresh air according to our wish. getting freedom from the britishers was really an impossible task our ancestors did with their continuous efforts. we can never forget their works and always remember them through the history. we cannot remember all the deeds of all the freedom fighters in a day only however can give them a heartily salute. they would always be in our memories and way of inspiration to us whole life. today is the very significant day for allindians, which we celebrate remembering sacrifices of great indian leaders who had given their lives for the freedom and prosperity of the country. freedom of india was possible because of the cooperation, sacrifice, and involvement of all the indians. we should value and salute all the indian citizens because they are the real national heroes. we should keep faith in the secularism and never be separate to maintain the unity so that no one can break and rule again. we should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well educated citizens of the tomorrow india. we should sincerely perform our duty and do work hard to get the goal and successfully lead this democratic nation. jai hind, jai bharat. ********** ehthashamuddin. j. sheikh, kolar gold fields, kolar district. mobile number protected independence day speech 3 www.tlm4all.com a very good morning to


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最終更新: 2018-08-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

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