検索ワード: how to make slim body real you are super hot (英語 - ロシア語)







how to make slim body real you are super hot



から: 機械翻訳








you are about to learn how to make a complete meal.


Вы собираетесь узнать, как сделать полноценный обед.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


how to make sure that you are not one of many? printed packaging tape emphasizes the image of your company as aprofessional contractor.


Как позаботиться о том, чтобы Ваша фирма не выглядела «той одной из многих»?

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


but you are having difficulty realizing how to make this a practical reality when you deal with your day to day existence.


Но у Вас трудности с пониманием того, как практически применить это в Вашей повседневной жизни.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


if you are interested in knowing how to make money with grocery buying services, you should forge an alliance with the grocers who sells groceries to you.


Если вы заинтересованы в зная, как заработать деньги с продуктовых Услуги Покупка, Вы должны создать альянс с бакалейные лавки, которые продают продовольственные товары к вам.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


little children, you live in a time in which god gives great graces but you do not know how to make good use of them. you are concerned about everything else, but the least for the soul and spiritual life.


Деточки, вы живете в то время, когда Бог дает вам большие милости, но вы не знаете, как извлечь из них пользу. Вы заботитесь обо всем, но меньше всего о душе и духовной жизни. Проснитесь от тяжкого сна, в который погружена ваша душа, и всеми силами скажите Богу: "Да". Решитесь выбрать обращение и святость.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1

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if you are a builder, you will have to mix cement. if you know how to make paper, you will operate a machine tool,” the president stressed.


Имейте в виду, ни на какую коммерческую фирму вы не поступите: строитель – пойдешь месить цемент, бумагу умеешь делать – будешь стоять у станка», – подчеркнул Президент.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


own your perspective. as long as you are sharing valuable information about how to make work more efficient, hack life, and/or accurately position startups in the market we are happy.


Собственные вашей точки зрения. До тех пор пока вы делите ценную информацию о том, как сделать работу более эффективной, взломать жизнь, и / или точно позиционировать стартапов на рынке мы счастливы.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


so, if you are a man and you would like to make sure that you will be able to find out how to cure premature ejaculation, then you will firstly need to finish reading this article.


Так что, если вы человек, и вы хотели бы, чтобы убедиться, что вы сможете выяснить, как вылечить преждевременное семяизвержение , то вы, во-первых нужно будет закончить чтение этой статьи.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


if you are looking for information about, what is and how world currency markets forex works, and most importantly – how to make money in forex market – you have come to the right place!


Если Вы ищете информацию о том, что такое и как работает всемирный валютный рынок ФОРЕКС, а самое главное —как на нем заработать деньги — Вы сделали правильный выбор!

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


by doing these drills you will learn how to make your communication understood by others and how to truly understand what they say to you, how to be what is sometimes called “a good listener,” how to guide a communication cycle you are having with another person and how to recognize and rectify failures in the communication cycles of others.


Выполняя эти упражнения, вы научитесь тому, как доносить свои сообщения до других, как полностью понимать то, что вам говорят, как быть тем, что называют «хорошим слушателем», как направлять цикл общения с другим человеком и как распознавать и исправлять сбои в циклах общения других людей. Всё это — бесценные в повседневной жизни навыки.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


this is why you will want to make sure that the inviting company has an office in russia (in the city where you are planning to stay) and that you know how to contact them.


Поэтому, заказывая визу, убедитесь, что компания, осуществляющая приглашение иностранцев, имеет офис в России (именно в том городе, где Вы остановитесь) и Вы знаете, как с ним связаться.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


however, if you are confident and want to make insulation works by yourself, you will need to learn useful advices and knacks. our specialists will tell you how to lay thermal insulation materials correctly at the time of purchase.


Однако если Вы чувствуете себя уверенно и хотите выполнить работы по утеплению своими силами, Вам нужно будет узнать много умных советов и уловок. О правильной укладке теплоизоляционных материалов Вам расскажут наши специалисты при покупке теплоизоляционных материалов.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


whether you are going out for a business dinner, or a romantic evening with that special someone; you want to make a good impression and show the people around you that you are a woman that has great taste and knows how to treat yourself well.


Если вы выходите на деловой обед или романтический вечер что-то специальное, вы хотите произвести хорошее впечатление и показать окружающим, что вы женщина, которая имеет великолепный вкус и знает, как относиться к себе хорошо.

