最終更新: 2013-06-12
使用頻度: 1
preharvest sprouting
最終更新: 2013-06-12
使用頻度: 1
one cannot say, a square goes sprouting.
最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 1
mushrooms, green as the moon, sprouting from the ceilings.
最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 1
new office buildings seem to be sprouting up all over the city.
最終更新: 2018-07-09
使用頻度: 3
plus, you're not sprouting a pointy tail or anything, so bonus there.
尻尾が生えてきた 訳じゃないですし 大丈夫でしょう
最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 1
and by the earth which opens out (for the gushing of springs or the sprouting of vegetation),-
最終更新: 2014-07-03
使用頻度: 2
effect of the number of activated granule cells and the sprouting density. how and why does the distribution of sprouted mossy fibers modify the spread of focally evoked excitability? although increasing the spatial spread of mossy fiber sprouting is expected to aid in the propagation of the activity beyond the initial focus, it is also likely to reduce the convergence of active inputs on neighboring granule cells and thus decrease the ability of the network to sustain firing. these two opposing factors (i.e., the broader spatial spread of the sprouted mossy fibers aiding propagation of the activity beyond the initial focus but simultaneously decreasing the convergence of the excitatory mossy fiber inputs important for sustaining the activity) are likely to underlie the existence of a maximum in fig. 5b. to further examine how mossy fiber sprouting in the model network modulates the spread focal activity, we tested whether changing the number of directly activated granule cells altered the spatial spread of sprouting at which granule cell activity was maximized. when 50 neighboring granule cells were activated by the perforant-path stimulation, the maximum average network firing occurred when the spatial spread of mossy fiber sprouting was restricted to the neighboring 50 granule cells, and the activity declined progressively as the spread of mossy fiber sprouting was made wider (fig. 5c, plot labeled “10%, 50 gcs”, referring to 10% sprouting). as shown earlier (fig. 5b), when 100 granule cells were activated, the network activity peaked when the sprouted terminals were distributed among 100 adjacent cells (plot “10%, 100 gcs” in fig. 5c). when 150 granule cells were stimulated, the activity progressively increased as the spatial range of mossy fiber sprouting widened (plot “10%, 150 gcs”; fig. 5c). when the degree of sprouting was increased to 20% (thereby increasing the possibility for convergence of active input to granule cells), alterations in the spatial spread of recurrent mossy fiber contacts had little effect on the average granule cell firing (plot “20%, 100gcs” in fig. 5c). the data in fig. 5 indicate that a compact distribution of sprouted mossy fibers can aid in the propagation of a small focus of network activity, especially if the degree of mossy fiber sprouting is mild. if the spatial spread of sprouting is too wide, too few cells are likely to be recruited outside the initial focus to sustain the network activity (fig. 5, a and b). similarly, in the nontopographic network with 10% sprouting (fig. 3a2), the low convergence of active input prevents the generation of sustained network activity despite the spread of the initial focus of activation to several granule cells that were not directly activated. when the number of focally stimulated granule cells is decreased (to 50 from 100 in fig. 5c), mossy fiber sprouting has to be even more spatially restricted to result in maximal granule cell activity. when the number of stimulated granule cells is increased (fig. 5c), a wider mossy fiber sprouting distribution becomes the most conducive to maximal granule cell firing. these findings further support the suggestion made in the preceding text that the compact lamellardistribution of the sprouted fibers observed in vivo greatly aids in the initiation and spread of hyperexcitability, particularly when the mossy fiber sprouting is mild.
activated顆粒細胞と出芽密度数の影響。方法と理由発芽苔状線維の分布は限局誘発興奮性の広がりを修正するのでしょうか?発芽苔状線維の空間的な広がりを増加させる初期フォーカスを超えた活動の伝播を助けるために期待されていますが、それはまた、隣接する顆粒細胞上のアクティブな入力の収束を減少させるため、発射維持するために、ネットワークの能力を減少させる可能性がある。これら2つの相反する要因(すなわち、最初の焦点を越えて活動の伝播を助ける発芽苔状線維の広範な空間的な広がりが、同時に活動を維持するための重要な興奮性苔状線維入力の収束を減少させる)の存在の根底にある可能性がある図の最大。 5b。さらにモデルのネットワークで発芽苔状繊維が普及焦点活性を調節する方法を検討するために、我々は直接起動顆粒細胞の数を変更すると、顆粒細胞の活性が最大とされたときの発芽の空間的な広がりを変更するかどうかテストされています。発芽苔状繊維の空間的な広がりが隣接している50顆粒細胞に限定され、苔状繊維の普及がされた萌芽としての活動は徐々に低下したときに50の隣接顆粒細胞はperforantパスの刺激によって活性化されたとき、発火最大平均ネットワークが発生しました。 (図5cは、 "10%、50のgc"とラベルされたプロット、10%の発芽を参照)、より広いました。図は、(前述したように、
最終更新: 2012-07-11
使用頻度: 1
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