検索ワード: pisan (英語 - ポルトガル語)










de pisa

最終更新: 2010-03-25
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


cecco di pietro was an italian painter of the pisan school.


cecco di pietro foi um pintor italiano da escola de pisa.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


in august 1282, part of the genoese fleet blockaded pisan commerce near the river arno.


em agosto de 1282 parte da frota genovesa bloquearam o comércio de pisa perto do rio arno.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


the genoese fleet blocked porto pisano and attacked pisan ships travelling in the mediterranean sea.


a frota genovesa bloqueou porto pisano e atacaram navios pisanos que viajam no mar mediterrâneo.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
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参照: Altiereslima


part of the genoese merchant fleet defeated a pisan force while travelling to the byzantine empire.


uma parte da frota mercante genovesa derrotou uma frota de pisa, enquanto viajava para o império bizantino.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


in the 12th century the pisan quarter in the eastern part of constantinople had grown to 1,000 people.


no século xii, um quartel pisano situado na parte oriental de constantinopla tinha crescido para 1000 pessoas.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


four years later, pisan and genoese ships helped alfonso vi of castile force el cid out of valencia.


quatro anos mais tarde, navios genoveses e pisanos ajudaram afonso vi de leão e castela para expulsar el cid de valência.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


the alliance with the restored byzantine empire increased the wealth and power of genoa and simultaneously decreased venetian and pisan commerce.


a aliança com o império bizantino aumentou a riqueza e o poder de génova, e, simultaneamente, diminuiu o comércio de veneza e pisa.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


another version suggests that henry had been watching a parade from the window, when a party of pisan envoys entered the room.


outra versão sugere que henrique assistia a uma parada de sua janela quando um partido de emissários de pisa entraram na sala.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


cecco is seen as an important figure in trecento art because of his development of a style that incorporated elements of pisan painting along with those of the sienese school.


cecco foi uma figura importante da arte do trecento por ter misturado estilos de pisa e da escola de siena.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


name of actionfood and nutrition security – integrated programme in the provinces of bam and sanmatenga (pisan-bas)


nome da acÇÃoprograma integrado de segurança alimentar e nutricional nas províncias de bam e de sanmatenga (pisan-bas)

最終更新: 2014-02-06
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


henry sent a second, more powerful navy—mostly pisan and genoese—to naples under the command of markward von anweiler.


henrique enviou uma segunda - mais poderosa - frota, composta majoritariamente de pisanos e genoveses, sob o comando de .

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


=== pisa and the crusades ===a pisan fleet of 120 ships participated in the first crusade and the pisans were instrumental in the siege of jerusalem in 1099.


== pisa e as cruzadas ==uma frota pisiana de 120 navios participou na primeira cruzada e os pisanos foram determinantes para a tomada de jerusalém em 1099.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


already in the late 1970s, pisan researchers, firstly with luciano lenzini, were in contact with u.s. researchers who had written the history of the internet.


== festividades e feriados ==== esporte ==o futebol é o esporte principal da itália, e os italianos são conhecidos pela paixão com que o jogam.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


the lucchese school, also known as the school of lucca and as the pisan-lucchese school, was a school of painting and sculpture that flourished in the 11th and 12th centuries in western and southern tuscany with an important center in volterra.


a escola de lucas ou escola lucchese ou escola pisano-lucchese foi uma escola de pintura e escultura que floresceu nos séculos xi e xii no oeste e sul da toscana com um importante centro em volterra.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima


)*1953: bollingen prize in poetry*1959: pulitzer prize for drama ("j.b.")*1959: tony award for best play ("j.b.")*1977: presidential medal of freedom== works =====poetry collections===*"class poem" (1915)*"songs for a summer's day" (1915)*"tower of ivory" (1917)*"the happy marriage" (1924)*"the pot of earth" (1925)*"nobodaddy" (1926)*"the hamlet of a. macleish" (1928)*"streets in the moon" (1928)*"einstein" (1929)*"new found land" (1930)*"conquistador" (1932)*"elpenor" (1933)*"frescoes for mr. rockefeller's city" (1933)*"poems, 1924–1933" (1935)*"public speech" (1936)*"actfive and other poems" (1948)*"collected poems" (1952)*"songs for eve" (1954)*"the collected poems of archibald macleish" (1962)*"the wild old wicked man and other poems" (1968)*"the human season, selected poems 1926–1972" (1972)*"new and collected poems, 1917–1976" (1976)===prose===*"jews in america" (1936)*"america was promises" (1939)*"the irresponsibles: a declaration" (1940)*"the american cause" (1941)*"a time to speak" (1941)*"american opinion and the war: the rede lecture" (1942)*"a time to act: selected addresses" (1943)*"freedom is the right to choose" (1951)*"art education and the creative process" (1954)*"poetry and experience" (1961)*"the dialogues of archibald macleish and mark van doren" (1964)*"the eleanor roosevelt story" (1965)*"a continuing journey" (1968)*"champion of a cause: essays and addresses on librarianship" (1971)*"poetry and opinion: the pisan cantos of ezra pound" (1974)*"riders on the earth: essays & recollections "(1978)*"letters of archibald macleish, 1907–1982" (1983)===drama===*"union pacific" (ballet) (1934)*"panic" (1935)*"the fall of the city" (1937)*"air raid" (1938)*"the land of the free" (1938)*"colloquy for the states" (1943)*"the american story: ten broadcasts" (1944)*"the trojan horse" (1952)*"this music crept by me on the waters" (1953)*"j.b." (1958)*"three short plays" (1961)*"an evening's journey to conway" (1967)*"herakles" (1967)*"scratch" (1971)*"the great american fourth of july parade" (1975)*"six plays" (1980)==see also==*list of ambulance drivers during world war i==notes====references====external links==* archibald macleish's grave* the fall of the city, columbia workshop, cbs radio, 1937*"archibald macleish", "academy of american poets"*http://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi-bin/page.cgi/jb/progress/macleish_1*archibald macleish papers at mount holyoke college


== prêmios ==*1933: pulitzer (categoria poesia) por "conquistador"*1946: comandante da legião de honra*1953: pulitzer (categoria poesia) por "collected poems 1917–1952"*1953: prêmio nacional do livro (categoria poesia) por "collected poems, 1917–1952"*1953: prêmio bollingen de poesia*1959: pulitzer (categoria teatro) por "j.b."*1959: prêmio tony de melhor peça, por "j.b."*1965: oscar de melhor documentário em longa metragem por "the eleanor roosevelt story"*1977: medalha presidencial da liberdade== trabalhos =====poesia===*"class poem" (1915)*"songs for a summer's day" (1915)*"tower of ivory" (1917)*"the happy marriage" (1924)*"the pot of earth" (1925)*"nobodaddy" (1926)*"the hamlet of a. macleish" (1928)*"streets in the moon" (1928)*"einstein" (1929)*"new found land" (1930)*"conquistador" (1932)*"elpenor" (1933)*"frescoes for mr. rockefeller's city" (1933)*"poems, 1924–1933" (1935)*"public speech" (1936)*"actfive and other poems" (1948)*"collected poems" (1952)*"songs for eve" (1954)*"the collected poems of archibald macleish" (1962)*"the wild old wicked man and other poems" (1968)*"the human season, selected poems 1926–1972" (1972)*"new and collected poems, 1917–1976" (1976)===prosa===*"jews in america" (1936)*"america was promises" (1939)*"the irresponsibles: a declaration" (1940)*"the american cause" (1941)*"a time to speak" (1941)*"american opinion and the war: the rede lecture" (1942)*"a time to act: selected addresses" (1943)*"freedom is the right to choose" (1951)*"art education and the creative process" (1954)*"poetry and experience" (1961)*"the dialogues of archibald macleish and mark van doren" (1964)*"the eleanor roosevelt story" (1965)*"a continuing journey" (1968)*"champion of a cause: essays and addresses on librarianship" (1971)*"poetry and opinion: the pisan cantos of ezra pound" (1974)*"riders on the earth: essays & recollections "(1978)*"letters of archibald macleish, 1907–1982" (1983)===teatro===*"union pacific" (ballet) (1934)*"panic" (1935)*"the fall of the city" (1937)*"air raid" (1938)*"the land of the free" (1938)*"colloquy for the states" (1943)*"the american story: ten broadcasts" (1944)*"the trojan horse" (1952)*"this music crept by me on the waters" (1953)*"j.b." (1958)*"three short plays" (1961)*"an evening's journey to conway" (1967)*"herakles" (1967)*"scratch" (1971)*"the great american fourth of july parade" (1975)*"six plays" (1980)==notas====referências====links externos==* tumba de archibald macleish* the fall of the city, columbia workshop, cbs radio, 1937*"archibald macleish", "academia americana de poetas"*http://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi-bin/page.cgi/jb/progress/macleish_1*artigos de archibald macleish na faculdade mount holyoke

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Altiereslima
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