最終更新: 2018-02-21
使用頻度: 1


i don't share the story very often it's just uh… seems appropriate i had a mentor um… years ago his name was jerry and jerry really hammered me on the issue of character about being authentic getting in touch with me who i was and you ask me who is the real guy who's the real to you and at first i didn't know how to respond and i was at a time in my life where i was a little bit more into kind of image persona and being thought of as the cool guy i might have so that those issues but i was a little more their then conservative with the superficial stuff injuries kept hammering me and saying no that's not the real you that's a lot your you're treating yourself you're treating everybody else and uh… really freaked me out because as the first time i've had some challenges me at that intense levels really whacked me and say your you're screwed up and wife because of this spring to life so uh… thought about it a lot and i finally pata nai hai had the realization i thought that when i was a middle school and i would go to the middle school dances and i would stand up against the wall and not talk to anyone and i would watch everyone else having fun and hai didn't just go join them and have a good time it was a part of that group what other challenges shared dot that was part of my story to so i didn't high five i realize that i was creating that because that was as my script that's why as a kid that stood back and didn't participate so on the wall i didn't get involved that's how you that's standing right here right now is his four from what i could have imagined myself doing a clear in my life is one could have expected i mean purchased is astounding we're not been what i think about it sometimes when i'm here and i'm talking i remember able what the hell are you doing up there saying that stuff to those people but i can only be here because i started there and the night realized it and then i did what it took to get to the next level so what's required per change what level of commitment is required for change a lot it's a great book out that i've been talking about a lot lately called changed or die change your diet in this book proposes a little bit of a startling idea which azure dot says is most of us can't change even if we want to and that in various studies they're starting to find that when people go into a doctor and the doctor says you need to change your lifestyle where you're going to get here you quit smoking we're going to die uydess stock leading the way you're you're gonna have a heart attack year later nine out of ten cases the person hasn't changed their lifestyle we can change he then when we want to even when we're faced with death we don't change most of the time i have my own little struggles were on trying to change in my life i'm working on doing something differently one that's uh… fun one has also just talking about this recently was i live in an apartment building i live in seventeen story apartment building and i have two apartments in the building one i use my office and one is my apartment and once on the seventeen th floor was on the thirteenth for and it's a long apartment building you know this is a pretty wide room it's wonders in this i can't go out to go to the middle of the building and take the elevator down thirty four or appt seventeenth depending on which way i'm going or i can walk right out the door and within a few feet is the stairwell but i can just take the stairs quickly two thirteen three seventy four now as it turns out it's faster to take the stairs is waiting for the elevator takes long time just asked her and it's better to take the stairs better for me exercise built right in service pastor and it's better it only makes sense that actually taking the stairs everytime first moved into my building i would take the stairs sometimes take the elevator sometimes has pretty stoked on the idea of taking the stairs it was the right thing to do one day i finally realized you know what i don't know why i'm doing the session just make it kind of my rule of thumb i think the stairs every time but i had already started taking the elevator sometimes in taking the stairs sometimes there's a part of me it was a little too easy that was like uh… but made the call i'm just gonna do it somehow i still fans that i'd walk out the door and peephole toward the elevator in my mind would say i'll stick tel aviv's time albee's he'll take the elevator and i can to catch myself and think what's going on here my mind automatically went to pulled me toward the elevator and i'm already made the decision i know it's better it's faster so then i kinda got control of that and i'd walk right out the door going upstairs but then if i was carrying something and walk out the door indo while carrying something at stake elevator system projects their son i think it's a little bag ca i mostly past this now but there are still moments where i walk out the door to medium give can't some things kinda medium size i go to the debate if still party way back in there that wants to go to bed over here for some reason it's kooky we all have these course where you have one of those in your life just wired up that way so an idea that i like to i'll share with you right now it's called making success inevitable making success comfortable there's a lot of interesting thinking out there about creating results kidding yourself to change this is one of the ideas that i actually teach in the house with the business courses teach suicide that i had couple years ago until now there were two main waves of achieving results of the cheating success one of them was goal setting and that is still the main way of achieving success imo circles goal setting i think was popularly introduced maybe by napoleon hill in the book thinking rich if you haven't read thinking grew rich read it dipti uh… the new one that they've published which is the original the two congressional version revised it all the ones we've had up until recently were all modified go get the original one read that and uh… point held talks about visualizing outcome knowing how come you want saying affirmations essentially what we now call setting goals creating a clear picture of the outcome you want burning it in your mind turning up your desire so i was one way of reaching success and the other way this whole problem solving bobby orr wrote a book called stop setting goals if you'd rather solve problems may have heard me talk about the since we've got goal setting a problem solving as it turns out something like eighty percent of people don't resonate with setting goals they don't like the idea doesn't feel good to them they're more interested in solving problems they'd rather solve a problem then set a goal who just on hearing it says yeah that sounds like me hi would really rather solve problems tickles resent well we both of these muscles actually we'd learn tubal set goals and to solve problems so for goal setters what we do is we start here we look out of the future we measured the goal we'd like to create and then we have met in the steps we get to get there theirself all revved up and get ourselves motivated all great processes problem solvers on the other hand did it go out into the future and imagine we've already achieved the thing and then look back and said and what is a step toward the problems i would have needed to have solved in order to reach this this place to different strategies goal setting problem solving but it struck me that there's a third way there's another way of achieving success and i call this inevitability thinking indefinitely thinking all settings great if you can get yourself to do it affirmations are great if you get yourself to do them it's not that easy to change behaviors not that easy to get yourself to do the thing you need to do consistently every day problem-solving is it's wonderful figuring out how to solve little problems can really make a lot of danes for you on their own i mean these these techniques are just techniques but they can be very powerful question i asked myself this how could i make it so that the outcome i want to achieve his inevitable salad bowl but on the work toward it's not a problem in a figure out how to solve it is something that i'm going to real lives inevitably how do i create inevitability and i think it's an interesting question to ask when you ask yourself how to create inevitability how do i make it so that my outcome is inevitable your mind goes down a completely different track hold new set of ideas start coming up when i say set a goal achievement and set the goal right on the steps need to get their you'll get your self motivated but they're all these things that could come up contingencies that might happen get you off track get distracted screen up if i say okay we'll figure all the problems you need to solve in order to get to the place you want to get to you'll list all your problems you might start solving the problem i find more problems to solve began you like extracted taken off track if i say how can you make it so that your outcome is inevitable that's when you start taking care of all those potential unknowns inevitability is about conditions it's about setting up the conditions so that what you want to have happen happens automatically the first person that put me on the misguided germany in my brain for probably ten years was milne erickson they have been service i remember reading in ninety-two gordon's book a phoenix about milton had talked about his strategies and what milt would do who need to help some unsolved problems he wouldn't say what happened when you were uh… child here and say how do you feel about this hugest bypass alone say where we need to do to make the outcome i want to have happened happened automatically so happens on its own and so someone would walk in and say you know mailroom uh… understand drinking too much i can't stop myself enormous a no problem drink all you want but here's what we're gonna do every time you want to drink you have to walk five miles across town to liquor store have one drink and then walk the five miles home or something okay idea the first day they'd be like i really needed racially walk five miles to get a drink they have a drink and it walked five miles home has like politics for five miles an hour after something and you know in the process they got their body moving and the drinking problem one white he didn't say imagine yourself not drinking hinson resistant when it comes up he set up the circumstances we want to have happened what happened upon a matically divert her tell what the story about the uh… along with the space between the chief unknown worked with no there's not a woman coming to a man she said don't know i'm i'm ugly in no matter tracked into me and i wanna get married but i can't and donna tell myself and he said well as long as you're going to kill yourself you might as well enjoy your last few months so yeti savings and she said yeah i have a little bit of money in savings he said okay well you kinda frumpy and know dressed very well and you don't take her to carry ourselves so here's where you go take that money it will spend about yourself get some clothes that fit you get a makeover get your hair styled and by the way are there any man that you would be field rectitude but you would want to marry she said yeah there's this one guy at the office but he doesn't ever even notice me was it turned out this woman had a big space between different eking out so people can whistle through it and uh… shoes very self-conscious about it condones as you know that space between uti to use that water but some people can scott what she was only a acknowledged to be i'll ask it he said here's all you do go get the makeover go get some clothes that fit go get your hair styled and then the next time you see that man bigger attracted to at the office take a mouthful of water water fountain and sit it out for your teeth at it so she went got a makeover got some clothes that fit her dot her hair done because shes gonna kill urself anyway and muzzle enjoy it that amount for water statham he said he will bitch he chased around the office and they want to get married on social work for some of the story what was known doing he wasn't saying try harder through the same you know the problem is a motivation issue he was setting up the conditions so what you want to have happen would happen automatically so what the conditions you need to set your life what you want to have happen happens automatically it is inevitable it will happen we need to set up they may be setting up things that make you uncomfortable there to hold you accountable that are going make you go through pain if you don't do that or give you a formula here what's something just in your mind right now what something that you'd like to do but you just can't take it yourself to do it


fake it i don't share the story very often it's just uh… seems appropriate i had a mentor um… years ago his name was jerry and jerry really hammered me on the issue of character about being authentic getting in touch with me who i was and you ask me who is the real guy who's the real to you and at first i didn't know how to respond and i was at a time in my life where i was a little bit more into kind of image persona and being thought of as the cool guy i might have so that those issues but i was a little more their then conservative with the superficial stuff injuries kept hammering me and saying no that's not the real you that's a lot your you're treating yourself you're treating everybody else and uh… really freaked me out because as the first time i've had some challenges me at that intense levels really whacked me and say your you're screwed up and wife because of this spring to life so uh… thought about it a lot and i finally pata nai hai had the realization i thought that when i was a middle school and i would go to the middle school dances and i would stand up against the wall and not talk to anyone and i would watch everyone else having fun and hai didn't just go join them and have a good time it was a part of that group what other challenges shared dot that was part of my story to so i didn't high five i realize that i was creating that because that was as my script that's why as a kid that stood back and didn't participate so on the wall i didn't get involved that's how you that's standing right here right now is his four from what i could have imagined myself doing a clear in my life is one could have expected i mean purchased is astounding we're not been what i think about it sometimes when i'm here and i'm talking i remember able what the hell are you doing up there saying that stuff to those people but i can only be here because i started there and the night realized it and then i did what it took to get to the next level so what's required per change what level of commitment is required for change a lot it's a great book out that i've been talking about a lot lately called changed or die change your diet в этом книге proposes a little bit of a startling idea which azure dot says is most of us can't change even if we want to and that in various studies they're starting to find that when people go into a doctor and the doctor says you need to change your lifestyle where you're going to get here you quit smoking we're going to die uydess stock leading the way you're you're gonna have a heart attack year later nine out of ten cases the person hasn't changed their lifestyle we can change he then when we want to even when we're faced with death we don't change most of the time i have my own little struggles were on trying to change in my life i'm working on doing something differently one that's uh… fun one has also just talking about this recently was i live in an apartment building i live in seventeen story apartment building and i have two apartments in the building one i use my office and one is my apartment and once on the seventeen th floor was on the thirteenth for and it's a long apartment building you know this is a pretty wide room it's wonders in this i can't go out to go to the middle of the building and take the elevator down thirty four or appt seventeenth depending on which way i'm going или i can walk right out the door and within a few feet is the stairwell but i can just take the stairs quickly two thirteen three seventy four now as it turns out it's faster to take the stairs is waiting for the elevator takes long time just asked her and it's better to take the stairs better for me exercise built right in service pastor and it's better it only makes sense that actually taking the stairs everytime first moved into my building i would take the stairs sometimes take the elevator sometimes has pretty stoked on the idea of taking the stairs it was the right thing to do one day i finally realized you know what i don't know why i'm doing the session just make it kind of my rule of thumb i think the stairs every time but i had already started taking the elevator sometimes in taking the stairs sometimes there's a part of me it was a little too easy that was like uh… but made the call i'm just gonna do it somehow i still fans that i'd walk out the door and peephole toward the elevator in my mind would say i'll stick tel aviv's time albee's he'll take the elevator and i can to catch myself and think what's going on here my mind automatically went to pulled me toward the elevator and i'm already made the decision i know it's better it's faster so then i kinda got control of that and i'd walk right out the door going upstairs but then if i was carrying something and walk out the door indo while carrying something at stake elevator system projects their son i think it's a little bag ca i mostly past this now but there are still moments where i walk out the door to medium give can't some things kinda medium size i go to the debate if still party way back in there that wants to go to bed over here for some reason it's kooky we all have these course where you have one of those in your life just wired up that way so an idea that i like to i'll share with you right now it's called making success inevitable making success comfortable there's a lot of interesting thinking out there about creating results kidding yourself to change this is one of the ideas that i actually teach in the house with the business courses teach suicide that i had couple years ago until now there were two main waves of achieving results of the cheating success one of them was goal setting and that is still the main way of achieving success imo circles goal setting i think was popularly introduced maybe by napoleon hill in the book thinking rich if you haven't read thinking grew rich read it dipti uh… the new one that they've published which is the original the two congressional version revised it all the ones we've had up until recently were all modified go get the original one read that and uh… point held talks about visualizing outcome knowing how come you want saying affirmations essentially what we now call setting goals creating a clear picture of the outcome you want burning it in your mind turning up your desire so i was one way of reaching success and the other way this whole problem solving bobby orr wrote a book called stop setting goals if you'd rather solve problems may have heard me talk about the since we've got goal setting a problem solving as it turns out something like eighty percent of people don't resonate with setting goals they don't like the idea doesn't feel good to them they're more interested in solving problems they'd rather solve a problem then set a goal who just on hearing it says yeah that sounds like me hi would really rather solve problems tickles resent well we both of these muscles actually we'd learn tubal set goals and to solve problems so for goal setters what we do is we start here we look out of the future we measured the goal we'd like to create and then we have met in the steps we get to get there theirself all revved up and get ourselves motivated all great processes problem solvers on the other hand did it go out into the future and imagine we've already achieved the thing and then look back and said and what is a step toward the problems i would have needed to have solved in order to reach this this place to different strategies goal setting problem solving but it struck me that there's a third way there's another way of achieving success and i call this inevitability thinking indefinitely thinking all settings great if you can get yourself to do it affirmations are great if you get yourself to do them it's not that easy to change behaviors not that easy to get yourself to do the thing you need to do consistently every day problem-solving is it's wonderful figuring out how to solve little problems can really make a lot of danes for you on their own i mean these these techniques are just techniques but they can be very powerful question i asked myself this how could i make it so that the outcome i want to achieve his inevitable salad bowl but on the work toward it's not a problem in a figure out how to solve it is something that i'm going to real lives inevitably how do i create inevitability and i think it's an interesting question to ask when you ask yourself how to create inevitability how do i make it so that my outcome is inevitable your mind goes down a completely different track hold new set of ideas start coming up when i say set a goal achievement and set the goal right on the steps need to get their you'll get your self motivated but they're all these things that could come up contingencies that might happen get you off track get distracted screen up if i say okay we'll figure all the problems you need to solve in order to get to the place you want to get to you'll list all your problems you might start solving the problem i find more problems to solve began you like extracted taken off track if i say how can you make it so that your outcome is inevitable that's when you start taking care of all those potential unknowns inevitability is about conditions it's about setting up the conditions so that what you want to have happen happens automatically the first person that put me on the misguided germany in my brain for probably ten years was milne erickson they have been service i remember reading in ninety-two gordon's book a phoenix about milton had talked about his strategies and what milt would do who need to help some unsolved problems he wouldn't say what happened when you were uh… child here and say how do you feel about this hugest bypass alone say where we need to do to make the outcome i want to have happened happened automatically so happens on its own and so someone would walk in and say you know mailroom uh… understand drinking too much i can't stop myself enormous a no problem drink all you want but here's what we're gonna do every time you want to drink you have to walk five miles across town to liquor store have one drink and then walk the five miles home or something хорошо idea the first day they'd be like i really needed racially walk five miles to get a drink they have a drink and it walked five miles home has like politics for five miles an hour after something and you know in the process they got their body moving and the drinking problem one white he didn't say imagine yourself not drinking hinson resistant when it comes up he set up the circumstances we want to have happened what happened upon a matically divert her tell what the story about the uh… along with the space between the chief unknown worked with no there's not a woman coming to a man she said don't know i'm i'm ugly in no matter tracked into me and i wanna get married but i can't and donna tell myself and he said well as long as you're going to kill yourself you might as well enjoy your last few months so yeti savings and she said yeah i have a little bit of money in savings he said okay well you kinda frumpy and know dressed very well and you don't take her to carry ourselves so here's where you go take that money it will spend about yourself get some clothes that fit you get a makeover get your hair styled and by the way are there any man that you would be field rectitude but you would want to marry she said yeah there's this one guy at the office but he doesn't ever even notice me was it turned out this woman had a big space between different eking out so people can whistle through it and uh… shoes very self-conscious about it condones as you know that space between uti to use that water but some people can scott what she was only a acknowledged to be i'll ask it he said here's all you do go get the makeover go get some clothes that fit go get your hair styled and then the next time you see that man bigger attracted to at the office take a mouthful of water water fountain and sit it out for your teeth at it so she went got a makeover got some clothes that fit her dot her hair done because shes gonna kill urself anyway and muzzle enjoy it that amount for water statham he said he will bitch he chased around the office and they want to get married on social work for some of the story what was known doing he wasn't saying try harder through the same you know the problem is a motivation issue he was setting up the conditions so what you want to have happen would happen automatically so what the conditions you need to set your life what you want to have happen happens automatically it is inevitable it will happen we need to set up they may be setting up things that make you uncomfortable there to hold you accountable that are going make you go through pain if you don't do that or give you a formula here what's something just in your mind right now what something that you'd like to do but you just can't take it yourself to do it

最終更新: 2020-11-06
使用頻度: 1


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